Behold, this drawing I made.
Behold, this drawing I made.
34 Votes in Poll
Hehehehe psychic powers go brrr feel like something is left out….
Don't worry his bro's fine he's just grumpy and doesn't appreciate the power of luuuuurrrrvvvvveeeeee
*also yes I know it's not valentines day but... idc
**and also yes this is my own art
**Contains small Legends Arcseus spoilers**
Since Gen 4 has already gotten remakes, Gen 5 is up next.
What if, whether it's a big part or a small part of the plot, the main character starts hearing about how Ingo, one of the subway bosses, has gone missing, and Emmet has no idea why (Obviously we know why, he gets sent back to Hisui)
Maybe we eventually get him back?