Episode 3:
Today's gonna be a bit shorter due to me going for a steamboat meal later... Coincidentally I was at the part where rose invited my character (which I settled quickly)
While wandering the wild area, stormreign is defeated by a wild over levelled galvantula after sustaining damage from battling other wild mons.
However, he's succeeded by my wild area encounters nuzleaf (named peachnut, after some obscure Olympic concept mascot called "Peter Peachnut"... should have named her "Tengu"!) and a nincada (named Cadin, Yokai watches cicada monster) from a max raid.
Decided to evolve this for fun becuz Shedinja. (Whether I can use Shedinja is another story...that said Shedinjas wonder guard is cool and why I like it).
I also had a leaf stone handy. Will she see action against Kabu? Not really.
Will I maybe use her at some point. Probably.
Anywho I pick Roni to fight Bede. He slices through solosis...Ponyta...Hatenna...Gothita with night slash. Brutal.
This is just funny, imagine being a high social class trainer, and you lose to basically riff raff.
My cave encounter is wimpod. Reason: it's cute and golisopod is cool...until emergency exit activates.
I had to did long and hard for an isopod name, so I named wimpod after this guy.
Soon after Roni gets defeated by a Galarian stunfisks revenge, so I'm forced to reshuffle my team a bit so kabu doesn't melt me to bits.
This guy will probably be key to beating Kabu. He can probably resist many of the moves and set up sandstorm to batter his fire types.
Considering Cadin is fast, I decided to see if she can learn this. Apparently only via TR from random raids...no thanks. ( I later found out I had the TR on hand all along. The above conundrum instead applied to substitute instead).
Hey, another gen 8 fav (or at least grimmsnarl is). Why are so many gen 8 mons my favorite?
As for what to name him, well...
Now, before you yell at me that that's a terrible name, impidimp is a hybrid of many creatures that go bump in the night. Why can't he be an ogre or tiny oni?
Funny trainer interaction, they had a Growlithe with the most powerful ability in the game, and Someity (my kirlia ( had trace. So we intimidate mirrored each other.
Someity proceeded to easily defeats the first 2 members of Marnies team, but a morpeko induced bite flinch made me have to use Peachnut and magneous to fight, but they were eventually worn down to dangerously low levels so I had to iguanas to finish it off.
Oh skalor also evolved too. Unfortunately he quickly fell to a coil boosted bug bite from the sizzilipedes in kabus gym.
As for what fire type I caught in there, I picked litwick. Reason: Chandelure is pretty cool and has pretty strong firepower. Definitely deserving of most popular gen 5 Mon. (That said it's a gen 5 Mon so I can't even get chandelure anytime soon... argh!)
I was admitedly itching to use on if these mascots names, and I finally found a perfect candidate. (I was also considering naming my Magikarp and Arrokuda after the blue one though, but felt Gyarados and Barraskewda wouldn't really work with that name).
Anywho,I lead Magneous into Kabus Ninetales. I dynamax to set up the sand but a will o wisp prevents a one shot from max rockfall, so I go for max quake to try and offset this. Unfortunately Arcanine has intimidate, and my dynamax goes out on a whimper as a final max quake doesn't take out Arcanine.
Luckily, Magneous was able to utilize the sand to gradually chip Arcanine and allow Iguanas to take it down.
Probably shouldn't have done an attempted incin impression with tearful look, becuz iguanas quickly falls to it despite having the type advantage (read: Arcanine burn+centifernos fire spin), with water pulse failing to KO. (I'm never underestimating bug type attacks again!)
Eventually, after I use huanhuan to stall a bit, the giant centipede falls to Magneous smack downs.
That said, the fact that Kabu managed to take down one of my mons is impressive since I'm pretty sure nessa an Milo both didn't manage to do so.
Seriously game? Rain?
Well that's convenient. Now I have a flying type that can actually do stuff unlike Cadin. (I'll name it Nini after a member the same group of 5 mascots shown above, since that's a bird too).
Quick tangent before I go: I just realized how oddly cool Galars design is. The first 3 gyms (fire water grass core) are in a loop with motostoke at the center, while the last 5 are split paths with hammerlocke at the center. That's too cool!
Anywho next time will be stow on side and beas fighting types: I have 2 things that are super effective but after iguanas fell to centiskorch despite having that advantage, can I still win?