I used to have an Alolan Persian GX but it went missing
The images are sideways for some reason
42 Votes in Poll
I used to have an Alolan Persian GX but it went missing
The images are sideways for some reason
“This Regi was an old prototype for Registeel that Regigigas made, until forgetting it for a while, until the Registeel we know today was made. The old prototype remained untouched for thousands of years, until a human’s soul entered the prototype, possessing it, and Regirust was born”
Regirust is a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon and a former member of the Legendary Titans. It is an old prototype of Registeel that remained untouched for thousands of years, until what might be a human’s soul entered the being, and the prototype came to life.
Known moves:
Metal Claw
Sunsteel Strike
Mirror Shot
Shadow Ball
Confuse Ray
Hidden Power
Body Slam
It doesn’t care about the time Regigigas forgot about it for a while, and denies the fact it is possessed.
It rests a lot, and I mean a lot.
Regigigas, along with the other Legendary Titans doesn’t know that Regirust is possessed.
40 Votes in Poll
The Regi Squad, time to conquer.
Also, the game Im playing is DelugeRpg, a fan made Pokemon game.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Edit: This stage has already been figured out
The first person or two to figure these out will get...
Free oxygen I guess
Shiny Regice
Shiny Registeel
Shiny Regirock
Shiny Regieleki
Shiny Regidrago
The options are:
Personally, I like Regigigas.
25 Votes in Poll
Ran into, and caught it, after a few days of soft resetting my Alpha Sapphire game. ^~^ it's my second shiny legendary in the game after Shiny Azelf ^~^
(Also this is my first post here so I'm sorry if I post it in the wrong category)
(Also also, sorry for the bad quality pictures, I had to use my phone camera for them :v)
31 Votes in Poll
*Tamashi looks at the map*
Tamashi:time to go to discover the assigned place to discover, this will be very hard
*Location regius templus,hisui*
*Tamashi looks freaked out over the temple*
Probopass:No intruders allowed
*Tamashi prepares a shadow ball and hits probopass*
Probopass; i siad no intruders allowed
*probopass attacks tamashi and from the distance someone swipes and destroys probopass*
Tamashi:who r u
Rowlo:the names rowlo
*tamashi confused
Rowlo:the regis
Rowlo:they were once with the almighty leader known as regigigas until he banished to somewhere in snowpoint. So tamashi, those are the regis ask me about more lore later
Tamashi:how does he know my name
*Tamashi looks at the scrolls of regi*
Tamashi;right there for me
Spiritrush;what do u got
*Tamashi hands over the scrolls*
Spiritrush;good job! you have done good tamashi
Scroll's descriptions
Tamashi and rowlo
Snowpoint temple
Them arrive there
People to ping
Comment ping to be pinged
@Lus-Adarch hey lus whats up
@Busterlover hi buster
@Cookierunfantehehehe hows it like in afterlife!
Will Trade shiny giratina, shiny eevee or shiny Regigigas for either.
I caught Registeel in Brilliant Diamond with a Quick Ball on the first try.
65 Votes in Poll
So i was trying to catch registeel but i didnt have any masterballs(duh) so i got it to low health and kept spamming dusk,ultra and timer balls (i started with the timer balls on like turn 10) and i accidently picked to throw a preimer ball (which has a lower chance than i pokeball i think) and guess what? it worked! I don't know how but I caught Registeel in a Premier Ball!