41 Votes in Poll
41 Votes in Poll
41 Votes in Poll
The Brevard Zoo has a pair of Victoria Crowned Pigeons named after Pidgey and Pidgeot
Tell me anything i need to improve on.
“Bye Mom,” I say when I leave the house.
I go to Route 29 and see that girl Lyra with her Marill.
“Hey Agent, You want to know how to catch pokemon?”
I actually never thought of owning any other Pokemon other than Poseidon (My totodile). It would help with my journey…
“Sure,” I say, what harm can it be to get more than one pocket monster?
“Alright, Here is how you do it,” She says. She walks in the grass. I hear some rustling for a few seconds and then she comes out.
“And that is how you catch a pokemon,” she says. “I went too fast didn’t I?” I nod. “Okay, I will show you the steps, come with me.”
We both walk into the grass and I see her send her Maril. The opposing pokemon seems to be a purple looking rodent. I checked the Pokedex and it seems to be a Rattata. She calls a move and Marill tackles the Rattata once. Rattata uses growl.
“Marill, use tackle once again.” She says. The rattata is struggling to stand up and is looking pretty beat.
“Okay now, this is the part where we catch the pokemon.” Lyra says.
She pulls out one of those red and white balls that I saw when I chose Poseidon. She then throws it at the Rattata and it makes the Rattata disappear.
The ball moves once
The ball moves twice
The ball moves another time and stays still. Then a sound appears and I figure that that is how you know when you capture a pokemon.
“And that’s how you catch a pokemon.” She gives me 5 pokeballs. “Here, I’ll give you five. Bye now.”
She leaves and I walk into the grass. Me and Poseidon see something in the grass.
“Buddy, are you ready for a new team member?” The totodile looks at me with his derpy face and runs around. I take that as a yes and look to see the Pokemon. It’s a pidgey. Me and Poseidon have “fainted” many going through Route 29 but we decide to catch it. Then the voices is my head (definitely not the Pokemon Wiki) made me call the bird Horus.
“Hey little bird. Your name is Horus and you will be my slave from now on.” The Pidgey looks at me with fear.
“Just Kidding, Welcome to the team Horus.” I find out that Poseidon and Horus are best friends from the start. Can’t wait to see the old man again…
Here is Part 3: https://pokemon.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000003677058
32 Votes in Poll
92 Votes in Poll
I was shiny hunting in Let's Go Eeeve! and I found a shiny Pidgey after 2 hours of hunting, and it ran away.. :(
Level 19 Quilava (Nickname: Prometheus) ((Prometheus is the god who gave mankind fire)) (((Aka roman gods and goddesses nicknames))
Level 20 Pidgeotto (Nickname: Arya) ((The goddess who rules the sky))
Level 13 Onix (Nickname: Sisyphus) ((Sisyphus is a god who has been punished by Zeus, and his punishment is to forever roll a boulder up a hill, and when he is nearly there, the boulder rolls all the way back down))
Level 6 Mareep (Nickname: Marianne) ((Marianne is the goddess of lightning))
Level 2 Pidgey (Nickname: Hermes) ((Hermes is the god of the sky)) (((I plan to breed Pidgeys)))
And a level 5 Togepi (Nickname: Oberon) ((Oberon is the king of the fairies))
52 Votes in Poll
BTW I will no longer do a last time and next time on arch adventures so yeah.
Narrator: It seems Maxi has encountered something in the bush!
A Wild Pidgey appeared!
Blue: That is a Pokémon known as Pidgey! It is a suitable beginner catch!
Maxi: I see...
Blue: Fight and catch it!
Maxi: Squitle! Use Tackle
Pidgey is weakened...
Maxi: Here we go!
PIDGEY was caught!
Maxi: Yes!
Blue: Well, good job! We are finally here!
Viridian City, 4:00...
Maxi: So, this is it!
Blue: So, what would you like to do first?
Maxi: Challenge the gym!
Blue: Huh? Okay!
Maxi and Blue head to the gym.
Maxi: Aww! It's closed...
Blue: Ah, time to open the gym.
Maxi: W-what do you m-mean?
Blue: I guess it's time to tell you. I am the gym leader of the Viridian Gym!
Maxi: W-what?!
Blue: That's right! Now, are you ready to battle?!
Maxi: A s-shocking discovery but I still won't lose!
(cue music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkjhKf9ZusU)
Maxi: Pidgey!
Blue: Rhydon!
Rhydon attacked in fury, without receiving an order.
Maxi: W-what? You didn't say anything!
Blue: Hahahaha! Of course! Rhydon has a tendency to attack without command. Sorry about that, hehehe.
Maxi: Pidgey, use Gust!
Blue: Rhydon! Use Stomp!
Rhydon missed and got hit by Pidgey!
Maxi: Give it the ol' Tackle!
Blue: Rock Slide! Now!
Rock Slide hit and defeated Pidgey!
Maxi: Squirtle! Use Bubble!
Bubble hit but it was weak.
Blue: Rhydon! Use Earthquake!
SQUIRTLE fainted...
Maxi: No!
Blue: Sorry!
Maxi: *sighs* where is the next gym?
Blue: Huh?
Maxi: You are a bit too powerful. I will come back.
Blue: Oh, ok. The closest gym is in Pewter City
Maxi: I see...
To be continued...
After getting out of my house I went to the grass patch were prof.Oak stop me and explain how pokèmon live in tall grass. Then a pikachu showed up which prof.Oak caught.
After that we went to prof.oaks lab where I meet Zeno my rival and there was one pokèball on the table, when I went to garab it Zeno pushed me away and said
"No way Rayan!(me) I want that pokemon"
So prof.Oak gave me the pokemon I caught erlier amd I named him "Sparkz" after that we went to het prof.Oaks parcel, got it and we went back.
We gave it back to prof.Oak and he gave mw the pokèdex then me and Sparkz went to veridian and bought some pokèballs and cath a rattata I named "Crit" then I went to route 2 and cought Garuda the pidgey and Godzilla the nidoran♂️.