Best 5
1.Charizard Chills(OG105)(Best)
2.Misty Meets Her Match(OG103)
3.Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?(OG100)
4.Enter The Dragonite(OG112)
5.Pikachu Re-Volts (OG086)
Best 5
1.Charizard Chills(OG105)(Best)
2.Misty Meets Her Match(OG103)
3.Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?(OG100)
4.Enter The Dragonite(OG112)
5.Pikachu Re-Volts (OG086)
Best 5
1.Sinnoh League Victors(Season 13)
2.Battle Frontier(Season 9)
3.Master Quest(Season 5)
4.Kalos Quest(Season 18)
5.Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension(Season 11)
XY→B Rank
XY:Kalos Quest→S Rank
I dreamed I was watching an Orange Islands episode, where the trio went to an island and there was, like, 20 Marill, and in the dream that was supposed to be where Tracey got Marill, I guess
The dream was just entirely about Marill, and at one point I was waiting for the bus.
When Togepi used Metronome for the first time, in the Orange Island series, it makes the beat of a metronome thats used in music
You already knew that? big deal, i didnt *shrugs shoulders*
32 Votes in Poll
Do you remember about ash and his journeys from orange islands? (beginning to end of his journey in orange islands).
Which of his journeys in orange islands do you remember the most?(something funny or sad).
Which of his journeys in orange islands is that you don't remember?
Do you remember ash and his battles in orange islands? With trainers and gym leaders?
30 Votes in Poll
Team rocket is really at their stupidest here. Its sad to see Brock go. :/ But I like Tracey. Do you like Orange isalnds? (Please, No Spoilers.)
67 Votes in Poll
Does anyone wish they’d make a game where one could explore the entire pokemon world instead of being limited to one or at most two regions (ie pokemon gold and silver and there remakes). This would also include such places as the reverse world that giratina inhabits as well as the various regions created for games outside the usual generations.