Okay, I have a few different versions / backgrounds
Idk, lemme know what you think
Okay, I have a few different versions / backgrounds
Idk, lemme know what you think
We were told to make it a post instead of a poll. So we are.
Personally, we want Sandy Shocks because it's our favorite paradox Pokemon.
I’ll show them in order of when i got them
First i got Brute Bonnet full odds by running around for hours straight. I got lucky and it was the first shiny i found
Then i got a shiny Flutter Mane while i waited 50000 years for my friend to come over by running around in that water puddle thing in the Roaring Moon cave cause it basically only spawns Flutter Mane at night.
Then i got actually the fastest shiny ever with Sandy Shocks. I literally landed in that area and it was one of the first three that spawned. This one wasn’t full odds though.
I also got a shiny Magnemite after
Then i got Slither Wing, as well as a Lokix and a Venomoth. If i remember right, this one took 2 sandwiches. Also got a shiny Rellor after.
Next i got Scream Tail. This one was a bit stupid with how long it took, everywhere i looked i saw about 10 Scream Tail, yet it took like 25 minutes for the shiny :/
Then, the only one i failed a shiny of, Great Tusk. It spawned as much as Scream Tail did, except it wasn’t stupid. I turned around and one despawned about 2 minutes in, and 2 minutes later i found another one. I went and got myself a Flamigo and a Heracross after.
And then Roaring Moon. This one was RIDICULOUS. I ended up getting 2 FULL ODDS shiny Greavard before i got it. I also got 6 Zweilous, and a Gabite. Fandom actually ended up making me keep the first Greavard which was a HUGE mistake, cause now i have 2 :/
I also got to keep a Zweilous, because i went there after i got a shiny Cyclizar, and obviously wasn’t gonna reset cause i already got my target. Anyways, here’s Roaring Moon
So 6 days ago, I decided to draw all the past paradox pokemon for the 27th birthday of the franchise! Sadly my drawing app is having some issues, and it crashing like 5 times every day while I'm trying to draw. So happy late birthday Pokemon!