5snowyliac5·4/15/2024in Pollswhich is worse?drowzeesunkernbruxishchanseyVote32 Votes in PollChanseyDrowzeeSunkernBruxish
Logan10ynda·11/15/2023in PollsWich is betterlevel 100 sunkernlevel 85 sunfloraVote21 Votes in PollSunkernSunflora
This post is locked.Spookeon·2/9/2023in PollsWhich one is better?RioveeSunveeMareeGriveeSneaveeXaveeVote54 Votes in PollTypeEeveeXatuRioluMarillSneaselSunkernGrimer
BigAgent974·11/11/2022in PollsChoose a partner. (They can't evolve)PiePopcornThe Magical pokemonImma take all three Vote60 Votes in PollMagikarpCaterpieSunkern
GLITCHKING303·4/19/2022in Pollspick onebe forced to beat any main game with only natusOnly encounter unevolving sunkerns in the wildVote31 Votes in PollNatuSunkern