Like megas,UBs and 2 legendaries.
On a Poliwag?
A basic stage Mon?
Something's not quite right.
Like megas,UBs and 2 legendaries.
On a Poliwag?
A basic stage Mon?
Something's not quite right.
Me and @PidgeonTheSkyWing are playing a game where we generate a random Pokemon and draw it as poorly as possible and the other one has to guess it
Here's our drawings :)
Pidges drawings
N my drawings
Feel free to guess lol
So I was digging through my closet that I keep my childhood crap in and I found these old bootleg Pokémon toys and I thought I should share and see if anyone else had these
Some of my favorites are:
Absomygod what happened
And you cannot forget
Since Suicune and Virizion Become There Paradox Form Past Paradox for Suicune That Is Walking Wake and Future Paradox For Virizion That is Iron Leaves.So What Paradox Form Will Raikou,Entei,Terrakion and Cobalion have and what type and what is it called
Time traveling again, anyways, enjoy
Somehow, Sofi is not very smart, but, who am I kidding, she's still kinda young
The options are:
My fav is Entei
Yeah yeah it's outdated.
I ohko’d a Raikou
But I caught an Entei
I was getting some breakfast when i looked in the direction of Kanto, I saw a towering plume of smoke, fire. I immeditaly ordered the entire Lugia squadron in the air for Kanto and woke everyone up. I got in the Lugia 1 and started the engines, I taxiid the bird to the runway and waited for Lugia 2, 3, 4 and 5 to take off. “Were in the air” I heard Lugia 2 say, I put the plane to half flaps and full throttle and we were off. Once I joined the others in formation we lowerd altitude to scoop some water “100! 50! 40! 30! 20! 10!” the plane called as i decsended and I landed on the water, about 15 seconds later and having high speed I lifted out of the water and continued for Kanto. Once we hit land I peered through the bombsight and released my load.
After doing this a few times I got a radio message “Lugia 1 this is Raikou 3 do you read me?” “Im hearing you loud and clear, whats wrong?” I replied, “I have sighted two pokemon next to the lake, we cant reach them” Raikou 3 barked “alright I will get them out, what pokemon are they?” I asked, “One is an Eevee and I cant figure out the other” Raikou 3 explained. “Via is in danger” I said to myself as I approached the lake the plane was telling me to pull up
as I got lower and stopped when i hit the water. I taxiid the plane to where Via was and she was suprised to see me. “Hazza?” Via asked, “You dont have to call me Hazza you can call me Harry, Harrison etc. Lets get you out of here” I said, “But Dusk” Via said softly “He’s still in there”.
“WHAT!” I shouted “Milk, Ace, Via, Eevee get on board Its too dangerous, Oreo your coming with me to get Dusk!” I ordered as I ran into the blaze with Oreo. “Dusk!” we shouted with no reply until “Im over here!” it was Dusk. I ran over and saw him, pinned by a tree with fire surrounding him. “Oreo, you hold the fire back while I free Dusk!” I shouted “Right!” I heard Oreo reply seconds before he started blasting water at the fire. The log was heavy and hard to lift but “Im free!” Dusk said jumping up, “Alright lets go!” I shouted as we ran back to the boat, In the corner of my eye I could see a Glaceon, watching everything play out. We jumped in and I started the engines, taxiid and took off. Once in the air I flicked on AP and sat back. Via jumped up on my lap and said “Thank you for saving Dusk” She said, “Your welcome” I replied as Via hugged me. “Where are we going?” Via asked, “To my property until the forest is safe enough to start our search for Shadow, ok?”. I explained “Ok!” Via said happily.
Later that night I was watching tv with my pokemon Ace was watching with me, Via sleeping next to him, Oreo was sleeping with Eevee and Milk was probably outside, sleeping in his tunnels. It was calm until Via woke up and started crying, “Whats wrong?” I asked, “I just had this nightmare where a Team Rocket grunt put me in a cage and threw me into a river!” “What!” I said softly, “I was struggling to keep my head above the water”, “I could hear Shadow’s voice echoing inside my head and I woke up” she said wearily “Its ok” I replied, giving her a hug. “Remember, tomorrow we go on our search” I told everyone. Once everyone went to bed I went to the store to pick up my night vision helmet.
As of writing this im outside, testing my night vision helmet’s abilities... to be continued
The awaited sequel has arrived peeps
Uh, hello! I am Rita. And you guys are from the place where my trainers look-a-like came from! Nice to see all of you….
That’s me! And that’s Marie, my trainer. I like this picture because she’s happy. She rarely is.
These are her other Pokémon, Valentine and Raikou. Valentine was caught a bit after me, and she doesn’t wanna evolve. Marie says she’ll give her a thing called a eviolite. And Raikou is a legendary!! They’re very wise
And I also really like food, these are a few of my favorites. But I also really like pie….and pinap berries. And once when we were at Marie’s cousins mansion we got to try something called Mochi, it was very yummy…
Rita you’re running out of time
Wanna say goodbye?
Yes, bye bye!!
Well that’s the end of day 2. Hope y’all enjoyed!!