So back with another interesting theory.
Theory: Does Mr.Fuji actually have a hand in creation of Mewtwo ?
Well Mewtwo's creation and theories and secrets linked to it are one of my favorite things in Pokémon. We know that Mewtwo was created by the boss of Team Rocket, Giovanni, but was Mr.Fuji also involved?
In the original Pokémon games, Mr. Fuji is a kindhearted older gentleman who looks after abandoned Pokémon in Lavender Town.
He’s best known for his role in the infamous subplot regarding the ghost of Marowak in Pokémon Tower and his distaste for Team Rocket and their abusive ways. Upon solving the haunting and defeating Team Rocket, this kind man would give the player a Poké Flute.
That all seems simple enough, right? Yet, no matter how cut-and-dry many aspects of the earliest Pokémon games were, there was just something extremely mysterious and alluring about this intriguing world, where it always seemed that there was a greater truth hiding just somewhere.
What really set things off, though, was the Pokémon movie, where the prologue shows off a doctor named Fuji being the one responsible for creating Mewtwo.
People believed that it could be that Mr. Fuji was a doctor and came to lavender town to care orphaned Pokémons because he had a hand in Mewtwo's creation and he regrets that.
In later games, it’s heavily implied that he was a major player in the creation of Mewtwo, and it was even more heavily implied during the animated Pokémon: Origins.
Consider this case closed.
Some theorists also say that two Mewtwo were creayed, one blasted of to New island and one still reamins a mystery.
Would love to know your opinions on this interesting theory (one of my favorite).
Note: Respect others opinions.