Feel free to debate with me if you'd like, just be sure to keep things civil.
Feel free to debate with me if you'd like, just be sure to keep things civil.
24 Votes in Poll
so first of all i'm not really new here, but i've never taken the time to talk here or post something, so here goes:
here is a drawing of rosa it was very fun to do it I hope you like it!
This is my rewrite version of the pokemon black and white anime so yea
You can ask me anything about the rewrite and stuff so yeah!
“Servi, Leaf Blade!”
It’s Super Effective!
With a swift slash from Serperior’s tail, Ghetsis’ Seismitoad fainted.
The battle between Rosa and Ghetsis was long, intense, and brutal for both sides. In the duration of the conflict, flocks of Murkrow had woken up and went to rest, The Royal Unova had made its evening cruise, and the Black Empoleon Gang had their fun taking over the Tubeline Bridge.
Ghetsis slammed the Poké Ball on the cold, hard floor of the cave with such a mighty force that Rosa had expected it to shatter on impact, but the six-winged, three-headed dragon was launched out of the Poké Ball, towering over Rosa and her Serperior.
“Servi, that’s enough, you did good out there! Let’s go, Vanilli!”
She elegantly threw her Poké Ball up in the air as if she was on a contest stage, twirling it around at the apex of the throw, and her Vanilluxe came out of the capsule as it was falling down.
"HAH! You think a mere type advantage will win you this fight, CHILD?! HYDREIGON, USE FRUSTRATION!"
As quickly and strongly as the green-haired man thwacked his cane on the ground, the Hydreigon let out all its rage on the ice-cream-shaped Pokémon.
"T-that power that Frustration achieved! Y-You aren't meaning to tell me that your Hydreigon…"
"Pokémon are merely TOOLS for the superior human desires. They are nothing more than ASSETS! What good does caring about something worth as much as a hammer in a shed do? NOTHING! I don't waste my time on such trivial acts."
"...You truly are a monster. C'mon Vanilli, hang in there, cuz' we're gonna show that freak that our bonds will prevail over his hate! Ice Beam!"
“Vanii!” Her Vanilluxe fired an Ice Beam at Ghetsis' Hydreigon.
It's Super Effective!
The beast survived the Ice Beam, but it was frozen from the attack. Ghetsis could only watch in rage as Rosa's Vanilluxe whittled down his Hydreigon's stamina with Ice Beams as the mighty dragon was frozen in place, helpless. It was only a matter of time until the Hydreigon was slayed, putting an end to the battle at last.
“I-Impossible! I cannot lose! To a mere child AGAIN! A simple bit player! He still haunts my memories… I AM PERFECTION! I could not lose! Never, NEVER, NEVER! Such blasphemy would be impossible! I created Team Plasma with my own bare hands, and rebuilt it myself as well! NO! I won't allow anyone to stop me! No matter who does what!
Ahahahaha! AHAHAHAHA! Do you feel the cold presence lurking near your heart? The chills running down your spine? You may have defeated me, but you have forgotten about my true weapon; KYUREM!!"
An icicle that was behind Ghetsis shattered, revealing the frozen husk of what once was the original dragon. Rosa gasped in realization. She had forgotten that her goal was to stop Ghetsis from utilizing Kyurem for his selfish desires! She was too focused on beating Ghetsis that grueling night that she failed to remember that Kyurem was still there! She tried to reach for her Poké Ball, but her hands wouldn't budge. Rosa could only feel herself trembling in fear from looking at the legendary dragon. It was as if she was frozen by her own Vanilluxe's Ice Beam.
"Child, when I say that no one will stand in my way, I mean it. You know, at first I was only going to freeze you for eternity so you could watch my glorious takeover of the Unova region, but after that humiliating defeat, I'll do you the favor of ending your story right here! Kyurem, Glaciate!"
"WHA!-" Rosa shouted in shock.
With a slam of his cane, Ghetsus commanded the beast to use the move. Rosa tried to run, but her legs wouldn't dash. She was stuck.
She shrieked in pain as icicles impaled her, blood gushing out of her wounds and her heart punctured. But she could do nothing while frozen in place.
Someone… Please help me…
But no one came.
(I spent a half hour on this, please don't let it flop)
Red: Charizard, Pikachu, Lapras, Snorlax, Espeon, and Mewtwo
Reasoning: Red has a Charizard and Snorlax in Masters, so they're immediately on his team. He's also the protagonist for pokemon yellow, so the pikachu is there also. The Lapras and Espeon were on his teams in the past (as well as being a gift pokemon, and him having one in the anime), so that works, and Red cannonically catches Mewtwo in the games, though he never ends up using it.
Ethan: Typhlosion (Or Feraligator for Kris, and Meganium for Lyra), Azumarill, Togekiss, Donphan, Girafarig, and Ho-oh (Perferably not, since Silver has Ho-oh)/Lugia/ or Suicune.
Reasoning: Each of the Johto protags have a perfered starter in Masters, Ethan has a Marill as the not protag, and uses a Donphan in the Zoroark: Master of Illusions movie, uses a girafarig in the anime, Togekiss is a gift pokemon, and Ho-oh/Lugia/Suicune depending on which game you played.
May: Swampert (or Sceptile for Brenden) Wailord, Breloom, Ludicolo, Raichu, and Groudon/ Kyogre.
Reasoning: A Wailmer, and Shroomish are used on the rivals team in the battle underneath the Cycling Road, Brenden and May have Sceptile and Swampert in Masters, They have a Ludicolo in emerald, raichu is used in the after credits battle for ORAS, and, well, you know the drill for Groudon and Kyogre.
Dawn: Torterra (Infernape for Lucas), Clefable, Alakazam, Magmortar, Lucario, and Dialga/Palkia/Girantina.
Reasoning: Again, Pokemon Masters, and Lucas/Dawn use Clefairy and Kadabra in the multi-battles against the bob-headed space people, Lucas has a Magmortar in the anime, you get a riolu egg in Iron island, and the legends are the same deal as always.
Hilbert: Samorott (Emboar for Hilda), Simisage (Simipoar for Hilda), Volcorona, Archeops, Beartic, and Zekrom/ Resherim.
Reasoning: Master starters yatta yatta yatta. Monke from the dream yard, egg volcorona, most subway used subway sets, and legendaries.
Rosa: Serperior (Emboar for Nate), Simipoar (Sage for Nate), Lucario, Arcanine, Zoroark, Sawsbuck.
Reasoning: Masters, Dream-yard, Lucario and Arcanine are used by Nate in the anime, Zoroark and Sawsbuck are given as gift pokemon as their base starters.
Serena: Delphox (Chesnaught for Calem), Blastoise (Charizard for Calem), Meowstic, Absol, Lucario, and Xerneas/YAVULTAL.
Reasoning: Sereana has a delphox in masters, Calem has a Chesnaught in Generations, Calem has a Charizard, so I gave Blastoise to Serena, Meowstic, and Absol are used on their rival teams, Gift Lucario, and Megas in specific games.
Elio: Primarina (Decidueye for Seline), Toucanon, Alolan Raichu, Alolan Ninetails, Dusk Lycanroc, and Tsareena. (Lillie gets nebby)
Reasoning: Official art and Masters, there's not a lot to go off of.
(Skipping over Let's go)
Victor: Cinderace (Rillaboom for Gloria), Urshifu, Calirex, Toxtricity, Eternatus, and The good boiz.
Reasoning: Events of the games, Again, not alot to go off of.