Here are my Top 5.
Eevee is in practically every Pokémon Game and it’s a tremendous help,it’s movepool is shallow but for most of the games you need 2 moves,Thunderbolt and Thunderwave and then whatever the hail you want,Dig,sure why not,it saved Alpharad from losing to Sabrina in his Nuzlocke,Substitute sure why not.It’s stats and Typing are so good that it’s definitely in my Top 5 for best Nuzlocke Pokémon
Its a really fast Pokémon and you can get this thing pretty early.In most games where Crobat is in Zubat is before the 1st or 2nd Gyms and you usually get the Sooth Bell when you have a Golbat,if your playing a Johto Game onwards that has Zubat in it,look for a Zubat,also in Kanto Games I recommend using Pidgeot or Fearow and in Black and White use Archeops or Sygyliph,however, use Crobat when you can
Gyarados is Famous for being a great Nuzlocke Pokémon.It’s got great stats,great movepool and just a great ability.And it’s deserving of all the Praise it gets
Yeah Shedinja is broken when used Properly.You just need Swords Dance and stab Moves along with coverage, and then you laugh maniacally while sweeping with Swords Dance, but be careful.
1.Box Art Legendary/Roaming Legendary
Do I need to explain,great BST,Great moves and just amazing stats.But there is a catch to all of this,what if you don’t want to use legends,that’s were the bonus comes in
Bonus 5:Garchomp
Garchomp is Garchomp,it’s just broken man.Alright I’ll just say the reason it’s not number 4 or 3 or something,most games it’s in the Earthquake TM is post-game like Sun and Moon and Black and White 2 ECT.So Dig is your main stab and it’s not great but even then it’s amazing and deserves 6th place without question
Tell my your top 5 and if it doesn’t have Gyarados the I will report you for misinformation,goodbye.