Hint: Have something to do with their face
40 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
Hint: Have something to do with their face
January - Scatterbug (Me)
February - Snorunt
March - Pidgeot
April - Gossifleur
May - Garchomp
June - Purrloin
July - Slurpuff
August - Rhyperior
September - Stoutland
October - Staryu
November - Solgaleo
December - Xatu
Ok... so, I randomized an interesting bunch, to say the least.
Purrloin looks cuter when she's more cat than anthro
A brilliant day it was, the morning light hitting the Eevee’s face, a Leafeon tongue licking the top of her head again as she stirred. “Good morning,” said Petal. “Eevee…” Lily groaned, getting out of her nest in annoyance. She could see the forced smile on the grass-type. “Mama’s very sorry she can’t bring you to work today,” the Leafeon sadly announced. Lily had her head hung low from the news she saw coming. Looks like today she will have to spend the day with the other kids.
“I know you don’t want to,” Petal began. “But the next time Soothing Scents is closed, we can play all you want.” She licked Lily’s head again as the two left home.
* * *
The Eevee sat from afar, watching the other kids play as usual. Midnight was around mainly to babysit, the Purrloin making sure no one got hurt or prevent a fight. Today, the game they decided to play was tag, Pokemon zooming around. Pitch was the chaser right now, tailing a Magby. “Tag!” Then the Pichu went running in the opposite direction, while the Magby looked for a different Pokemon to tag.
All the while as she watched, a shout from behind surprised the bored Eevee. “Hi, everyone!” A familiar penguin ran up to the group. It was the same Piplup that came to Soothing Scents. “Palo!” shouted Pitch. All the other Pokemon immediately surrounding the Piplup. “Long time no see, Palo!” said Midnight. “Uh-huh, hi again!” the Piplup replied, trying to talk to the multiple Pokemon that clamored him as the Purrloin dragged some away.
“How’s the guild been?” asked Midnight. The other Pokemon looked at Palo like it was storytime. “Yeah! Yeah! Tell us!”
“Alright, alright, but it’s not much,” said the Piplup. It was in the same manner to when he was complimented in Soothing Scents. And what was this guild they’re talking about? Cotton also mentioned that word. Lily stared at the penguin the same way the other kids were. “Even Lily is interested!” a Scatterbug said. “Lily?” asked Palo. “Who’s that?”
“She’s new here,” answered Midnight, rotating the Piplup’s head to the Eevee. “Just be kind to her,” he whispered. “She came here the same way you did.”
“Oh,” responded Palo. The pair’s heads kept nodding as they whispered more before Midnight left Palo’s side, letting the penguin tell his story.
He was on a mission to check on an altar in a forest called Willow Woods. The other kids groaned and rolled their eyes from the tale Palo told, some wanting for action. Instead, it was just as simple as the water-type made it out to be, a scan. with no obstacles in the way or any dangers. Only Lily’s attention never wavered as all of the other kids’ parents or older siblings brought them home until it was just her, Palo, and Midnight. It was getting late, the blue sky now rather yellow. The plaza was crowded too for a day in Lylow. Most of the Pokemon filled Swirly Sweets, although a good chunk were at the others. Lily had her head cocked like a clock hand. She had never seen the town this lively. Was something going on?
The Purrloin nudged her to follow him as he walked opposite of the town square, Palo coming along. The older Pokemon talked in the same whisper they did as they made their way to Merry’s place. But why Merry’s? Lily didn’t know, looking back every now and then before eventually deciding. “Eevee.”
Midnight whispered once again to the Piplup as they turned to face her. Palo was a bit tense as Midnight spoke. “Yes?” the Purrloin responded. The Eevee frowned further. “Eevee!” Palo jumped back from the shout as Lily went on ahead to the Chansey’s home. Midnight grabbed his flipper and ran after the normal-type.
“So that’s what you were talking about!” Palo said, trying to keep up with the Purrloin who nodded. “Yeah,” he replied. “She’s not the happiest Pokemon in the world for obvious reasons.” The Eevee was gone from sight, a Chansey at the entry of her home with a worried look on her face. “And when we get to Merry,” Midnight began. “Could you keep an eye on Lily?”
The two stopped. “Sure, but why?” asked Palo. “Because, I need to help my mom out,” the feline answered, leaning forward. “And it’s almost the Winter Festival too.” He left soon after, waving his goodbye to Merry.
“I see you’ve met Lily?” The Piplup nodded, hugging the larger Pokemon tightly. He answered with a “mhm,” sniffling. Palo didn’t know what to do as he spoke, muffled. “I know I said it yesterday since I returned but I missed Lylow, everything about it. Especially you, Merry.”
“We all missed you too.” She patted his head and brought Palo inside. Lily was at a corner, all curled up. “Merry?”
“Yes?” The Chansey set a bowl beside the Eevee as Palo followed.
“Could we talk about this somewhere else?”
“Of course.” She turned to Lily. “We’ll be back.” The fluffy fox quietly nodded, allowing the Pokemon to go back outside. It had become night, the stars out to play. The Piplup took a big breath to compose himself. “Did Lily come here the same way…” he dragged, his voice growing soft. Merry placed her arm-hand nub at the back of his head. “Yes,” she confirmed. “She did.”
“I see…” The Piplup let out a sad exhale. “I need to leave Lylow again tomorrow.” He bent to his right, leaning onto Merry. “I wish I could stay longer,” he muttered, a “mum” escaping almost silently at the end.
* * *
“That’ll be $63.48.” From the counter, Pat watched as the customer turned around. “Thank you for shopping at GameStop. Please come again.” They responded with the usual goodbye of “Have a good day.” “You too. Have a great one.” The door opened and as the customer left, Pat let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. “Finally.” He took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter, going back.
As luck would have it, the door swung open. The employee cursed to himself, quickly shoving away the contents back into his pockets. “Hello!” he greeted to a familiar, younger kid with a backpack. Immediately, Pat dropped the act. “Oh, it’s you. What do you want?”
“I need you to come with me,” explained Ben.
“Well, I’m sorry but I’m busy.”
“Busy what?”
The door opened again as more customers entered the store. “Work of course,” Pat lied, pointing at the door. “So I’d really appreciate it if you buy something now.”
“I’m not buying anything,” Ben replied.
“Oh good. Could you tell me if Patricia digs dudes who smoke? I mean, who doesn’t like a dude that-”
The younger boy had already left the store. Well that wasn’t helpful. Ben left the mall as fast as possible, running for the park from yesterday. He needed to find out what this was about. However, once he reached his destination, the park was crowded with kids playing around cluelessly. Ben ran for the playground, to the swings where children swang from. Where was the hole? It was here, by the swings. Ben knew for sure. Neither side had a hole. What was going on? There was no way he imagined that. He remembered it so clearly.
A siren blared, followed up by a car in black and white parking by the curb. The doors opened, gathering the attention of every kid and adult as two adults exited the vehicle. The first was a cop in uniform, short, brown hair tied up to a bun. Ben stared wide eyed at the second person. It was the man he ran into at McDonald’s. He didn’t wear the standard black outfit the first person wore, but instead, he was plain clothed, wearing a white button up and khakis.
As the two herded the people out, Ben quietly snuck off. He hid in a bush, watching as yellow tape circled the park before the authorities walked over to the swings. The police took out a photo, then looked at the area. Then she walked back to the car, bringing back two shovels as they began to dig. It didn’t take long before the both got the hole revealed as there was a piece of circled wood near the top. The cop and detective both made their way carefully down the hole. Making sure they were gone, Ben left the bush, shaking off the leaves and twigs on him.
For the second time, he stared back at the pit. It was just as unnerving as the first. The adults weren’t there as the kid carefully climbed down the hole.
“Don’t you think we’re going too fast?” questioned Eve, feeling the fox and snake weave around his legs, the latter trying to get away from the former. Emily didn’t answer, getting her bag as she turned towards the Purrloin. “Come on,” she ordered. The Pokemon had a smug grin as he walked up to her, before getting interrupted by a rude “Fennekin!”. Followed by the Fire-Type’s Tackle, a playful Fennekin circled the feline. “Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Fennekin! And you are?!” He hyperly berated him, tail wagging as the fox hopped left and right. “Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!”
The Purrloin simply frowned. “Get out of my way,” he said. Immediately, Fennekin went silent, staring as Purrloin walked again. Once the Unovan feline was past, Fennekin ran for his trainer. “Fennekin!” He cried, leaping onto Eve. He felt his shirt dampen as the Fennekin sobbed, there was a look on Eve’s face “What did you do?” The Purrloin ignored him, forcing Eve to go back to Emily. “Can you at least tell me why you’re like this?”
“...Can either of you please respond?”
Emily and Purrloin were now at the door, staring back at the leader. “So, can you please tell me what this is for?” Eve repeated. You know what they day, third time’s the charm… or fifth. He waited patiently for an answer, petting Fennekin as the trio continued their staring contest. “Because I decided to do this solo,” said Emily. Purrloin nodded and confirmed with a “Purrloin”.
“Alright.” He handled it well, despite being annoyed and asking them five questions for Pete’s sake. He nodded his head to where the quiet girl was. “Did you tell Karla about it?”
“Of course I did,” answered Emily. “Can I go now?”
She groaned internally, tilting her head up at the ceiling. “What?” Clear annoyance spoke through her words.
“You forgot Snivy.” Eve pointed at the Pokemon laying on Emily’s bed. The Grass-Type had curled up comfortably. Emily looked at him for a moment before bringing her eyes to Eve again. “No,” She said, shocking the skinny boy. “But this is your Pokemon!” He exclaimed. “You should at least have two Pokemon, that Purrloin won’t be enough.”
Seeing as she wasn’t buying it, Eve spoke more. “Won’t he be sad that you’re gone? You’re going to kill yourself if you do this! Why isn’t Karla coming along? I can help…” Sentence after sentence, Emily didn’t falter.
“Why won’t you bring Snivy?!” He finally shouted again. Emily flinched as she tried to regain composure, not replying. Opening the door, the girl was met with rough pushing by him. Purrloin exited the house first as Emily was forced out. “Get out, I don’t want to see you,” said Eve sharply. “At all.” SLAM! She turned back at the door, hearing a click. “Oh wow, who knew that Emily is such a jerk.” teased Purrloin. “Very funny,” She snapped. “Let’s just go.” She began to walk away from the building, Purrloin following suit. “We don’t need them anyways.”
“If you say so.”
* * *
He slid down the door, observing his surroundings. Karla remained unchanged, while Fennekin continued to sob on a pillow. Snivy seemed to have taken it well, peacefully sleeping on the worn out mattress. Eve bit his lip as he took a seat by Fennekin, stroking his fur. He couldn’t help himself from being so furious, not after seeing someone ditch their Pokemon. If their paths ever crossed again, Eve was going to give Emily a piece of his mind. And from the bed the snake was at, he peaked an eye open, a single tear drop shed.
* * *
“Hoo-ey!” Purrloin ran around happily, stretching his body. “Just the two of us without those idiots.” He went up to the campfire Emily had set. “So, how’s it feel like going solo?” He asked. His tail flicked side-to-side. “The same as it’s always been,” She answered. This intrigued the cat, tilting his head. “Oh? Tell me more.”
“And why should I?” Brows furrowed, she roasted her marshmallow.
“Because I’m your friend.” The nightly wind blew its silence. “Partner.”
However, the Pokemon didn’t get a response. “Just go to sleep,” Emily finally said.
“Alright,” Purrloin mimicked Eve from earlier, heading fo the tent. Emily was left alone for once in a lifetime. Lost in a trance, as her mind wandered, the brown-haired lass spoke aloud her comfort monologue. “So you may know me,” she began.
“Emily Vurbane, first-rate detective of the Kalos region… and as a bonus, first-rate piece of Shinx. Trainer who hates her partner Pokemon and pissed off her small group’s leader, because she thinks she’s doing something right! A Glory Houndour she is!”
The brunette felt water slide down her cheeks. “Arceus, please help me…” Her voice was naught but a whisper. “Am I doing the right thing?”
Eavesdropping afar in the dark shelter, a pair of green eyes spied on Emily as she withdrew her marshmallow, charred black
Warning, this chapter is not meant for the faint of heart
On South Boulevard of Lumiose City, a trio stood. Neither a Fennekin or Snivy from Eve or Emily were out. The nothingness of the city was still odd to see, no less go through. Eve was even more kept to himself this time compared to the few cases the group had done. This could be a great one for Emily to show how good she really is. Speaking of the trouble in Kalos, she wondered what this case was. ‘Oh well,’ She thought as they neared their destination. It didn’t matter; if Eve wasn’t in a good state, the easier it would be to be the best detective of the region.
“Stop.” Eve had an arm out, blocking the other two. “Alright,” Emily replied, poking her camera to see the victim this time. “Who’s the new one to-” Clack! Her camera fell to the ground. Emily couldn’t believe what she saw. The deceased this time was a Pokemon, not a human. It was a Furfrou, blood splattered on its coat and its head. While not as damaged as that person’s head, the Pokemon’s was… like that ghost story Emily had heard of. The Headless Horseman. The corpse silenced her.
She looked over to see how the others were. Eve was disgusted by what he saw, and Karla had a different reaction. From her unfazed, blank stare on all the others, Karla was furious. She went searching immediately for clues when Emily shakily took a picture. Eve separated from them in the corner of her eye, walking away from the scene, deeper in the house. They were all on edge. Who wouldn’t be messed up after seeing a Pokemon with a missing head? But it also excited Emily. If she could solve it and show her leadership skills in this case, Eve would have no choice but to let her take full charge.
Deep breath, followed by a large exhale, a new feeling crammed itself onto her. The fear was still there, but now doubt lingered. Was this right? It felt wrong to her somehow, but Emily pushed the guilty feeling down. She was going to solve this case no matter what, starting with Karla. The silent one hadn’t cooled down, still investigating the scene until Emily put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?” She asked. Karla nodded, resuming back to what she was doing with an obvious telling that she wasn’t okay. ‘Aaaggghhh…’
Emily followed Karla’s actions, annoyed. ‘What a piece of Shinx!’ There was nothing here because the killer already cleaned the scene. No trail of blood away from the Furfrou or anything that screamed that it was involved with the crime. What was the point of this for anything but the break in pattern? THUD! There was her answer. The noise alerted both of them, from the direction Eve went.
Karla walked ahead, more upset than she was originally as Emily cautiously stayed behind her, Pokeball in hand. As they approached whatever it was, the sight terrified the latter. Eve lay against the wall, blood on him. He was unconscious. “He’s not dead,” Karla clarified. “I see…”
It was time for action. Emily released Snivy out of his Pokeball. The snake observed his surroundings for a moment, taking note of the knocked out Eve. A light smell of blood oozed off him, yet there was a more potent, stronger one. He turned around to see the source of smell. A Furfrou. Seeing that for the first time frightened the Pokemon. "Sn-snivy…" He said. "You gotta protect us, got it?" Emily ordered. Snivy's face told her his response. 'You mother of Arceus!' "Sure! It's not my fault if we die-" Something felt off. Emily turned back to Karla, already gone, along with Eve.. "AGH! You imbeciles! We’re supposed to stick togeth-"
“Snivy!” The Grass-Type ran off. ‘What a load of Bouffalant…’ Emily gave chase, running after Snivy.
* * *
Karla walked around the house, carrying the sleeping boy with her. She could hear the noises of the other two, accompanied by their faint screams and shouts. What was happening there? The Pokemon Whisperer didn’t bother until a loud slam sounded through, followed with the screams of Emily and Snivy. Time to head back, slow and steady with the dead weight.
BANG! BANG! BANG! The door boomed, threatening to burst open. “You just had to run off like that!” Emily shouted. “Snivy!” It replied. The pair were huddled by a corner, their bodies trembling as they hoped for their chaser to give up. BAM!
…Nothing followed. The human and Pokemon took big breaths of relief, short lived with the return of their pursuer. “Knock knock.” They said. Both went silent. That voice was awfully high-pitched, like, kid high-pitched. “Knock knock.” The voice repeated. “I know you’re in there…”
Emily gulped. Grabbing a Pokeball and tying an escape rope to it, she rescinded. “W-who’s the-re?” She stuttered, gripping the rope tight. The voice didn’t answer. For thirty seconds, Emily and Snivy got nothing. “Huh,” whispered her. “That’s weird-”
The door, now wide open, presented a Unovan cat, its purple and cream fur covered in splotches of red. “Me, you Archen brain!” It said. Emily and Snivy stared in awe, duly from the shock and fear. She couldn’t believe it, the culprit she was looking for was this talking Purrloin here. “Snivy!” Her Pokemon spoke.
“Don’t worry, Snivy…” She spoke in a creepy way. “I’ll protect you.” ‘Because we found our murderer!’ Emily began to swing the rope as she walked towards the Pokemon. “You’re mine!” She swung at the Purrloin, who simply stepped to the side. “I didn’t kill that Furfrou!” The feline had a frown on its face. “Yeah right,” said Emily, continuing to swing at it.
‘This better be worth the hassle I’m going through,’ thought the Pokemon. It was obvious how much the detective didn’t care about Snivy. “I’ll help you solve this.” He revealed a pendant from the ruined collar he held by the paw. Emily took a step back, confused. “This murderer you’re finding,” He began. “Will lead you to stopping this.” The Pokemon looked at the girl expectantly. “Why not let me be a part of this investigation?”
Footsteps approached them. “Oh.” It was Karla’s voice, still with Eve leaning on her back. “Is that the-”
Emily turned her head immediately back at the Pokemon who glared. “I guess not,” said Karla, getting a sigh from Emily. “You need to be less convinced,” She commented. “Let’s just go. We haven’t found much so we should rest, right?” Karla was back to her blank expression again, nodding as the group headed back, along with the Purrloin.
* * *
The night of Lumiose, the city remained quiet as ever. Karla and Eve silently snoozed, the Pokemon sleeping as well. When Emily showed Eve the Purrloin when he was awake, it understandably got him suspicious. Quite a surprise that he was able to sleep so casually, despite being uncomfortable looking at a bloodied Purrloin who thankfully got a bath. “Wanna see who you’re after is?” asked Purrloin. Only he and Emily were awake, looking at the pendant. “Yeah,” She said, quietly opening it. Pop!
Never had Emily ever expected to be here of all places in Kalos, no less, Lumiose City. Webs took the corners as parting gifts from Spinarak in the house. "Are you sure this is your place?" She asked. "Because if you're squatting, then I don't want to have that on my record." Eve sighed while Karla sat on a dusty mattress. "Yes, I'm sure. Very sure," answered him. "Anyways, we got our rest last night so let's get cracking, shall we?" Eve walked to the door. "Don't want to live in a mega crime-spree Kalos, do we?" Then he opened it.
"But we didn't eat-"
"I'm buying breakfast," answered Eve again, this time before Emily could finish her question.
'This guy…' Emily wasn't cool with this, following the lankey boy with Karla. Not at all. 'Wouldn't hurt if I was leader for more than one second. Just a single second.'
She didn't notice herself walking, finding herself sitting at a table in front of a cafe. "Time for your energy, pal," said Eve, tossing a Pokeball lightly as it popped to reveal the Fox Pokemon. "Gotcha your favorite." He brought forth a Vanillite Sundae in his hand, placing it on the table. "Fennekin!" The Pokemon reacted, excitedly wagging its tail. "Alright alright, ya Fidough," Eve laughed lightly, lifting up the Fennekin. "You're gonna get your meal."
Once he brought it to his lap, the Fennekin leaned forward, lapping up the sundae with sloppy enthusiasm while Emily watched in disgust. The crown Fire-Type of Kalos, the Fire-Type starter many start with on their journeys, was here having ice cream in the morning of all times no less! How she’d die to have a Fennekin.
“You have a problem with his food?” Eve asked, breaking her out of her bad-mouthing. “I didn’t say anything,” replied Emily. The boy rolled his eyes. “Your look said otherwise.” He took a bite of his sandwich. “Besides, at least I’m treating my Pokemon well. Has yours gotten anything?” Eve brought himself in front of her. “Nope.”
Emily groaned. “You’d understand why I don’t, it’s spoiled.”
Eve was unamused. “I know I’m not perfect with Pokemon but wow,” He began with a brutally sarcastic tone. “Emily Vurbane, quote-on-quote, ‘first-rate detective of the Kalos region trying to solve what is happening’ is such an amazing person with Pokemon. Round of applause for her everyone.”
Some eyes were beginning to look at them. ‘Yeah, thank you very much you hypocrite.’ “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” She muttered, sneakily releasing the Grass-Type. She didn’t warn him. In front of the Fennekin popped out a Snivy. “You got anything for ‘it’?” asked Eve. Emily glared and Eve shook his head, ripping off part of his sandwich for one of Unova's poster children.
"Snivy." The bipedal snake gladly accepted, taking the crust, vegetable, meat tower and eating it. 'Of course you'd take it.' Emily tilted her head up at the sky, ignoring the two people and Pokemon with her. Right beside the view of her eyes sat a Purrloin on the roof of the place they were at, watching as it licked its paw. The feline had a grin on its face, because why wouldn’t it? It’s one of two Devious Pokemon for crying out loud. ‘Thank you.’ She glared at the Pokemon until it got bored and left.
“Now that we’re all fueled up,” said Eve, stretching his arms and back, bringing Emily’s attention. “Let’s get cracking on this. Because…” His hand was on a piece of paper. ‘Since when did he have that?’ Eve and Karla had already stood from their seats; Snivy was on the ground and Fennekin on Eve’s shoulder. “Come on, ‘first-rate detective,’ let’s go.” “You’re not the boss of me,” She muttered, standing up.
“Let’s go! Chop chop!”
* * *
“So,” said Eve. He moved his head towards what Emily was holding, her trusty camera. “How’s the body?” Emily sighed. “You already saw it,” She replied. The photo showed the victim, face… face…
It sickened her to look at the damage the person received, mostly from their head. She never thought that such a vicious attack could happen in these times.”You got any idea what the Pokemon was?” Emily gripped tighter on her camera.
“I don’t know! You’re the smart one!” She shouted. “Why would my guess matter?!”
Eve backed away. “Looks like I touched a nerve there. And this early too in our little team.”
“Let’s just get over this. Tell me what killed them.”
The skinny human opened his mouth. On the other side away from the pair lay Karla on the floor of the crime scene, Eve’s Fennekin playing around with her like she was a playground while Snivy mimicked lying behind Karla’s head. “Why do you stay with her?” asked Snivy. “Mm,” answered Karla. “Huh.”
In the corner of his eye, Snivy saw Emily storm away, Eve shaking his head. ‘Not my problem.’ He watched as Eve walked to him, petting Fennekin and carrying the Pokemon onto his shoulder. The human then looked at him. “Sorry bud, your trainer needs to cool off,” He said.
“Snivy.” The Pokemon didn’t seem upset, getting up from the ground before a hand got a grip on his arm. It was Karla’s. “What was that for?” He asked, irritated. “I was going to get a Vanillite Sundae.” “We’ll calm her down,” said Karla, ignoring the snake. Eve gave her a shocked face. “Well, thank you,” said the twig, quickly getting a notepad as he jotted something down. “These are what we’ve got in case you and Emily find anything more for this case.” She took the piece of paper Eve tore off. “Okay.” Karla took her leave, dragging along a furious Grass-Type. “SNIVYYYY!”
* * *
At the Prism Tower, Emily wandered, circling as she walked. This wasn’t how stopping the murders would go like she thought; stop the mastermind, get exposure by doing said action, and become the Kalos region’s best detective. No, the world’s best detective. Too bad Eve was the leader. “Tch!” She scoffed. She looked up from glaring at the camera to take her mind off it.
For being the heart of Lumiose City, hell, Kalos, it was empty. Makes sense why there would be no one. The biggest city in the region needed to be on lockdown. “How cool would it be if I found the culprit,” muttered Emily. “Yeah, how cool would it be?” Spoke a voice. She went alert in an instant, moving her head, wondering where the voice was. “SNIVY!”
“You've gotta be a Skitty…” 180 turnaround, she saw her “best friend” bring Snivy, who looked like a child throwing a fit. “Are you okay?” asked Karla in the same lifeless voice. “Mhm!” While she nodded, Emily’s face didn’t exactly give an “I calmed down” expression. It was clear she wasn’t. “Then let’s go,” said Karla, grabbing her wrist and walking back to Eve. “We got our murderer.”
Emily didn’t notice the paw that snuck into her bag, leaving a rolled up paper inside. A Purrloin watched from the front of the Prism Tower, the pair leave. A wide grin, famous thanks to the Glameow in that Wonderland movie showed the Pokemon’s gleeful delight. ‘I’ll make you the best detective,’ It thought. ‘Emily.’
TW: Violence, gun use, blood. If you are triggered by this, skip the last few paragraphs.
“Okay…Ai, pull up the website for me.” The hacker commanded. A separate browser immediately showed up with a ding. “Thanks. Rosemary, where’d I put the access code? Right, T6W0…firewalls unlocked…ooh, a Trojan! Sakura, disable that.” A variety of AIs worked, following her orders. “Cy, I’m in.” It wasn’t obvious who she was talking to, until a tiny voice came over the headset.
“Midwinter, that was fast-“ It began, until the hacker - Midwinter - cut them off. “Yes, Cy, I’m a genius, go ahead and applaud me. It’s common information, anyways.” Midwinter interjected. “Defenses are all down. Send me the program.”
A few seconds later, a notification came from the forum the two used. “It’s in.” Cy called. “Alright. Putting it into the database…done. Bye-bye, Linear Foundation!” Midwinter smiled, eyes gleaming with amusement. “Hehe~”
“It wasn’t boring this time, Midwinter?” asked Cy from the other side. “Nah, still boring. I’m just happy that there was at least a Trojan for me to disable. These things usually have no defenses.” Midwinter replied. “I’m signing off for today. See ya, Cy!” They left the VC without a second thought. The two had been working since midnight, and it was 8 in the morning now. Surprisingly enough, Midwinter wasn’t tired.
That was where Midwinter ended, and Amia Hanser began.
“Yuki, turn the lights on.” Amia said. One of her various AIs immediately switched on the lights. “Breakfast should be ready by now - even if I don’t eat, Kagami has to.” They muttered to herself. “Where is she, anyways?” The Solosis was nowhere in sight. Then again, no one in Galar liked being in one place for too long, so she couldn’t blame it.
Galar could only be described as a train wreck, with what was happening to the climate. Everything was falling apart. For some reason, Amia found that she didn’t mind. “Rosette, how’s the radiation levels in Wyndon today?” A browser showed up, seemingly in midair. “Went up by 7, huh? That’s certainly more than yesterday. Well, that doesn’t matter. I’ll die of boredom sooner or later anyways.” She casually strapped on a gas mask, and left the house. Amia didn’t talk to anyone, since she couldn’t hear them with the mask on anyways.
“Hello, Hulbury.” They muttered. Hulbury was, compared to most cities in Galar, better off, with derelict but still-standing buildings and cracked but existent streets. And most importantly, Hulbury had a steady WiFi connection, which let Amia do her work. She walked down the street, noting everything she saw. The restaurant got repainted. It’s less gray now. The lighthouse crumbled a bit more overnight. And somehow, Hulbury Stadium is still intact. Not like anyone’s gonna go through the gym challenge anymore.
Amia nodded politely at people they passed by. She pointed out all the little details to herself. An unassuming old man had knives up his sleeve. An innocent-looking girl was hiding a gun behind her back. A teen about her age with a Purrloin wove through the crowd, dipping his hand into pockets and taking what he found. At one point, he’d made his way to Amia, reaching for the laptop in her bag. Amia pretended not to notice until the boy actually touched the computer.
Then, she pulled out a gun and shot him in the head.
The pickpocket laid there in a puddle of blood. His Purrloin looked around, panicked, and then scrambled away. Not even the Pokemon cared any more. “That’s what thieves get.” She said to herself. No one on the street paused. Most citizens are used to things like this by now. Amia continued on her way.
Galar was cruel. There was no longer a thing called “living”.
Only “surviving” existed now.
And if you have to survive, you might as well have some fun, right?
@Got em TwT are you satisfied now
@PeacockFeatheredRaccoon Thank you for letting us throw Cody into this traumatic fic. It may take a while to spot him, but trust me, he’s in the first chapter.
@City of Fey i feel like i should ping you
@Jelly-Sauce3 hi.
I'm now on the ghost gym. The gym challenge almost killed all my effective Pokemon, and I lost to Allister. I tried to play with my toxel to get it to be amped, but it was avoiding me so it probably will be a low-key. I caught an Elgyem after chasing some in the wild area on my bike, thought a skorupi's tail was an Indeedee, and ran into too many purrloins. I also got a Cufant and an impidimp which almost instantly evolved into morgrem.
Just some doodles of characters and stuff that'll happen in an unnamed PMD thing. As I said before, it was called Pokemon Story Mode, but now that it's not just mostly a copy of MCSM, I need to think of a new name. Can't think of it tho
Oh yeah, happy 4th of July btw
It’s a side-game/spin-off game idea.
Basically it’s set in an alternate universe where Team Plasma’s plans succeeded. There’s 3 playable characters: the Main Character (default name Trinity), a member of Team Plasma (default name Fallon), and the younger sibling of the MC, who ran into the forest when they were attacked (default name Alexis). You can basically switch between the three parts of the story at will, but you have to finish all three before unlocking the fourth part, where the trio takes down Team Plasma. In Act 4, you can switch between characters (they each have a different Pokemon)
Part 1 is about the MC (i’ll just refer to them as Trinity), who wakes up in the middle of a devastated town, destroyed by Team Plasma. They hear a strange noise from a house, and investigate. There, Trinity finds a Purrloin, a Zorua, and a Scraggy. The house is about to collapse, and Trinity only has time to take one. They can rescue one or quickly run away and continue searching. If they don’t rescue the Pokemon, they’ll wander into the forest, and find a gravely injured Solosis. To progress the story, you have no choice but to take and help it. If you already got Purrloin, Zorua, or Scraggy, this event won’t occur. After this, Trinity goes deeper into the forest, and begins bonding with their Pokemon. The last cutscene is of Trinity with their partner sitting on their head (Zorua and Purrloin), floating near their shoulder (Solosis), or sitting next to them (Scraggy) at a tree.
Part 2 is about Fallon. They are in their bedroom, reading. Fallon leaves the room, and heads to the main meeting room, where the Plasma leaders are talking about the mission to destroy a nearby town that occurred 2 days ago, and how it was a success. They listen through the entire meeting, and then go to their room. A timeskip until night occurs. Fallon remembers the promise they made to their best friend (who happens to be the MC) before they joined Plasma, about how they’d become great trainers together, and decides to escape. They escape through the windows (the room is on the 1st floor), and head to the town. They notice a Duskull being harassed by a Plasma Grunt, and throw a smoke bomb to rescue the Duskull. The last cutscene is of Fallon hugging and comforting the Duskull, who becomes their partner.
I haven’t planned Act 3 yet.
Act 4 is only partially planned: The trio invades Plasma Headquarters to do something, and have to sneak past grunts on guard. Some of the grunts have Pokemon and will battle you, some will just turn you in and send you back to the last checkpoint. There are obstacles such as gates and piles of stone blocking the way, and walls blocking grunts from sight. This is where the characters’ abilities come in:
Trinity, a Pokemon Whisperer (my title for someone who can understand Pokemon like N) can sense Pokemon in the vicinity. They can turn on “Whisperer Detection” for 10 seconds by clicking X (let’s say this is a Switch game) to detect grunts with Pokemon (indicated by a green outline).
Fallon, a spirit seer (someone who can see and control ghosts) can summon ghosts to destroy obstacles in the way, and grant buffs to their Duskull/Dusclops/Dusknoir (evolving the partner Pokemon is optional, but encouraged). Press and hold X to activate “Spirit Mode” for 10 seconds. During Spirit Mode, tapping X will send ghosts to destroy the nearest obstacle. When Spirit Mode is active, Duskull/Dusclops/Dusknoir gains 5% speed, special attack, and special defense.
Alexis is an aura seer, allowing them to sense the aura of people. When you click X, “Aura Vision” is activated for 5 seconds, allowing Alexis to see (but not walk) through walls. Aura Vision turns the screen black and white except for the grunts, who get a blue outline. If you use this on a normal wall, you might see Team Plasma Grunts and Admins walking around, or talking. You can’t interact with them or go though the wall, but you can be a creepy stalker and watch them sleep. I see you there, Auburn. Don’t you dare pick up that knife.
I need help with:
Naming the game.
Actually giving the acts proper names.
Potential plot for Act 3 (which is in Alexis’ perspective).
A Pokemon for Alexis.
More plot for Act 4.
Character designs (skin color, eye color, hair color, hair style, and gender are customizable, but I need default versions. Some characters will have accessories [example: an eyepatch] that are just permanently there).
OC submissions (for side quests and stuff).
And yeah, that’s it. Tell me what you think about the idea, and please help me.
I might make a fanfic out of this.