So I made a design a year back on paracect’s potential evolution I thought I deserved one because of it”s low base-stat total of 405 and bad typing . I thought that it was a shame it’s base stat total was so mediocre because design wise it was one of my favorite Pokémon. and so I remade that design to make it look better
It’s evolutions base stat total is 530
Hp 90
ATK 110
DF 80
SP-DF 80
SPD- 100
It’s mushroom has grown so large it broke the shell of the bug Pokémon this Pokémon has turned the once pretty slow Parasect into a speedy beast though it’s special Defence stayed the same the rest got decent buffs added to it. ( no this isn’t it’s Pokédex entry ).
Because paras and Parasect a slightly based of cicada larva I made
A design of a fully grown cicada in it’s adult stage and the mushroom is based on the fungi Massospora a fungus that take over the abdomen of cicadas and spreads through ……………….. you’ll find out this disease is which how I came up with the name Massarasect it’s grass dark and you might be asking why not bug you see the bug part of it is basically long gone as the fugi has token over and because of this dark process it is a dark type.