21 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
- Havoc is the leader.
- Violet is smarter and quicker than any of her kind.
- Buttons likes to collect cute trinkets, they're also an artist.
- Hierro doesn't use Mega Evolution since he thinks it's cheating.
- Violet's aroace.
There's more members like Thorn the Gourgeist, Mirage the Zoroark and Hollow the Darkrai, Yurei the Yamask, Daisy the Bellossom (i haven't talked about her yet)
Also since MissingNo has 5 forms, every MissingNovember episode wikl be every 5 days, since there are 30 November days.
First off: Spoopy
Next: Random shiny
Now for my Pokémon and bag
I can hold 50 more items
And I can have 150 more Pokémon
71 Votes in Poll
53 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
Lets go el chico eevee (unite dataminer) leaked they will nerf sabeleye on the patch notes on the 31st i think lets freaking gooooooo
Nerfs: red urshifu, mime (idk why), scyther, sableye
Buffs: blue urshifu
24 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
First person/2 people to figure these out these out win free air
Edit: These 2 stages have already been correctly guessed.
40 Votes in Poll
I’m too lazy to color it an stuff so yeah, also this is my first time actually drawing Pokémon so srry if it sucks xD
Im more used to drawing animatronics so this is a bit weird for me but thx if y’all like it :3