Noobonmope2·4/24/2023in PollsSmartest outa these.Sleepy guyGodI like da lolipopDumb chanseyNeeds shavingA rockVote53 Votes in PollBidoofGolemChanseyDrowzeeNosepassLickilicky
Benzarro1985·2/25/2022in GeneralWHERE IS NOSEPASSI can't find it in BDSP and i want it!Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining PearlNosepass
GLITCHKING303·2/6/2022in Fun and Games3 Very Bad Pokemon JokesWhy was the berry sad?It didn't Qualot-fy for the best berry contest!What did the Pikachu say when it had too much pepper?Pik-ah-choo!Why didn't the Nosepass point in the right direction?It had covid!PikachuNosepassQualot Berry
I love Bulbasaur·1/16/2022in Fun and GamesShould I add Nosepass? If so who’s getting the boot?YesNoVote22 Votes in PollPokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra MoonNosepass
This post is locked.Awesome2sauce17·8/15/2021in Fun and GamesWho's that pokemon (wrong answers only) Nosepass