Note: this is more of a revived post than a repost, since the old version was on my old account
Anyways, what is Piers singing to his fans?(wrong answers only)
Note: this is more of a revived post than a repost, since the old version was on my old account
Anyways, what is Piers singing to his fans?(wrong answers only)
31 Votes in Poll
These are Gardenia and Cythinia you already know them
This is Erika the grass type gym leader of the kanto region. She is coming to Cuecue because her ancestors live here,
These are Marnie and pierce. Pierce is the dark type gym leader of the Galar region and Marnie is his little sister.
This is Briar. She takes students on field trips. She is taking Liko, Florian, Juiliana, Arven, Penny and Nemona on a field trip to cuecue. They are all students at UVA-NARANJA Academy
These are— oh wait forget I showed you that—
*penny flips to the page foreshadow in the dictionary*
Penny: See it’s a word!
Arven: but it doesn’t mean anything!
The whole room — including Briar — look at Arven like hes crazy because he is.
Everyone arrives at cuecue town central and go to the visitors house
Visitor house keeper: feel free to make yourselves at home before your hotel busses come!
Two glameows walk up to briar (who’s reading a magazine) and Cynthia (who’s doing the same thing) one has a collar that say derai and the other has one that says emakari.
Cynthia: aww, did u loose ur trainer lil’ feller
She pets derai
Briar: oh my gosh! Your the champion Cynthia!
Cynthia: and you must be Ms. Briar from the paldea region!
Briar: it would be so great if my students could meet u! If it’s ok with you!
Cynthia: that would be ok with me! But first I need to find this Glameows trainer! Oh she’s right there!
Cynthia: I think these are your glameow’s
Marnie: Thank u so much! Mycobacterium wipes!
Cynthia: what…
Marnie: Mycobacterium Wipes!
Pierce: she says random words when she’s freaking out. She’s a really a fan of u!
Cynthia: why thank you! Would unlike my autograph!
Marnie: that would e great! Solidified Mycobacterium wipes!
Pierce: snap
Marnie: oh my god thank you so much for my autograph Cynthia!
Cynthia: no problem!
Cynthia walks back to her seat and mumbles this under her breath
Cynthia: I used to be like that girl
Marnie: 🖤 ❤️ 💜 💙. I just met THE CYNTHIA
Gloria: NO WAY! Hopefully you didn’t do that thing where you say random words
Marnie: I didn’t
You guys know that was a lie
Gloria: that’s great!
Marnie: How’s things in galar
Gloria: great!
Mayor grisoemarl enters the room
Mayor grisoemarl: Marnie! Pierce!
Marnie and pierce: Dad!
(Scrafty is first one out and obstagoon is his ace)
I'm going to be doing a series of posts soon on what if Ash was sponsored and/or trained by a Galarian Gym Leader, but for now, a list of suggested starters:
Melony:Galarian Darumaka
The list may change.
In the near future I plan to publish a post on the topic "What if Piers sponsored Ash". But for now, I'm wondering what you think it would be like if Allister sponsored Ash?
He could look a little more tired but I’m overall kinda happy with it. His hair is quite floofy and was fun to draw.