Cliff1647·10/3/2023in Theories/OpinionsWhat’s your opinion on this evolutionary line?The Chesnaught Line.First partner PokémonKalosGeneration VIChespinChesnaughtQuilladin
Leonie2306·7/1/2023in PollsWhich is your best Pokemon in X and Y Part 2 Quilladin Braixen FrogadierVote27 Votes in PollBraixenFrogadierQuilladin
This post is locked.Talking Gina·3/5/2023in PollsWhich of the Kalos middle-form starters is your favorite?QuilladinBraixenFrogadierResultsVote70 Votes in PollPokémon X and Pokémon YKalosBraixenFrogadierQuilladin
This post is locked.Frostthecatto·2/21/2023in Theories/OpinionsMy LEAST favorite Pokemon of each type(These are just my personal opinions, you don't have to agree with me! Very few people have the same least faves!)(Edited by Frostthecatto)ProbopassJynxPhionePigniteQuilladinSimisearPalpitoadEnamorusLickilickyTynamo