First battle
Second battle
Third battle
Final battle (in the delta episode)
This is another team i made from my other evil oc except they're from Team Aqua and they're a admin.
50 Votes in Poll
First battle
Second battle
Third battle
Final battle (in the delta episode)
This is another team i made from my other evil oc except they're from Team Aqua and they're a admin.
49 Votes in Poll
41 Votes in Poll
They are bad a lot of the time. Except for team star, team aqua and team magma, I dislike these guys. The teams are boring a lot of the time, they need more personality.
I like team aqua and magma because they are based on a single type and their stories correlate with the type. (Uhhh just looked it up and Groupon is ground type soooo I only like aqua now.) Also the characters are good.
Team Star's story is great, and I love how all the team bases are based off of one specific type and how the leaders themselves can show what type they use from their clothing. All of the characters are also great personality-wise and are very fun.
The closest that any other team has gotten close was team rocket because of the anime. So because of this, I would like to say that I have started Team Ghoul lol. It is the best team because it has real people in the team. Anyway that's it lol.
Oh and also join Team Ghoul if you want:
The game names:
Pokémon light
Pokémon darkness
Pokemon Blinding light
Pokemon eternal darkness
Pokemon light and blinding light expansion pass: trainers destiny
Pokémon darkness and eternal darkness expansion pass: trainers destiny
Info: light blinding light and light dlc: will follow the storyline as normally exclusive Pokémon can be traded into darkness games activated raids will spawn normally you can not get glaciar and specter from a activated adventure instead u will need a wild calyrex not from a adventure
Info: darkness eternal darkness and darkness dlc follows normal story line exclusive Pokémon can be traded into light games activated raids spawn normally u can not find a walking wake or a iron leaves in these games activated adventures instead u need celbii or dialga evil teams: in all games there will be 2 evil team team void: ’s goal is to catch areus
Team shine: ‘s is the same they are enemy teams
Team flare team aqua and team rocket will apear sometimes to
20 Votes in Poll
If team villains had been learn that ash is the champion of the master tournamen and forced him to join:
What do you think that team rocket would forced ash to join?
What do you think that team magma would forced ash to join?
What do you think that team aqua forced ash to join?
What do you think that team galactic forced ash to join?
What do you think that team plasma forced ash to join?
What do you think that team flare forced ash to join?
What do you think that team skull forced ash to join?
So, basically, I'm doing a nuzlocke of sapphire because I couldn't get emerald for now. Here are the rules
When a Pokemon Faints, It's dead
I can use 3 items in battle, Held Items are okay
Has to Nickname every pokemon
Catch the first pokemon in an area, the first routes I can go through because I first had no pokeballs
I will be able to over level
Also for rule 4, I decided I would make it so that the pokemon has to be weak against the next gym
So from before, I just got my handheld wikipedia and poke balls from the grown man and his daughter.
Now I walk because it is impossible to run, (Brendens probably wearing high-heels) But my mom gives me shoes that I can run in.
Now I get to Route 102
On my way to Petalburg, I defeat two youngsters, a bug catcher, and an Lass. I pick the berries above the second youngster and collect the potion under the Lass. I finally arrive at Petalburg.
We do all that Wally catching a Ralts stuff. Then My dad says I can't fight him because I'm too weak even tho he got a level 7 zigzagoon in his party. Anyways, These are my Wins and Items I picked up
KFC also got to level 10 letting him learn Ember which gives me STAB
I get the berries up that are near the start of the forest. I get the extra pokeball and fight the bug catcher who literally has 6 wurmples on his team
I beat him easily and get jumped by a team aqua grunt while I was trying to make friends with the coward Deliverer. I two-shot the grunt and save the guy
I obtain the Great Ball as the guy in a green shirt thanks me. And Since I have to catch a pokemon weak to the first gym, I catch a Level 5 wurmple which I name Big Mac
Here is a link to the first part
Can't wait to beat the crap out of Roxanne
86 Votes in Poll
It had been a week since the last attack and it has been rainy, I had been eating lunch when I looked out the window and I saw a fishing boat, I ran onto the deck to ask them what they are doing so close to a coast guard vessel and they said they were lost. After I showed them the way back, I saw it, a giant cruise ship, no colour just bare metal. It was team aqua’s HQ, it didn’t notice us but we noticed it. After telling Kawaii what happened, and she said to prepare a strike. I got my rifle and launched the boat as men and Pokémon jumped in and we took off.
We docked the boat next to the HQ, placed an explosive and backed off as it exploded. We jumped in and started clearing the rooms from bottom to top when I noticed a familiar shadow retreating up to the A deck, Ace noticed it too. On C deck a bullet took off my helmet with a ping. I put it back on and ordered the team to sweep the B deck and we did with little effort. Next was the A deck. And this one was best defended. We ran up and saw it, about 50 men. 50 to 20.
I immediately got down behind a barrier and started firing as our machine gun started blazing. Taking out soldiers when I saw more running, I quickly switched to full auto and fired taking them all out Ace was chasing Team Aqua members off the ship when I saw him. Xander was standing there in a Team Aqua outfit and had a few knives, Charlotte was right. YOU TRAITOR! I shouted, Xander replied with “what are you going to do? Arrest me?”. Ace noticed Xander and ran at him to attack when he said, “you have no use for me anymore Umbreon” and drew one of his knives. “GET OUT OF THERE ACE!” I shouted as he threw the knife and the knife hit, gashing Ace’s leg open. I could only watch as Ace collapsed and Xander turned around and went to leave, I jumped up and took a shot and it hit, Xander was killed.
One by one the Team Aqua grunts surrendered as I ran to Ace with a medical kit, his eyes filled with tears. I gave him some painkillers and when I told him I needed to cover the wound in a bandage he closed his eyes and held his breath as I applied the bandage. Once I was done, I picked him up and rushed him to the helicopter on the Boat Deck. When I was running there, I saw Henry fishing off the boat with his Oshawott and Swampert. He asked what’s wrong and followed me on. When we landed on the Olivine’s deck, I rushed him to the medical wing and laid him down on a bed and called for a doctor or nurse. A few seconds later a nurse named Carrie rushed in and started working on Ace, I reassured him he will be fine, and deployment will end in two days.
We are finally home; Milk is sleeping in his burrow in the yard and Oreo is playing in the lake. Ace wanted to stay with me as he was scared, later I was making dinner when I found a note by the CEO of the JCG telling me to look in the hanger. I got everyone together and I went to the hanger next to my mini airfield and I opened the door and I saw it. It was a vintage fighter plane with an electric engine, it had another note on it and it said the JCG will supply ammo and repairs. I spray painted Milk, Oreo and Ace on the side, I left with two pokemon and returned with 3.
Milk, Oreo and I were on lookout, our scarfs blowing in the wind, it was a cold day, the spray of the ocean covering us. We were lucky to have the scarfs as if we didn’t, we would have hypothermia by now. Soon it started raining as we retreated inside. Kawaii asked if any vessels were spotted, I replied with a no as I went to my cabin to get changed. Once that was done Ace asked me if I knew where Xander is, Charlotte replied saying he might be a traitor. Later I found Cynthia alone in the armory, I noticed she was injured, I picked up the Sylveon and ran her to the medical wing, I asked one of the doctors what was wrong, and he said that she sprained her leg, and she should get rest, I gave Cynthia a pat and went to the gaming room.
The siren sounded, I looked outside, and I saw it, hundreds of team aqua boats attacking us. I ran to the armory and grabbed my rifle and started firing, it was too dangerous to lower boats. The CIWS roared at the boats, sending tracers down range, splashing around them. I was firing at them too; I noticed every time I shot there was one more casualty. Bullet’s ricochet of my helmet when suddenly I fell over. A few seconds later I felt a writhing pain through my left arm, I glanced over, and I saw it, I was hit. I saw Milk and Oreo running over as I blacked out.
I woke up to find I had been dragged inside, a medic covering my wound. Milk and Oreo were watching me, I could see tears in their eyes as they turned around and ran off, I screamed “wait no come back!” but it was too late as I blacked out again. I woke up to a blinding light, I was in the medical wing. I sat up but was immediately hugged by Oreo, I asked what’s wrong and he said he was worried I was going to die. I assured him I will all right and told him it only hit under my shoulder. Ace came to visit and not much happened for a few days, no attacks, weird.
The bullet wound has healed up now and I am able to happily stroll the decks with my Pokémon, the rain pattered on our clothes, it wasn’t cold, it was comfortable. As of now there still haven’t been any attacks, “they might be building their strength” said Charlotte, I took in this info and told Kawaii, she said she saw a cruise ship, but it didn’t have any paint or liveries. I took the info, and I went to chat with my friend Henry, Henry has an Oshawott and a Swampert and is the ships cook. I got some food and went to watch tv with the Eeveelutions. Milk and Oreo jumped up and fell asleep with Ace.
So we all know the infamous rating Ruby and Sapphire got with them saying "To much water" well imagine if Team Aqua actually completed their goal to flood the world then that statement would actually be true
86 Votes in Poll
Like, I get that Team Aqua's plan could drown innocence and pokemon. But what kinda causality are we to expect if Team Magma had succeeded?
Out of all the Pokemon or MCSM art pieces I've done, this might be my most favorite because of the shading, filters, and foot stance, a part of any other drawing I usually can't get right
I was bored so yea
Team Rocket - Well James and Jessie are the best part of the anime, and Giovanni is iconic. But a lot of people forget about the admins from Gen 2, Proton is the stylish one, Petrel is....a meh character, Ariana is a queen and Archer is the leader.
Team Magma/Aqua - I have not played a Hoenn game yet, so i cant really talk about these guys, But Aqua is better in my opinion (Im more of an ocean girl)
Team Galactic - The best villains in my opinion, Cyrus is crazy yet we stan (I tell my uncultured friends that he's Emotionless Thanos) The commanders are epic (I lost it when Cyrus said "Bad boy" to Saturn) and Charon is iconic, I want these guys to still be amazing in the remakes.
Team Plasma - (Pokemon Vegan Crusader Knights) May we have a moment of silence for N (Im not gonna talk about him because he deserves his own rant). Ghetsis is Evil Period, and i love it. And Colress easily has some of the most iconic lines in the entire franchise.
Team Flare - (Yay another region i havent played in!) Lysandre is gay, and it better be canon.
Team Skull - (*Sings very crappy cover of their theme*) GUZMA IS OUR BOI. Plumeria is a goddess and The grunts are hilarous.
Aether Foundation - This is where pokemon villains started becoming worse. Lusamine is just slightly off-brand Ghetsis, Wicke is a queen tho.
Team Yell - DIE, JUST DIE, i love marnie and piers but this team just shouldn't exist.
Macros Cosmos - (They dont exist in my mind)