Episode 2:
Testerday I was thinking about if farfetch'd is considered my fav of route 5s options, and decided, yes it is (swirlix I don't think is that cool, wobuffets only funny becuz Jessie's one, and stufful I don't care for).
Considering Sirfetch'd has a knight motif, I named him stormreign, another Transformer knight.
Well aware of sir fetch'ds Evo method I go in search of focus energy TR.
Found it.
Also found this while hunting for leeks. I decide to give up the leek hunt for now and just use farfetch'd as it is, because I don't want to spend 1 hour grinding for a leek. ( I also tried looking up where scope lens is, and it's on route 9. Sweet Arceus).
The fact that I tried to evolve it via team yell also concerned me, so I gave up on Sirfetch'd seriously because I don't want desire to evolve it to consume me...and end up costing stormreign in the process.
By sheer luck, stormreign gets the 3 crits he needed on Hops Wooloo and Corvisquire and evolves. Phew!
Someity also evolved after defeating a croagunk with stormreigns help. I wonder how she and stormreign will help tackle nessa.
Uh...yeah...sure (insert translucent shot of eternamax eternatus here)
On the way to nessa, I half jokingly told myself that if the fishing spot is an arrokuda, I'll catch it because Barraskewdas high speed is fun and definitely it's among my fav galar mons. Guess what happened.
The name I picked was Skalor, after this stinky robo relicanth wannabe transformer.
Anywho after Stormreign cuts a path through the puzzle, he's first in line against Nessa.
He deals disgusting damage to Goldeen with first impression and flings it away with brutal swing. 2 brutal swings fell arrokuda, but can this knight beat drednaw?
Drednaw and stormreign trade max strikes with max knuckles, but stormreigns mighty cleave-no not that one- take down the turtle. Wow Sirfetch'd is strong...now anyway.
(I wish I had a bulky water type who can take advantage of this now)
I'm gonna end it here, next time I'll take on galar mine 2. No deaths so far... But that could all change.