Beta Cyndaquil
Beta Sneasel
Unnamed Pokemon(they didn't have a color palette so I gave them one)
Beta Cyndaquil
Beta Sneasel
Unnamed Pokemon(they didn't have a color palette so I gave them one)
I named this Pokémon after the fictional character Arya Stark from the fantasy drama TV series Game of Thrones.
so silly i cant wait for my copy of pla to arrive (it arrives tmrw)
26 Votes in Poll
83 Votes in Poll
I made 2 shiny redesigns for Hisuian Sneasel: 1 based on Johtonian Sneasel, and 1 based on Johtonian Sneasel's shiny form
Im not mad...just disappointed
Voltorb:predictable, but cool. Loved the ball guy mini game that led to it.
Electrode:Lazy design, but at least it’s frown complements happy pre evo. Looks annoying with its 💣 and homing charge shots.
Growlithe:No strong feelings, looks fine, at least it’s Budget Komasan.
Arcanine:At first glance, it looks wierd, but in retrospect, it looks like Zacian/Zamazenta. Cool, but why it’s fur scorched?
Typhlosion: Same typing as Blacephalon, but it’s sleepy eyes put me off. Like why is it droopy?
Qwilfish: Looks like the schoolgirl inkling from smash, pretty much the same.
Sneasel: I Guess it’s ok? I don’t get the Design but Ok.
Dialga/Palkia: They finally attained their “origin form”. Looks repulsive, but giratina had one, so why not? Maybe they can have different strategies now.
Samurott: It looks like an edge lord now. Oh and it’s the concept of Night Slash but ramped up to 11? Eww.
Lilligant: See the following RP
Lilligant: Hey can i copy your homework?
Tsareena: Sure, just change it slightly.
*turns itself into simp fodder*
Basculin: No hard feelings,
Zorua: Cute.
Zoruark: Scary that it tries to kill you, also looks somewhat like Kyubi if you squint.
Bravairy: The psychic thing I don’t quite get, I wonder what Brav thinks. (I didn’t read B and W adventures, but hearing about Brav from my brother who read it from a friend was the first time I saw the species)
Avalugg: It’s ridiculously big, hoping it’s a good Wall.
Sligoo: Is it’s stuck? Or metamorphosis?
Goodra: Besides teh tail, it’s still the huggable pseudo we all love. Plus they spared my boy Goomy so it’s ok.
Decidueye: How is it gonna shoot with that big hat? Oh it now knows CQC? And HADOKEN?! Cool, but I like Rowlet better,
Wyrdeer: Old deer. Psychic deer, at least it boosted stantler’s image.
Kleavor: That’s a brutal looking Scyther evo. It’s Scyther, so it’s obviously cool.
Ursaluna: Looks dumb, but I can see wall potential.
Basculegion: I like the red version more. Recoil damage thing is dumb, as I have tendency to shy away from Moves that have recoil,
Sneasler: Looks like someone put sneasel over Captain Falcon. High physical power? Poison? Fighting? Toxicroak has competition.
Overqwil: Looks like a splatoon Monster, and more stupid looking,
Enamorous: The Kami Trio but girl? We didn’t need this, I’m not impressed.
37 Votes in Poll
Hi I made a new game here's the plan
I draw a picture without an explanation of what the picture's story is telling and you guys try to guess in the comments. And the person who guessed the picture will make the next one. I'll Start
"Leave your entries in the subreddit pokefans and I'll read your submissions in the next episode of A.S.P.I.T.A.P.A.Y" Extra points if U can guess that reference
I have started a daily post series in which I ask all of your opinions about a particular Pokémon. I will mostly ask about Pokémon which are rarely mentioned in the community.
To start this off, I would like to hear your opinions about the Pokémon Sneasel and its evolution Weavile.