It’s a normal thing that everyone goes through.
It’s a normal thing that everyone goes through.
Ghetsis…what happened to your arms and hands and well
Avery looks skinny
And N will suffer for all eternity as I laugh at him mercilessly
43 Votes in Poll
Irida had found free coffee drinks and begged to try one so she could experience the magical drink XD idk what’s wrong me lol. James sighed and let her but warned her to not drink too much.
Adaman also grabbed a drink and told James to try some. But the man refused politely as Irida got ten more drinks for herself. “Coffeeholic…” muttered Butch to himself before grabbing one.
The Diamond clan leader then started choking on the coffee and stole James water to wash the bad taste in his mouth out. They sighed before having Adaman lay down on a chair to rest and sunbathe.
Ingo grabbed some coffee which he desperately needed to stay awake half the time. Nemona went to get some but Arven said no since she was already hyper. James sighed loudly as the girl ignored him and got some caffeine.
Penny got scared and hatched a plan to burn the coffee, Arven convinced her not too and added that you can’t burn it so they needed to dump it overboard. But Bloodfur said that it might harm the environment so Arven needed to drink it. But then Arven said that he doesn’t drink after her.
The 3 argued for awhile till they realized Nemona had drank her drink already. Bloodfur wailed loudly as he crumbled up into a ball and began crying. The champion ranked woman gawked at him as James got them all a room on the ship.
Adaman weakly dragged himself off the chair and walked towards the somewhat tiny room and flopped on the bed. Then Nemona found the all you can eat buffet with some ice cream dispensers and of course got some.
N sighed at the thought of her getting a sugar rush as the champion quickly ate an ice cream sundae. Avery found the bar and ordered champagne as Butch questioned why a ship like this had a bar.
Inside another room a murder was happening, a mysterious man or something had killed Blaine the gym leader, his screams were muffled as Mewtwo felt the pain due to being linked. By the time someone investigated, the beast was gone and Tyme who was there blamed it on Nemona.
Someone pointed at that there were blood stains on her shirt which Penny said was cherry juice from the drink the champion had drank. Tyme refused to believe them and grabbed a gun and started shooting at Nemona.
Avery levitated the bullets and the gun like a boss before threatening to put the math teacher in the ocean. (Haha psychic powers go brrr.)
The teacher ran away after stabbing Adaman in his sleep, Irida took it upon herself to nearly kill Tyme for her crimes to their friends. She didn’t care if someone swooped in to arrest her, Irida just wanted Adaman her love safe. She also wanted James her love safe. The Pearl clan leader had already lost Volo, she wasn’t gonna lose Adaman and James.
James stared at Tyme as the teacher scrambled away, Nemona just went back to eating her ramen noodles with Penny and Arven. Soon Adaman screeched in horror as they woke up in a puddle of blood.
Irida with tears in her eyes rushed to help the Diamond clan member only to find that some demonic beast was attacking him, she screeched in fury and beat the literal crap out of it. Before James arrived and after the creature left, she passed out and was unable to help Adaman’s blood gushing wounds.
Soon they both woke up healthy as if they never got attacked. The leaders thanked James happily as Nemona fell asleep on the bed and slept off the food. Penny started listening to some vocaloid and hacked Clavell’s phone and made it look like he posted Tyme shooting people on Facebook.
Then, something rammed the ship causing a massive hole to appear in the hull, the captain ordered everyone into life boats which everyone did. Luckily James had a Kyogre to carry them all so they were safe and wound up in Galar.
Only to quickly head to Bob’s your uncle cause Nemona wanted to try some food. Then Tyme, Poppy, and Ash started shooting at the group so they fled to Ballonlea to try some cupcakes at their new bakery.
They heard news that a woman in clown shoes had nearly killed a teacher and the ship was heading for Galar, so Cassidy asked Volo if they knew who the girl was. “Yes, it’s Lady Irida of the Pearl Clan. Maybe she knows where James and them are.” Rasped Volo.
She nodded as they trekked towards the dock to find a boat so they could meet that girl in Galar. Clavell on the other hand has found out Penny hacked his phone and was furious and demanded to send police after her.
“Hey guys, my gym is in Galar and I run it plus I’m the strongest one there, did I tell you all I run it?”
Klara rambles on for hours as Melli started thinking about how they’d talk Butch’s ear off and the team rocket member listened and cared deeply about everything Melli said.
Soon tears fell out of the former warden’s eyes and Klara finally shut up to see what was wrong. “Moping about Butch again? Shut up!” Snapped Jessie angrily. Volo shot a glare and her before punching her again.
Her nose began bleeding but the merchant didn’t care and went to soothe Melli. “I’m sorry Mel, I’m sure wherever Butch is he’s safe and thinking about you.” Reassured Volo.
One end of their mouth lifted before dropping and returning to a frown. Volo’s smile turned to a frown before remembering what Rick Astley said.
“Never gonna give you up.”
(Lol why did I add this?)
So he decided to make Melli smiled by telling him jokes. Eventually they laughed so hard they cried and wound up getting the whole squad laughing with joy. But Melli was secretly heartbroken as the one person he considered being more than a friend was gone.
Avery was rambling on to N about his gym when Officer Jenny said that they could only have 3 people on a Pokémon at once.
“Three people?”
At that they left to find her just chilling in the lake with her Glaceon. She was quickly rescued and a voice from behind interrupted Irida’s thoughts. “James? It’s me! Raihan.”
They all turned around to see James’s friend and fellow gym leader Raihan who held his hand out for a handshake. Which Adaman accepted happily only for it to be one of those zapping thumb tack thing.
Irida snickered softly along with James as the man fixed his messed up hair. The gym leader laughed and said Iono taught him that before realizing that guns were being fired in the distance.
”Also nobody is putting spaghetti in my notebooks.” Added James randomly to Nemona specifically. She glared at him before finishing her noodles.
Someone tell me wtf this is
In "Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals", N snatches the Light Stone (without asking anyone) claiming that he wanted to ask Reshiram why it had attacked Team Plasma's castle years before. Ash tried to chase after him, but they end up falling into a hole and woke up underground.
In the next episode, Ash used his Pokemon to dig him and N back to the surface (many moments after Iris, Cilan, Cedric, and Looker were shackled) where Team Plasma started an attack on the White Ruins. However, when Colress used his Pokémon Control Device on Pikachu, forcing it to use Thunderbolt on Ash to knock him unconscious, N surrenders the Light Stone to Colress in exchange for Ash's safety.... and he gets shackled too just before Ash awakens all alone with Pikachu.
I was wondering, did N do the right thing? Also, how did Ash recover from Pikachu's violent attacks and why did Iris, Cilan, Cedric, and Looker get shackled? I really don't get it.
You know in the next friday is the third match of iris and cynthia, do you think will see some cameos of the characters who they live in unova?, well if you guys hope so for that, i guess except for N i'm not sure if you guys had forgot about him, well i don't know if he is watch a TV in unova, if he's gonna be in cameo.
72 Votes in Poll
The Diem of the Team:
(The 'day' of the team)
(Diem - Latin word for "Day")
(Team Spamtic, a cruel organization hunting well-trained Pokemons from trainers in an illegal way with an evil plan of making human beings being able to use the attacks of Pokémons for no good, is targeted by the Young Justice Warriors, Red and N.Thereby the story goes on.....)
"There goes another innocent Pokemon, we've gotta stop this N" said Red with frustration. Frustrated N and Red return to Mr. Fandom's house. "What happened my boys?" asked Mr. Fandom, Red explained how they had lost another innocent Pokémon to the dreadful Team Spamtic, "This time, it was a poor Aggron" said N. "What? How a strong pokemon like Aggron?" asked Mr. Fandom, "Hmm...they easily catch even strong pokemon with their machines and equipment" replied N.
The other day, Red and N directly set off to Team Spamtic's base with their 'strongest' Pokemons (: No legendaries). They went on by defeating Grunts and Officials, having a lot of Revives and Potions to help them; Mrs. Fubuki had given it to them, bringing down almost the entire base themselves, but nevertheless, they could never defeat the leader of Branch A; Gyora, who had the legendary Lugia with her. They escaped with a mere chance, badly hurt, shirts torn, bruises all over their body. It wasn't a fair battle, something else was hitting them but they couldn't see it because of the thick mist that surrounded them. But it wasn't a complete vain. They got a disk which was most likely to contain the information about their plans but they needed an expert to crack it.
"Red, do you know someone who can crack the code?" asked N. "Uh...yes, I know a guy named Clemont, he lives Kalos region. He'll definitely know what to do". "Good then, let's hurry up before they go on a rampage, 'hunting' more innocent Pokemons, it's a faraway place, we'll have to talk to Mrs. Fubuki to arrange a flight for us" told N.(Red's Charizard flies them to Mrs. Fubuki)
~part of my Pokemon Fanfic
(I don't write my stories in the direct text; meaning I write it in Passive form mostly so read carefully)
(Mrs. Fubuki is a rich lady who is helping them out financially in their quest.
Here's my story @Jaxoon brother, hope ya like it. It's a short legit part of my story.