From the post above, looks like my team will have to be Sobble ( @/BL0XYST1NG3R ) Rookidee, Mime Jr, ( using both of @/MegaAmphaRime s picks) Sizzlipede ( @/SHARKB!TE ) and Milcery ( @/Anthony Vermeer ) . I guess the team rotation will come later, but looks like I have to deal with a team of 5 at the moment. (Dreepy will be saved for later if I get T storm in wild area and have aqua bike)
Also after the trouble that team recommendations post got me, I think I'll limit mons I have to hunt/catch/use to anything I can reasonably obtain nearby at the moment at the end of the episode, so hopefully no more super rare encounters that make my head hurt.
In addition , I think I'm now going to be open to nickname suggestions because I don't think the above 5 will be the only mons I'll use here, so just usernames may not be enough.
Speaking of usernames, the usermame here is a pun on poli(wag) (a)n(d) fandom.
*Gulp* (This may take a while, but I think it's still doable)
Here's sobbles characterization in game. (I'll also start posting this for ppl to spin their own Headcanons). Apparently he's hasty and fussy, maybe the type who doesn't like facing down weaker opponents. He does easily beat the 1st Hop battle with extreme ease.
So I think Bl0XY probably picked a fight with the static encounters and won, before illusory Zacian humbled him.
MegaAlph the Rookidee was one of these, and attacked us again on Route, and was quickly caught in a PokeBall.
He's brave but quick to anger. Maybe that's why he got caught easily, he likely wanted to follow Bl0XY. That said , they did both easily got bored of route 1 mons...
Bl0XY has a low opinion of Hop, so MegaAlph has to solo hop battle number 2.
MegaAlph easily defeats Hop too, but he was more interested in the hone claws and power trip combination,which he fully masters here.
(I wish, hop, I wish...)
I went to hunt mime jr using time travel and failed to find it for some reason, so hopefully I don't have to deal with any more mons that involve me doing that anymore. I'll just catch galarian Mr mime and evolve it onto Mr rime later...and maybe also sizzlipede would have to wait until the Kabu gym test. (I don't want to do that all again) Thank goodness for the Rookidee mention!
So I just went straight to motostoke, though I did beat 2 max raids I guess that means no max raids until Nessa for me as punishment. (Since I expended one slot badgeless and probably have to give up my Grass badge slot too)
I chose the number 387 as a homage to the above ID of the post where I first put down the idea of this playthrough.
MegaAlph picks a fight with the Team Yell Grunts, defeating 2 on his own and another 2 with hops assistance.
For hop battle 3, MegaAlph struggles with wooloo until he goes for hone claws, though since he's weakened Bl0XY finishes off the other 2. Bl0XY manages to confused both with water pulse, but seems to have gained some respect towards them after being humiliated by some stronger wild mons in the wild area.
MegaAlph really wanted to get stronger, so he fought a lot of battles on route 3 until he was forced to take a break due to running out of PP for power trip, leaving no room for Bl0XY. In retaliation, he ate all my exp candy XS from the raid and evolved. Likely to keep up, Bl0XY then evolves into drizzile by doing something similar with my exp candy S...and immediately sort of regretted it. MegaAlph didn't suffer from that however,he seemed happy about his newfound strengthened claws and flight, and is even more eager to battle.
MegaAlph was also pretty happy to put bede in his place. He probably didn't like being called inferior. Bl0XY... apparently didn't even care about that comment.
Finally a Mon I can catch! Unfortunately for Bl0XY and MegaAlph, Milcery threw the kitchen sink at them to fight, until Bl0XY was able to use bind to finally wea:ken her enough to catch it. Welcome to the team,Vermilla!
It seems Vermilla is a foil to the increasingly more reckless MegaAlph, who's careful and maybe a bit more calm.
I think that's a good place to end off, I hope my attempt at anipoke style anecdotes proved entertaining. Also let me know what mons should I go after next, and please avoid weather locked encounters if possible.
Party status
On hand:
Bl0XY (Sobble->Drizzile, male, debut)
MegaAlph (Rookidee->Corvisquire, male, debut)
Vermilla (Milcery)
In storage:
Will gt later:
Sizzlipede, G. Mr Mime -> Mr. Rime