I stood in defeat as Gold's Typhlosion stood over my Charizard, flames and specs of lava covered the floor.
"Defeated? how, this is crazy." I could hear the commentators yell, defeated by a ten year old Johtonian boy. Wow.
The winds were strong, this isn't a good place, it was distorted. My Infernape shook, my strongest pokemon. I could see something swoop by, I could a shadow of only evil standing on a rock, right at the top of a hill of death.
I traversed my way through, just trying to go back home.
I was walking around the streets of Jubilife City, they all knew who I was, they hated my father, so they hated me. me. The only one actually trying to save their region from two tyrants while Cynthia, Rowan and all those bastards sit at the top and play poker.
But I feel a breeze the whole next second, the nice smell of a forets, I looked up to see trees, What? Jubilife City has no trees, they destroyed all of them for money.
"CRAP! They awoken Gyarados's!" I heard a Hoennian soldier yell, though he was a former Magma, we still all came together to help take down Team Emerald, they recruited Neo Magmas and Aquas, and manipulated the Hoennian population. Their goal was to get Rayquaza. I began to grab my Pokeballs.
I felt like I was in the sky, but, going downwards....
NO, no no non no, my breather suit is started to malfunction...my Pokeball releaser attached to my suit fell of and my pokemon were lost to sea.
Gallade, Swampert, Roserade, Kecleon, Altaria, Magnezone, and the ones in my pc....
For some reason I felt