Introducing the Indeedee!
I’m going to catch these two guys if they were real.
Put the names on that list about your favorite female characters from pokemon from anime and video game dedicated to international women's day:
The list:
Favorite female player:
Favorite pokegirl:
Favorite female gym leader:
Favorite female frontier brain:
Favorite female elite four:
Favorite female champion:
Favorite mom:
Favorite female rival:
Favorite female professor:
Favorite nurse or officer:
I listened to Game Theory and it just said that Nurse Joy is actually a Chansey is disguise. But the main theory is: I've been looking for the answer this whole time, Nurse Joy is an ACTUAL FULLY CATCHABLE POKEMON! I've seen it all... There are serious variants of Nurse Joys in the Pokémon Franchise. I've looked it all up that she had a lot of stuff inside all of the Poke Centers.
How can she be actually none other than Chansey for all of a sudden?
We've never seen this before in my life.
This franchise creeps me the heck out for all of a sudden that no one seen before?
More suspicious suspects with more mysteries
1(premiere). Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny
2. Did Wesley contact Aliens???🛸
3. Lou the sick and vicious😡
4. Cassidy and Butch
5. Norton the neglectful
6. Nora the abnormal
7. The suspicious Mrs. Osono
8. Is Charlie really unlucky???
9. Meg the menace
10. The Pokemon Performer crisis
My fourth Pokestory Drawing Poll winner was Nurse Joy!
So here are the two Nurse Joys that were with Crystal, Brendan, and Wally when the Garados attacked
Next time I'll remember to make the hair fur pink and the normal fur white
So there's this..
And then there's this. 😑
Hello there, I just returned from camping and I thought about a really dark Pokémon theory... its about the different meat you eat in the Pokémon world.
Think about it, you never know which Pokémon you are taking a bite into. So this theory is about where the meat might really come from...
In Pokémon you have sophisticated technology that can revive ancient Pokémon from small parts or fossils you find underground, but what if that same technology is being used in the Pokémon centers? What if when a Pokémon faints they actually die and when you take them to the Pokémon center they get revived, but nurse joy takes the dead Pokémon and sells it to super markets for cash? I mean, where do they get the funds for Pokémon centers?
Anyways... they would still have to learn how to deal with injured pokemon if the trainer is watching or if it has not fainted yet, unless they do the whole revival thing anyways if your in a hurry.
Anyways I have school tomorrow so bye.
Aren't ya surprise to see those jobs of Pokémon Trainer women are happy to be back on the big screen?
Warearia’s Curse – Chapter 1
Hey, Y'all! Welcome to my new series, Warearia's Curse. Warearia is pronounced "where are ya". I'll warn y'all now, it's rather long. In this series, the rich boy, Jackson, was unfortunately turned into a pokemon. And now he only has a week to become human again. Hope you guys enjoy!
I don’t know what I did to deserve this. I don’t like Pokémon, but I was never mean to them. However, one evening, I was forced to change my views. It was all because I changed myself.
I was taking an evening stroll through Silver forest, woodland that my father purchased. In here, there wasn’t a single Pokémon.
We lived in a winter resort on the side of a lush mountain. It was almost always snowing. That’s how the forest got its name.
I wasn’t planning on being out long, but sometimes, plans change. When I heard a scream, my insides froze. What was that? And who would be here to scream? This is private property.
I quickly paused the music that I was listening to, so I could hear the sound again. Before I could discern its location, a thick fog started to surround me.
I swiveled to my left when I heard something growl. The sound rang out again from my right. Even though I could hardly see my hand in front of me, I began to notice a set of red glowing rings. As they moved closer, I turned to run. However, I tripped over a root from one of the forest’s many birch trees.
I tried to catch myself, but I ended up hitting my head on a smooth rock. That was the last thing I remember before waking up in a Pokémon Center.
Glancing around, I saw that I was lying on a small bed inside a capsule. There were Pokémon surrounding me in their own individual glass cocoons. Once I looked closer, I noticed that they were all asleep.
“How are you, little Umbreon? Are you feeling better now?” A nurse asked as she began to open the capsule I was previously sleeping in.
I turned to look behind me, wondering who she was talking to. I could see the tail of an Umbreon, but where was the front of it?
That’s when I realized I was the Umbreon. Panic began to set in. What would my family say? But that wouldn’t matter if I couldn’t find them. No one knew to look for me. No one knew that I was on that walk.
Hang on. The red glowing rings must have come from some sort of Pokémon. And that Pokémon must have turned me into an Umbreon. But, which Pokémon would even have the ability to change people into other Pokémon?
“You seem confused. You must be suffering from the aftermath of a strong confusion ray,” the nurse concluded. She picked me up and cradled me in her arms. “Here. Let’s get you a bath and something to eat. You’ve been out for almost three days.”
Three days?! That means my family has to have been looking for me by now. I immediately began to squirm so I could search for them. However, my efforts were fruitless due to the nurse’s firm hold.
“Woah, there. Slow down, little guy. You’re not fully healed yet,” she said, petting my head in soothing strokes, “You don’t have any I.D. chips like the rest of the Pokémon. We’ll have to take care of that first.”
The nurse walked over to an examination table and set me down on its surface. Then, she placed a bowl of food in front of me. It looked disgusting, but my empty stomach reminded me of how hungry I was.
I took a quick bite and immediately fell in love with it. The food was in the form of pellets, but the flavor was exceptional. It tasted sweet like fruit, but it had a bit of spice to it.
As I wolfed down the Pokémon food, the kind nurse began to program a microchip with identification software to put under my skin. I continued to eat as she performed the procedure.
“Here you go, Jackson. Your new identification is set. Now, other nurses will be able to identify you.”
My jaw dropped almost to the floor. How did she know who I was? I hardly even believed I was myself. All this felt like a horrible dream. I leaned over to bite down on my foot. Nope, this was definitely not a dream.
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t the one who turned you into an Umbreon.” She replied to my shocked expression, “I…um, found your wallet nearby and knew your family wouldn’t be too happy if they discovered that you had become a Pokémon.”
She had a point. My family had an unexplainable dislike for any kind of Pokémon. If they saw me in this state, I couldn’t imagine their reactions. Our negative opinion for Pokémon was well known. Would they disown me even if it wasn’t mine or their fault? My biggest worry is still about how to change back.
“And no, I don’t know how to change you back. This happens very rarely, but it’s never occurred in this region,” the nurse explained, “My name’s Nurse Joy, by the way. Do you still want that bath I recommended?”
I nodded my head at the offer. I’ve never gone this long without a shower. On normal occasions, I would take a shower after a hard workout. But I haven’t taken a bath in a long time.
Nurse Joy carried me into the next room. This place was full of steam and bubbles. A girl in her teens was washing a pair of Gibles. The two Pokémon were splashing each other and giggling. One of them turned to me and began to talk.
“Hey, Umbreon! What are you doing here? Are you going to get a bath like us?”
The other Gible laughed and said, “Of course he is. It wouldn’t make sense to be in here if he wasn’t, silly.” The first Gible resumed splashing. Pretty soon, they were both at it again.
“Ah, yes. I assume you can understand other Pokémon now,” Nurse Joy sighed, “I’m actually jealous. That’s something I’ve always wanted as a kid. When you love Pokémon as much as I do, there’s nothing more I could wish for then to understand them.”
As she set me in an empty tub and began to draw warm water, I thought about her statement. Coming from an anti-Pokémon family, I’ve never really had any wishes or dreams like those of my friends. Most of them either wanted to complete their Pokédexes or defeat all of the region’s gyms. But for me, I simply haven’t given the future much thought. However, I knew I couldn’t be a Pokémon forever. There had to be some way to change back.
“You’ve been oddly quiet, Jackson.” Nurse Joy joked, covering me in bubbles from her deep scrubbing, “Skitty got your tongue?”
“Actually, no. I’ve just been thinking about how to change back into my human self.” I jumped in surprise. I didn’t realize I could still speak English. I already believed that talking would be pointless, since all I would have been able to say was my own name.
From Nurse Joy’s pause in bathing me, she was surprised by this too. I guess she was just joking around to make me feel better. “Well, well. It looks like Skitty gave the tongue back. Do you remember what happened? How did you become an Umbreon?”
“Well, um. All I remember was everything became foggy and I hit my head on a hard rock,” I replied.
“Anything else?” she asked.
“All I saw was a set of glowing red rings coming towards me when I tripped.” I answered.
“Red rings? Oh no…” Nurse Joy ran running out of the room, while I was still covered in suds.
“Wait up! We’re not finished!” I shouted, drawing several looks from around the room. None of them looked directly at me. After all, who ever heard of a talking Umbreon?
Giving up the relaxing bath, I sprang from the tub and hit the floor pretty hard. When I tried to walk forwards, but I kept tripping over my own feet and slipping around. Walking on four legs is harder than it looks, especially when you’re covered from head to toe to tail in soap bubbles.
Once I gained my footing, I clumsily hobbled in the direction Nurse Joy went. With this this new nose, it made it easy to follow her trail. By smelling the air, I was able to find her path. Nurse Joy’s scent consisted of strawberry vanilla smoothies, disinfectant, and Pokémon shampoo.
Eventually, I found her in a small storage closet. She was going through a massive pile of papers. “Warearia…W, W, Ware…ah, here it is.” She pulled a file from disorganized cardboard box and was about to run back when she saw me.
“Oh no, Jackson. You’re still covered in soap.” She moaned, “Oh well. Here, this is the existing documents on Warearia. He’s an ultra-rare Pokémon reported to have changed people into different Pokémon. The biggest way to discern that it’s him, is the large red rings protruding from his shoulders. It’s said that whenever he’s about to strike, those rings begin to glow.”
“It also says that if a person is changed by Warearia, then they must be healed by Xerneas. After a week, the person will become a Pokémon permanently.”
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go find Xerneas!”
“I wish it were that simple, but we’re going to need to know where he’s at, first. And only one person has seen him in the last century.”
“Your dad…” Nurse joy said, “was that one person.”