This post is locked.Spookeon·10/12/2022in Fan CreationsRacaptable's first racaptalutionName: SparccoonType: ElectricRacaptable evolves into Sparccoon with a Thunder StoneDescription: This pokemon is sometimes confused with Jolteon because of the color and the spikiness. It is unknown if it's electricity has a limit.(Edited by Spookeon)Evolutionary StonesElectric typeJolteonThunderbolt
Tiny Crew·3/25/2022in Pollswhich one is better to use on a starmiethunderboltice beamresultsVote48 Votes in PollStarmieThunderboltIce Beam
NightmareHunters·10/16/2020in Fun and GamesFor all of y'all who played Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire...What was your strongest and favorite Pokemon you owned in that Game? No Legendaries, Mythics, or Event Pokemon.Mine was a Level 87 Zigzagoon nicknamed FurballIt used:SurfCutThunderboltDig(Edited by administrators)ZigzagoonSurfDigThunderbolt