37 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
36 Votes in Poll
33 Votes in Poll
27 Votes in Poll
Spiritrush;Wake up!Come to my office
Spiritrush:This is aura cave
*shows a pic of it*
Spiritrush:you two partners
Tamashi and Cotton candy:Whooh!
Cotton candy:what is...
Shalsa the mimikyu:Do u like bunelby
Shalsa:we thats rude
Maye it is time to learn a lesson
Lucario gooo
*lucario powers with aura
*tamashi uses shadow ball
Lucario:you thought this was ez
Tamashi:oh no
*uses bullet punch
*Lucario looks tired
*Heracross puts the final hits on lucario
Cotton candy:thanks
Komushi:see u later btw names komushi
People to ping
@PeacockFeatheredRaccoon this story made no sense why becuz i wanted fight with doge
@Busterlover hi buster
@Lus-Adarch more cotton candy
@Cookierunfantehehehe OooooOoOoOOoO...
I didn't know what to put for the background but green goes with black so eh.