Devin was watching the battle on the telly. Today was his birthday, his tenth birthday in fact, and he knew what this meant. He would become a trainer today. As the sun shone through his bedroom window, he couldn't help but think about the adventure that awaited him. His father, Jason, had been a trainer. He and his friend Hop had saved the Galar region from Eternatus, the Pokemon of energy when they were young. They recovered the ancient sword and shield Pokemon too. The battle progressed, led by the Fairy type Gym Leader Bede, and the Psychic type Gym Leader Avery. They were down to their last Pokemon. The battle was getting intense. Avery was with Slowbro, and Bede was with Hatterene. Then at the same time, the Gym Leaders powered their Dynamax Bands. Just as they were about to grow to their huge Dynamax size, the telly shut off. "Hey!" yelled Devin, turning around to see his Mum. "Happy Birthday Devin! It's your big day!" exclaimed his Mum. Devin remembered again. "Oh right!" said Devin. "I can't wait to get my Pokemon!" "Remember to stop by at Arabella's house to pick her up. Its her birthday too you know." said Mum. "I know!" said Devin as he grabbed his father's hat and bag from the kitchen. As he ran outside the door, he went to Arabella's house. He knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. The door burst open and Arabella came spilling out. "I'm here!" she said, excitedly. "Ok, good, let's head to Wedgehurst. That's where Professor Sonia and our parents are." Arabella's father was Hop, who was Devin's Dad's best friend and rival. The 10 year olds smiled as they ran on the trail to Wedgehurst from Postwick.