*bangs head into tree like scrat from ice age in denial that they captured my heart lol*
*bangs head into tree like scrat from ice age in denial that they captured my heart lol*
What are some of your favorite villians/antagoinsts in the games or shows/films? They can be current or former.
51 Votes in Poll
All pokemon (who have gmax forms) have to be fully evolved to gigantamax.
All but 4, and one was an accident.
There are 3 iconic pokemon who needed them, Pikachu (surprise), Eevee (i see why), and Meowth (it deserves this privilege) but the last one is a bit... less iconic.
Duraludon was given a gmax form, which was cool. it seemed stong enough to be a non-evolving pokemon, but then came archaludon. making duraludon the 4th unevolved pokemon capable of gmax.
3 cute, cuddly, iconic and loved pokemon and a final... less cuddly one.
Thought it'd be cool to point that out.
I think they’re pretty cool. But they’re kind of annoying too.
Ash and his friends are just as stupid as Team Rocket when they're fooled by Team Rocket's bad disguises every time, but have they ever even mistaken someone for Team Rocket in disguise?
There was a world where Team Rocket were the main characters and Ash and whoever the hell he was with always, kept intruding in their Villainous Plans, and Team Rocket would always win, while Ash would keep blasting off again. What do you think would happen?
They should probably have Team Rocket Jessie, James and Meowth in Pokémon Horizons.
So you take a line from the Team Rocket Motto, and do something to make it sound weird (for example, translate it into another language or rearrange the words). If the motto stops, restart it.
1: No repeating a line
2: Using a different line that's actually in the show(make it double, or prepare for a watery fight) is fine!
3: No spamming!
4:RHYME (i can't believe i forgot this lmfao)
5: Host can join
6:Have fun!!
Anticipate the mischief that we are planning!
♪ Jessie: Listen, is that a burger I hear?
James: It's calling out to me, oh so clear.
Jessie: On the grill!
James: With the cheese!
Meowth: It's so near!
Jessie: Bringing flavor at a breakneck pace.
James: Satisfying hunger, putting cravings in their place.
Jessie: A bun by any other name is just as sweet.
James: When everything's better, our meal is complete.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: And it's James!
Meowth: And Meowth, now that's a name!
Jessie: Putting the ketchup on your plate...
James: ...we're Team Rocket...
Jessie, James, and Meowth: ...and we're here to make your taste buds great!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! ♪
♪ Jessie: Listen, is that a sizzle I hear?
James: It's coming to me loud and clear.
Jessie: In the pan!
James: With some spice!
Meowth: In your mouth!
Jessie: Bringing flavor at a breakneck pace.
James: Topping sour cream, putting guac in its place.
Jessie: A taco by any other name is just as sweet.
James: When everything's bland, our tacos can't be beat.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: And it's James!
Meowth: And Meowth, now that's a name!
Jessie: Serving the best tacos in the land...
James: ...we're Team Rocket...
Jessie, James, and Meowth: ...and our tacos are in demand!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! ♪
♪ Jessie: Listen, is that a dessert I smell?
James: It's calling to me like a dinner bell.
Jessie: On the plate!
James: So divine!
Meowth: In your mouth!
Jessie: Bringing sweetness at a breakneck pace.
James: Tempting diets, putting willpower in its place.
Jessie: A cake by any other name is just as sweet.
James: When everything's bland, our desserts can't be beat.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: And it's James!
Meowth: And Meowth, now that's a treat!
Jessie: Putting the diets in their place...
James: ...we're Team Rocket...
Jessie, James, and Meowth: ...and our desserts are ace!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! ♪
Team Rocket's cooking career:
♪ Jessie: Listen, is that a sizzle I hear?
James: It's our soufflé, let's give a cheer!
Jessie: On the stove!
James: With some flair!
Meowth: In your mouth!
Jessie: Bringing flavors at a breakneck pace.
James: Dishing out dishes with a smile on our face.
Jessie: A cake by any other name is just as sweet.
James: When everything's delicious, our work is complete.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: And it's James!
Meowth: And Meowth, we've got some fame!
Jessie: Serving the finest cuisine in this place...
James: ...we're Team Rocket...
Jessie, James, and Meowth: ...the cooking game we'll ace!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! ♪
31 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
Do you still have thoughts if team rocket trio will say goodbye in the anime?
What do you still think that will happen to james, jessie and meowth?
I'm not gonna go into statistics because my brain is too smooth to do that right now. But think about it and leave your thoughts in the replies.
If Ash Is Leaving The Pokémon Anime, Would That Mean Jessie, James, And Meowth Will Be Leaving Too?
What do you think that quote team rocket recognizes iris in language english dubbed?
Are you imagined some transcript english about what team rocket will say while they recognize iris?
Transcript team rocket recognized iris:
Do you know that the team rocket trio had supporting ash all the time in the all leagues in every region(well except in unova league they were not there) and the master tournament?
If you were a pokemon trainer, how would you feel being supported by your enemies?