FINALLY! i completed pokemon violet yesterday and i am so happy! i had got to the turo battle and ngl all of the cutscenes were so long! but still, i almost cried when i took it all in.
I had to rematch turo 3 times, but i kinda cheated the third because i traded over all my legendaries from legends arceus and dialga with:
Aura Sphere
Power Gem
Metal Burst
So no dragon moves and no STAB at all, but this moveset was super effective against almost all his pokemon, and dialga later fainted with iron valiant alone (i didnt give him a chance to do any attacks) but i switched in cresselia with:
Healing Wish
Future Sight
Zen Headbutt
Psycho Cut
And 2 psycho cuts finished him off. it was a relief that i got past him but then, miraidon decides to come out and then my miraidon battled. ok i was so happy that i got to miraidon's battle form and i was on 1hp from power gem and some other moves, cant remember but a max potion had me covered
I forgot miraidon is a dragon type and i was like 'nah.. cant be bothered to terastallize' but when penny said it again i was like 'ok its probably required to defeat it' and it did defeat it.
Arven and turo's interaction made me actually stop and pay attention (arven's story is so sad, with mabostiff and his dad, i cant believe how tough his life is) but yeah, the end credits rolled, and i was actually sad because there was nothing for me to do in the game. and then i remembered: SHINY GIMMIGHOUL! so geeta put me up for rematching the gym leaders (definitely my last priority) and i got out to do shiny hunting. i only defeated one 5-star raid and it wasnt shiny. :(
Thank you to @Kettlon , who, ultimately, i would not have finished it and would have left it for ages if he didnt actually give me a reason to 'speedrun' it.
So thank you. and just everyone for your suggestions on my team throughout the battles :)
Im not crying *sniff* you are!