Do you have predictions about goh in the project mew? How many predictions do you have to tell?
Do you have predictions about goh in the project mew? How many predictions do you have to tell?
33 Votes in Poll
Hey guys. I'm posting this post to ask you guys a question:
What are the problems and missed opportunities of Pokémon Journeys?
I'm asking out of curiosity for my Pokémon Journeys rewrite. I know about the most commen problems and missed opportunities (such as Galar getting kind of shafted, not seeing all of the Galar Pokémon (including certain regional variants), not seeing all of the Galar characters (including Nessa, Klara and Milo), Goh & Chloe not really tapping into their full potential as characters, certain episodes feeling like two episodes crammed into one (such as JN25, JN37, JN68 and JN83), certain character returns (most notably Dawn) not being too great, Ash not using his older Pokémon in the other ranks and in the Masters 8, etc), but I wanna know about the other problems and missed opportunities in JN (and I mean all of them) so that I figure out on how to write them in the rewrite and do them justice than in the main canon.
Feel free to comment down below the problems and missed opportunities in Pokémon Journeys. I'd love to learn about all of them and It'll be great for the research on my rewrite.
With all of that said, thank you all for reading this. I really appreciate it. Until next time, gotta go. :) ^^
- AdvianYT
Hey guys. My name is AdvianYT. But you can call me Advian or Ade for short. Today, I'd like to present my idea for a Pokémon Journeys rewrite. I've seen some good ideas on how to rewrite Journeys (on Twitter, Reddit, DeviantArt, etc), so I figured I could do the same thing. Hence the reason I posted this post:
As we all know, Pokémon Journeys is the current running anime for the Pokémon series. While the series is split between fans (as there are some that like it, some that don't, and some that are neutral on it), for me, as of this post, I have yet to see Pokémon Journeys, but I've heard a lot of good and bad things about it and have even seen reviews and tweets about the series and it's episodes. This may come off as an unpopular opinion, but...I'm very excited to get to watch Pokémon Journeys on Netflix (pls don't kill nor attack me for this and pls respect my opinion; thank you)! I still have yet to finish watching the Sun and Moon anime (as I'm currently (at the time of this post) 12 episodes into Ultra Legends; but I do plan on getting back on track with that when I get the chance). When I decided to watch Pokémon Journeys, I revamped in my head an old Pokémon OC/Self-Insert of mine: Marcy Nightingale.
Marcy was originally a self insert of mine based on the SM protagonist Selene that had my irl name (which I will not reveal for privacy reasons), as I imagined myself in the Sun and Moon anime. However, after I dropped out of Pokémon due to gaining new interests, I forgot about Marcy. That is, until I got back into Pokémon in March 2022, I remembered Marcy and I decided to revamp her as my Pokémon OC.
The Main Idea for my Rewrite: for my rewrite of Pokémon Journeys, I would keep Journeys the same as the original canon (as I really enjoy the 'traveling around the world' concept of the series), but I would also add changes of my own (aside from adding my OC Marcy into the story as a triple protagonist) that are a mix of fan criticisms and my own ideas that'll help make my version of Journeys interesting and enjoyable for people and Pokémon fans alike. I've also taken inspiration from PokéTubers such as MysticUmbreon, Lumiose Trainer Zac, Zanolith, Aleximo, and Ronin Charizard's content for writing this rewrite, such as their own rewrites, criticisms and What If scenarios. Not to mention they're one of the inspirations behind my own What If series called OC What If, which focuses on telling the stories of my various OCs from my favorite shows, movies, video games, etc.
Friendly Reminder: I do not intend any offense to the creator, cast, and crew of the Pokémon anime (including Journeys). This rewrite is simply made for fun because I love writing and rewrites are one of my favorite stories.
So, without further ado...IT'S IDEA SHOWCASE TIME!!!
My Ideas:
My Pokémon/PokéAni OC Marcy Nightingale is added to the main cast as a new character alongside Goh and Chloe. (Here's a brief summary of her: Marcy Nightingale is a Pokémon Trainer that hails from Aspertia City in the Unova Region. Her dream is to become one of the strongest Pokémon Trainers in the world. With her partner and ace Pokemon Snivy and her other Pokemon Unfezant & Audino, she becomes a traveling companion of Ash and travels with him and Goh around the world.) (Note: for those who don't know, a PokéAni OC is a Pokémon OC for the Pokémon Anime)
Ash's traveling companions in my Journeys rewrite consists of Goh, Marcy and Chloe (who will join our trio later in the series).
Galar will be shown more often in this rewrite than in the actual show.
Ash has a rotation of 8 Pokemon in this rewrite. His new Journeys team in my rewrite consists of Pikachu, Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Sirfetch'd, Dracovish, Grookey, and Drednaw. Tbh, this may come off as an unpopular opinion, but...I actually like Ash's Journeys team. They're very fun, awesome and unique in their own way. Not to mention they've all got a nice and wholesome dynamic with not just Ash, but also with each other (especially Sirfetch'd and Dracovish, as shown in PJ103 and PJ104). I'm just adding two new changes to Ash's Journeys team: Grookey (as many fans wanted Ash to catch Grookey instead of Goh) and Drednaw (Fun Fact: I took inspiration from Lumiose Trainer Zac's video on giving Ash's companions new Pokemon teams and in that video, he briefly fixed Ash's team where he gave him a Drednaw after giving Goh Inteleon from his video on giving Ash new Pokemon teams from each region). I'm also gonna have everyone get a chance to shine, so that no one isn't used less often like Dragonite and Gengar in the original canon.
Goh's main partners will be Cinderace, Inteleon, and Turtwig. (Fun Fact: I (again) took inspiration from Lumiose Trainer Zac's video on giving Ash's companions new Pokemon teams when he mentioned giving Goh Turtwig as the obligatory starter to help promote the Gen 4 remakes: Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Plus, it'll also give more shine to the Turtwig line and prevent it from getting kind of shafted like in the actual show. Not to mention it'll also help prevent the line from having a similar fate to the Mudkip line during the XY anime where it too got kind of shafted while Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (ORAS for short) was being promoted).
In this rewrite, Goh's Turtwig will replace Grookey as both one of Goh's main partners alongside Cinderace and Inteleon & as his new shouldermon. I imagine it will still be fun loving like Goh's Grookey in the original canon, but it'll be more emotionally mature than Grookey. Not to mention it will have it's moves revealed earlier than Grookey in the original timeline. As for Turtwig and Goh's relationship with Grookey in this version of PJ, Turtwig and Grookey will be very good friends with each other, and as for Goh, he and Grookey will still have the same relationship like they do in the original canon, except in this version, Grookey will be Ash's mon instead of Goh's mon.
Chloe becomes a traveling companion of Ash and a part of the main cast instead of being a recurring character like in the original canon. She'll still have the idea of not wanting to follow in her father's footsteps of being a professor like him and not being sure of what she wants to do, but I believe Chloe becoming an official traveling companion of Ash will not only have her be more prominent in the show, but it can also help her with finding out on what she wants to do and tap into her full potential as a character. She won't join them in the beginning (as her character back then was very different compared to how she is now), but an idea I have is that she'll join them after Dawn's first return in Journeys (since that's when she decides to start her own journey). Another idea I have is having Marcy play a key role in Chloe becoming a traveling companion, as she would ask Chloe if she wants to join her, Ash and Goh on their journey around the world as not only will they get to go on more adventures together, but the experience could also help Chloe find her dream. Chloe would reject the offer at first, but after doing some thinking, she would then tell Marcy that she changed her mind and that she'll take her offer into consideration. Then, by the time the first Dawn return in Journeys occurs, she'll have decided to join her, Ash and Goh on their adventures and become an official traveling companion.
Chloe's Pokemon team consists of Eevee, Yamper, Galarian Ponyta, and Pidove. In my version of the anime, both Chloe and Marcy will catch a Galarian Ponyta (I added that Marcy catches a Galarian Ponyta alongside Chloe because I love unicorns and also because it's really cute and adorable; not to mention I also believe that Galarian Ponyta would be a good Pokemon for Marcy to have on her team; not to mention I also agree with a lot of fans that Chloe should've caught the Galarian Ponyta she and Eevee befriended in "The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle"). So that's why I gave her Galarian Ponyta. As for Yamper, I imagine that Professor Cerise will gift Chloe Yamper as her official Pokemon instead of his, as in my version, Cerise has been waiting for Chloe to start her journey to give her Yamper, as he not only has been her OG Pokemon partner from the very beginning, but he is also the most loyal to her as well. Not to mention he can be one of Chloe's main partner Pokemon alongside Eevee. And as for Pidove, I took inspiration from PokéTuber Aleximo's video on What If Chloe went on a Journey and I do agree with him that it would been a good idea to give Chloe the Pidove she befriended in "There's a New Kid in Town!".
Characters and Elements from Pokémon Black and White 2 will be added to my Journeys rewrite.
Some episodes (such as "Betrayed, Bothered, and Beleaguered!" (AKA the Pikachu jealousy episode), "Time After Time!" (AKA the first episode without Ash in it), "A Close Call… Practically!" (AKA the JN Season 1 finale), "Healing the Healer!" (AKA the episode where Goh catches Suicune), "Finding a Legend!" (AKA the Ho-Oh episode), and the PJ98 (AKA the Jolteon & Flareon circus episode; it doesn't have an English Dub title yet as of this post, so that's why I called it the "Jolteon & Flareon circus episode") will be rewritten and some episodes that feel like two-parters (such as "A Festival Reunion!", "That New Old Gang of Mine!", "Advice to Goh!", "Star Night, Star Flight!", and PJ105 (AKA Serena's return; which again doesn't have an English Dub name yet as of this post) will be rewritten into ACTUAL two-parters instead of feeling like episodes that feel like two episodes crammed into one.
Other Galar characters (such as Hop, Nessa, Klara, and Milo) will appear in this version of the JN anime. Not to mention they'll also get to battle Ash and Marcy in the PWC.
The Pokemon World Coronation Series and Project Mew will play a more relevant role in this rewrite.
Ash's rivals in this rewrite consist of Bea, Marnie, Bede, Hop, and Marcy. (Yep. That's right. In addition to being his traveling companion, Marcy will also be a rival of Ash in the PWC.)
The amount of filler episodes will be balanced out with major event episodes (such as introducing and battling the other Galar characters, developing the gang's Pokemon teams, giving the main cast development, etc). There will still be filler episodes here and there, but not too many like in the original canon. That way we can fix one of the biggest problems of Journeys: the amount of filler episodes. Not to mention I'm also thinking of rewriting some episodes to take place in different regions instead of most of them taking place in Kanto. That way it'll give more shine to the other regions (especially Galar since it desperately needs it).
There will be fan episodes not only adding events to this Journeys rewrite (such as introducing new characters (including the other Galar characters) and catching new Pokemon), but also episodes dedicated to Marcy too. (Fun Fact: one of the episodes I have planned for her involves two episodes that take place after "Raid Battle in the Ruins!": one that involves our heroes arrive in Aspertia City and Marcy visits her family and reunites with her friends and rivals too (while Ash and Goh will meet them for the first time; Ash and Marcy also reunite with Cheren too, while Goh meets him for the first time; as she planned it in the previous episode and told Ash and Goh about it & another one that takes place immediately after the previous one, where our heroes go to Prof. Juniper's lab, where Marcy reunites with all of her old Pokemon and Ash & Marcy reunite with Prof. Juniper and Bianca, while Goh meets them for the first time; I've also got other Marcy centric fan episodes planned, but I'm gonna keep them a surprise and wait until the videos on my Pokémon Journeys OC What If/Rewrite come out in the future; but I reassure you that once they come out, they'll be worth the wait :) ^^).
Team Rocket's Gacha PokéBall machine will be replaced and the trio will receive different Pokemon via Team Rocket's Delibird just like they did in the AG Battle Frontier episode "Grating Spaces". (Fun Fact: I took inspiration from Lumiose Trainer Zac's "EVERY Pokémon Episode Reviewed in 10 Words or Less" video on using this idea. I've seen this episode alongside the entire AG series back in middle school and even though I have yet to see JN, I can see the complaint that Team Rocket using that Gacha Pokéball machine devalues them from catching their own Pokemon and forming bonds with them like they did in the past; not to mention it does kind of ruin Team Rocket a bit; they'll still have their own Pokemon during the PJ series, but they'll also use their past Pokemon and use Pokemon given to them by Delibird from time to time; as of now, I'm not too sure on what kind of Pokemon Team Rocket will have for Journeys. I mean, I do have a good idea on it (Jessie will still have Chewtle and James will still have Morpeko), but I'm not 100% sure yet. I'm still brainstorming on that as of this post.)
Ash will still have his fun, friendly, passionate and energetic personality, but in this version of the Journeys series, he will be a bit more mature in this series to show his growth. Not to mention he'll also help out his companions by giving them advice through his past experience from his past journeys and be a mentor of sorts towards them.
And those are some of the ideas on my Pokémon Journeys rewrite. What do you guys think? Do you like the idea of my rewrite? Do you not? Are there any ideas I can add or change to my rewrite? Let me know in the comments down below. I'm also accepting towards kind and constructive criticism, but NO MEAN OR RUDE COMMENTS (OR ANY DEATH THREATS WHATSOEVER)!!! ANY RUDE OR DEATH THREAT COMMENTS WILL BE REPORTED TO THE WIKI AUTHRORITES AND YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!!!
With that being said, I hope you guys like and enjoyed my ideas on how I would rewrite Pokémon Journeys. Thank you and have a wonderful day. :) ^^
21 Votes in Poll
In a new upcoming episode involving Project Mew and a Frozen Trial, not only we have Gary returning, but to our surprise, Goh’s childhood friend Horace is here too! Looks like he really wants to find Mew too just like Goh. We’ll see how things turn out especially with the new opening coming up.
After watching Goh and Gary taking part in Project Mew especially during today’s episode, I like to see other participants than what we saw so far. Who else might be joining? Will it be more new characters or returning characters from past anime?
My possible candidates:
Clemont and Bonnie
Alain and Mairin
Gladion and Lillie???
40 Votes in Poll