42 Votes in Poll
42 Votes in Poll
36 Votes in Poll
If you don't know me, I used to be Ramensushi56. My favorite Pokémon is Regidrago. I even created a human design for Regidrago, as well as Regieleki.
Here are some updated designs for Regidrago and Regieleki:
Regidrago (Brantley Trevanion)
Regieleki (Lexiana Trevanion)
Here's my favs:
Mew - (Kanto)
Ho-Oh - (Johto)
Rayquaza - (Hoenn)
Darkrai - (Sinnoh)
Reshiram - (Unova)
Hoopa - (Kalos)
Lunala - (Alola)
Regidrago - (Galar)
Miraidon - (Paldea)
40 Votes in Poll
The last 2 cards don't have illus. credit.. soooooo.... credit to the artists for Roserade and Mismagius.
17 Votes in Poll
25 Votes in Poll
The Regi Squad, time to conquer.
Also, the game Im playing is DelugeRpg, a fan made Pokemon game.
I am a pokemon fan who loves to play pokemon emerald and is starting to shiny hunt
MY favorite pokemon are regidrago/regieleki
Favorite region is hoenn
Hi I'm new here and really proud of this acomplishment, two full odds shiny Regidrago
Have a lovely day
Crii: this place is beutiful
Fred: oh look a city
Aiden: let’s go
Kate: Ok
Kate’s dad: wait up guys
Kate Fred Aiden and Crii: AN ARCADE!!!!!!!
Kate: wait I don’t think we should go yet we have a mission remember
Kate’s dad: that’s the first time you have said no to an arcade
Kate: I still think I’m 25 dad
Fred: you don’t look 25
Kate: but I am
Crii: you look 10
Kate: but I’m not
Aiden: my sister said u r
Kate: how would your sister know
Aiden: her name was Amanda
Kate: oh I remember her we used to train together
Aiden: she got lost last year
Fred: do u wannna talk about it
Aiden: I’m good man
Fred and crii: if u ever want to talk about it we are here
Aiden ok thanks
Kate’s dad: wait is that a- no it can’t be
Kate: what
Kate’s dad: REGIGIGAS
Fred: zero I chose you
Kate: come on watcher
Crii: gastly show him your power
Aiden: Todd go
Soms time passed battling regigigas
Kate’s dad: it won’t get damaged
???: let me handle this
Aiden: AMANDA!!!!!!!
Amanda: Aiden!!
Aiden: what u doing here
Amanda: the heroes akari and rei asked me to get the plate from regigigis so regidrago use dragon puls
Regigigas faints and Amanda recives the blank plate
Aiden: wanna join us
Amanda: when the dictator harley is done with me sure
Here’s how go to the place where you get bidoof at the start of the game then get the two orbs from the clan leaders then go to a space time distortion and fight one of the Pokémon (well i did a rowlet so it might have to me that) catch that Pokémon and go to the place where regigagas was and just walk around in circles for five minutes then go in to sword or shield and go to Diana hill tree then make Galarian zapdos follow you to registeels temple and then make regidrago fight some Pokémon then go to arceus wait until night go to a space time distortion and 2 buff bidoofs will apear with a crown on their head and numbers over the head
Shiny Regice
Shiny Registeel
Shiny Regirock
Shiny Regieleki
Shiny Regidrago
The options are:
Personally, I like Regigigas.
Undiscovered egg group
Green (no really look at the pokedex)
Weak to Ice
Weak to Fairy
Same BST
(6 similarities, I'll say the answers tomorrow/tonight)
No similarities are up to opinion, they're all outright stated in the Pokedex, games, etc
Please no "they're both pokemon" or anything similar
31 Votes in Poll
You get: Giratina + Whatever item it has (I forgot)
Or you can get Solgaleo.
I get: Regidrago