So about my well ig it’s an au…? So I’m like
”Everyone! ZTH is basically James’s journey in Hisui!”
But, I like writing these so damn much, that I keep writing different ones with different things happening.
Starting the chapter!!!
Everything was blacker than a tax man’s soul. A man known as James fell from the rift with some…people and soon felt water soak his head and hair. They shot up like a flash to see a man with long blue hair wearing a weird mask commanding a Vaporeon to use hydro pump to wake him up.
“Who the hell are you?” He asked as the man returned Vaporeon. Some other people causally walked up to him. There names were Harper, Akita, Kit, Lupin, and Korika. James didn’t care and rushed to see Gloria and Victor laying unconscious in the sand.
Soon, a man with a weird hat and two 21 year old people came bounding towards them. “Lads and lasses, are y’all all jolly and safe?” Asked the man with the weird hat. James nodded and pushed past them all to find his lycanroc Bloodfur buried in sand. A Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott were trying to dig him it out.
“The name is Laventon and these two are Rei and Akar-“
“I don’t give an absolute damn. Just get me the hell out of here right goddamn NOW!”
Laventon took a step back shocked and unable to answer that. The man smirked before walking away in the eyes of strangers. Soon, he had to catch the Pokémon and wound up agreeing to complete a pokedex.
At the village people stared across the road from him, yet no jungle drums sounded. He hoped they couldn’t read his mind, he also knew that they couldn’t see it in the snow.
Before he could process what the hell was happening, they were told to go to some restaurant and wait till Laventon got permission for James to join some group.
Then a genderbend of Cyrus was seen standing in front of him folding staring.
Gloria, Victor, and Kit watched from the shadows as Lupin played his harmonica. Korika sighed sadly as James began arguing with the woman about wether he was “worthy” to join.
Later, he was sent to some crusty building and the people he had just met got in scot free while James had to prove his goddamn worth. “F you Cy whatever, f you stupid trial, F EVERYONE!” That last part was screamed out as the man punched the wall repeatedly.
Someone wound up yelling at him, to which James responded with that if they didn’t shut up he’d burn the village down. The person went back inside terrified as the man didn’t give a damn.
That morning he was woken up by someone breaking down the damn door, sending James into a fury and he clobbered Akari. He was fuming when she shakily sent him to the office of Cyllene who James started to call Cy.
She ordered him to catch three Pokémon, little did they all know he would catch more than that. As he walked out with all three starters and his trusty Lycanroc, he saw a man with a huge backpack talking to Gloria and Victor, the former who was sipping some beer.
“Hey! Meet Mister Volo! He does battles!” Called Victor while waving for James. The man named Volo smiled and motioned for them.
“My my, what a curious get up you have there, I can already tell you’re quite the character.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome James.”
“How do you know my name?”
“Haha, news travels fast between us merchants of the Ginkgo Guild..”
The two talked for what felt like a day but was really 3 hours. Luckily, the merchant agreed to help James on trial but the team rocket leader didn’t need anything except the company and morale support.
“There’s a Volo restaurant bar somewhere out there.” Said Victor randomly to the man of the same name who was telling James that he shouldn’t play fetch with a shiny female alpha Luxio but eventually gave up.
The man successfully passed the trial and decided to spend the rest of the day fulfilling research tasks with Volo, who had something off about him. Bloodfur said something about him belonging to the hands of the nights and having the shadows on his side as soon as everyone is away and the lights are down.
After a long day James invited the merchant to dinner with them all. He of course was flattered and accepted the offer politely. Kit had Lupin play Mary jane’s last dance on the harmonica at dinner as Beni grumbled about Volo openly to Kamado provoking James into stabbing the cook.
Blood spilled out and the merchant plus everyone around gasped in fear as James sat down before commenting, “Me and Tom Petty have something in common, both tired of this town.”
Volo stared at him in awe as Akari and Rei just ate potato mochi happily as James broke out the guitar and played running down a dream.
The moon was shining in the sky as James turned in for the night after painfully saying bye to Volo. He even offered the man to stay the night but the merchant shook his head and said he was busy.
“You can stand me up at the gates of Hell and I won’t back down. I’ve got one life in a world that’s pushing me around but I’ll stand my ground and I won’t back down.” He said sang early for the man before falling asleep wondering about the mysterious request Rei talked about.
Also the black as a tax man’s soul was from my dad. He had to sign something and instead of black he wrote that.
Can remove it if it’s offensive.