Same with Roy's Fuecoco, Dot's Quaxly, Murdock's Rockruff, and will all Pokemon that have never evolved onscreen (excluding Porygon2 and PorygonZ) ever be shown evolving on-screen.
What does Sobble evolve into?
Captain Pikachu's pose is OMG
38 Votes in Poll
Same with Roy's Fuecoco, Dot's Quaxly, Murdock's Rockruff, and will all Pokemon that have never evolved onscreen (excluding Porygon2 and PorygonZ) ever be shown evolving on-screen.
What does Sobble evolve into?
Captain Pikachu's pose is OMG
So, when regional forms were introduced, it was said the Alolan Exeggutor was the original, while the one from Gen 1 onwards was thw regional forms.
Well we thought it would be interesting to do the same with Convergent Evolution Pokémon.
So we have an idea for a convergent evolution form of the Porygon line.
Basically they would be a species of duck or maybe dodo like Pokémon that would be Water/Electric. It was thought these Pokémon went extinct, and Silph Co made Porygon as a way to both pay respects to the Pokémon, but also to test if they can create an artificial Pokémon. However in the region this would be introduced, a new flock has been discovered, and now efforts to repopulate them is now in place.
So, thoughts? (We don't have art for what the line would look like)
Note the one on the top is the second Shiny Porygon.
Do you think that the Porygon evolutionary line should be retired from the Pokémon franchise because of the incident from the Porygon episode from the Pokémon main anime that caused visual seizure against the other viewers?
Porysand 2
Porysand Z
The Paldean counterpart of Porygon, also commonly named “Forestgon”, are a common Pokemon mostly found in forests, despite this, they are not true Porygon subspecies, but more closely related to Turtwigs and some other Grass/Ground type Pokemon.
Forestgon: The first evolutionary stage of the Forestgon species. They have three known moves, being Tackle, Grass Knot, and Razor Leaf.
Forestgon2: The second evolutionary stage of the Forestgon species. It has grown from an old and now-useless wind-up toy ship, that is also seen in Garbodor’s Gigantamax form, And it also has 3 new moves, Mud Slap, Coil, and Heavy Slam.
Poryterra, the final evolutionary stage of the Forestgon species. It has 5 new moves, such as Bullet Punch, Haze, Smack Down, Body Slam, and Confuse Ray.
Some old toys can be found Poryterra’s tree, such as a old toy plane, and an old toy car.
The next two stages are slightly powerful than others Grass types.
Poryterra has a Gigantamax form. (I’ll show it sometime of this weekend)
Sparthundred: The Army pokemon. Fighting-Steel. Evolves from Falinks after defeating 5 other Falinks while holding a Leader's Crest.
Pokedex entry: Only the strongest Falinks can evolve into Sparthundred. One group of 300 was able to stop an army of over 100,000 pokemon
Teras: The Crystal pokemon. Rock-Bug. Related to Paras
Pokedex entry: Paras that live in the depths of Area Zero grow tera crystals instead of mushrooms
Terasect: The Crystal pokemon. Rock-Bug. Evolves from Teras
Pokedex entry: As the tera crystals take over, this pokemon gains more mysterious powers.
Hoppip Regional Variant: Ice-Flying.
Pokedex entry: Hoppip that stay in cold weather for too long grow ice crystals over their body.
Mushrite: The Mushroom Pokemon. Grass-Ghost. Evolves from Parasect
Crystite: The Crystal Pokemon. Rock-Ghost. Evolves from Terasect
Solosis, Duosion, and Reuniclus Regional Variant: Poison-Dark.
Pokedex entry: Symptoms of this pokemon include fever, confusion, drowsiness, weakness, and death.
Porygon3: The Virtual Pokemon. Normal type. Evolves from Porygon2
Pokedex entry: Porygon2 that successfully update can learn things outside of their programming.
Alternate Pokedex Entry: This pokemon was in development for a long time, an update that was supposed to create this pokemon ended up creating a glitchy version known as Porygon-Z
Snowlett: The Snowman Pokemon. Ice-Ghost. Related to Golett
Pokedex entry: Some snowmen have been known to turn into pokemon. They are known to be very friendly and protecting
Snowlurk: The Snow Golem Pokemon. Ice-Ghost. Evolves from Snowlett.
Pokedex entry: This pokemon protects villages from invaders by freezing them in their tracks. During the warmer months, this pokemon resides at the tops of mountains
Grass as its only type, Kanto (Tangela)
Johto, Never appeared in the anime, has a pre-evolved form in gen 1 (porygon2)
Hoenn, Has both a pre evolution and an evolution in gen 4 (roselia)
Brock had this pokemon in the Sinnoh Region (croagunk)
Unova pokemon, became part fairy in gen 6 (Whimsicott)
Kalos, final evolution of a 3 stage line, Not a starter, the pseudo legendary, part flying type, or fairy type (Aegislash)
Alola, this pokemon is the biggest rival of both heracross and pinsir (according to the pokedex) (vikavolt)
Galar, Often caused trouble alongside Goh's Scorbunny (before the scorbunny was caught) (nickit)
Exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet, isn't a paradox pokemon (Armarouge)
So I want to use porygon z in bdsp in the league but you can only get it in the post game. Does anyone have one to trade???
We have Ghostrider the Typhlosion, Gamecube the Porygon2, Boulder the Golem, Rocky the Onix, Shadow the Dusclops, and Goose the Golduck.
Decided to fuse two witches
Also this
I don't understand why they both look sort of good
Porygon evolution line
Yeah thats about it