Author's Note: We're reaching the end of the Lylow Town section and I'm so excited to share it. Please enjoy
Snow fell, darkness blanketing the sky. Children played around tonight with the stars shining above. Since the first day of winter, Lylow Town was getting ready for the big event, the Winter Festival. It was a day celebrated in the middle of winter where the residents of Lylow Town would be at their most festive. Shops would close and everyone helped each other with the decorations.
During this time, Lily most felt like she belonged. Her first Winter Festival, helping the Pokemon of Lylow without any awkwardness for her restrictions. Maybe it’s because she’s been around for over 3/4 of a year now, yet the Eevee was happy to help out at the very least. After all the time she and Palo spent teaching her how to speak, it paid off… Maybe.
The Eevee got better at forming words. Even though she still made “vee’s,” and “voi’s,” Lily was at least able to somewhat say her name correctly… And that was just it. Lily only managed to learn the big basics, so at least she could communicate better.
“Lily!” It was Palo’s voice through the stands tonight. Swirly Sweets had a food stand that sold little berry cakes, while Soothing Scent's stand would sell pouches of Snow Seeds, seeds that would grow a random berry every time they were planted in the winter towards spring.
Junker's stand was filled with dolls of the residents in Lylow Town, which kind of creeped out a few of them, Raggy performing in the middle of Town Square, and Technical Magnemites TM's all being ice type ones.
The only shop that didn't have a stand was Karma's Greed, seeing as Luzure had nothing to do for the festival but help decorate. Pokemon from neighboring towns had also stopped by for the festival tonight and set up stands there too. A fortune telling stand took place in the opposite direction of Raggy's Show, along with other different food stands scattered everywhere else.
All the Pokemon in town also seemed to be enjoying themselves. Pitch and Midnight were going through various stands in the festival with their moms keeping an eye on them. Along with Pitch and Midnight were some other kids who weren't residents of Lylow Town as they all played games around Town Square.
Lily and Palo were the only children tonight who didn’t play with the others. The Eevee was helping Petal sell Snow Seeds, practicing with “thank you.” Right now, Palo had run up to the Soothing Scents stand. “Do you wanna hang out tonight?!” The Piplup was elated, a joyful bundle of blue feathers as he looked at the Eevee pleadingly.
Before she could reject and say she was busy, Petal intervened, a paw on the top of Lily’s head. “She’d love to,” she answered. The Eevee could only look up at the Leafeon in surprise. Had she read her mind? How did she know that she wanted to celebrate the festival? Petal just smiled, kissing the top of Lily’s head before shooing her away. That was odd, but the pair shook it off as they ran for the other stands. “‘ank vyou!” Lily shouted back at the Leafeon.
* * *
"So Lily, what are your thoughts on the Winter Festival?" Palo asked. "I like!" Lily replied with a smile on her face. The two had already went to two food stands and were now in front of another different one. Lily didn’t know what this one was with its more bland but formal approach. “Eevee?” She looked at the stand curiously. "This here is the exploration team stand," a voice behind the stand spoke. It was a Pangoro that spoke. "You know what an exploration team is, yes?" the Pangoro questioned Lily, who shook her head slowly, an "m-hm," from Palo as he began talking. "Um," he started. "I-I was wondering if I could join an exploration team, sir?"
"Sure kid, I'll sign you up," the Pangoro said, as he held something to write with and down on. "But before I do, you know the requirements to joining an exploration team, yes?"
"Y-Yes! I do!"
"Okay then, what is your name?"
"Alright, I'll inform you when qualifications happen."
The Pangoro turned around to look at Lily before asking her the same thing.
"Are you also applying for an exploration team too?"
"Ee...," Lily was taken back from the question, the Pangoro soon sighing after as he put down the objects he was holding. "You can take your time," the Pangoro reassured her. Lily nodded as she continued to think about joining.
On one hand, Lily didn't know anything about exploration teams when Palo had first mentioned it, along with his sudden request in asking for her to make one with him. The other hand however, she wanted to know what it was like to be in an exploration team and to explore the world, not just stay in the same place for the rest of her life.
Looking back at Palo, it seemed like he wanted her to go with him badly without feeling like he was forcing her to go, even though it still felt like it did. After a while of thinking, the Pangoro spoke again. "You come up with your mind yet?" he asked, his patience beginning to wear.
Lily nodded slowly before moving her head up to face the Pangoro directly, whole body shaking on what she was going to respond with, nodding vigorously to tell him she wanted to join as well. An odd look was given from the giant bear. “She meant ‘yes’!” Palo explained. “S-she’s just nervous like me so that’s why she wasn’t talking much.” That was a close one.
"Alright, what is your name?" the Pangoro asked. "Lily," she muttered, her pronunciation off. Pangoro chuckled lightly as he grabbed the objects again. "I can't write down your name if you can't say it loud enough," he explained. "And don't worry about speaking loud, everybody does that when they're excited."
The Eevee nodded, mustering up the confidence to say her name once more.. "Lily," she answered, still in an awkward manner. "There we go," the Pangoro congratulated. "That wasn't too hard, yeah? Now tell me, do you want to be in the same team as your friend?"
"Yes please!" Palo responded in an instant.
"Hehe. Alright, I'll inform you both then when the time for qualification comes, so train hard before it arrives, cause you'll need it."
"Thank you, sir," Palo thanked, earning another laugh from the Pangoro. "No need to thank or call me sir, kid. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of what this festival has to offer."
"Uh-huh, bye!" Palo and Lily waved to the Pangoro as they went to enjoy the rest of what might be of their time in Lylow Town.