Smelling salts which Hariyama learned. It’s a pretty bad move too. It only works on paralyzed pokemon and cures their paralysis but deals damage. Only 70 though.
Rototiller— some strats in doubles used it. Basically it raises the ATK and SPA of all grass type pokemon I think. I don’t see why not just run a sun + growth team bc it’s more useful and viable.
Kinesis— Abra line’s signature I think, it has 80% accuracy and lowers the target’s accuracy. No damage and essentially useless as Flash does the same with 100 accuracy (to be fair it used to be 70)
Night daze— Zoroark’s signature. Unfortunately people usually run Dark Pulse over Night Daze as night daze would reveal that its zoroark. It has a chance of lowering the target’s accuracy and a good BP. The move was later given to Lunala, but I never saw anyone run it before even on Lunala. Running dark pulse on Lunala is already less common but still 😔
Belch— a 120 BP poison move and if im not correct the highest BP poison move so far. I think this is a decently underrated move. It can happen any given time after you’ve even a berry, even if you’ve switched in and back out. I think it’ll be good paired with pokemon with gluttony, but I can understand why pokemon would much rather just run moves like sludge bomb/wave.
Barrage— 15 BP multi hit move with 85% accuracy. Basically a tail slap clone, but it’s learned by exeggutor. Both forms are special attackers and it’s essentially useless on them
Flower shield— rototiller but only raises defense. Only defense, not special defense, 1 stage and pretty useless. At least rototiller had viability, especially in double and the removed triple battles. I can’t see a case where flower shield would help , maybe in some very situational cases.
Mat block: it’s like protect but only works on the first turn and has no priority. Essentially useless. Greninja can learn it and it’s a fast Pokemon, but it can just run protect instead with priority and basically the same effect. Other pokemon are like throh who are too slow and it often ends up going last anyway
Hold hands— it’s just an event move that lets your pokemon hold hands. Completely useless (well it raised happiness) but it was funny. Unlike other useless moves like celebrate, hold hands can’t even be selected in battle in many generations, while celebrate can be used as an op z move. Hold hands z move does the same but usually can’t be used.
Crafty shield— it’s like protect but only protects the user from status moves. Protect or detect mostly cover for this already. Not to mention it’s never used.
Mud sport/water sport— incredibly situational early game move. I doubt even running it early game would be useful and only npcs use it at this rate.
Quash— no BP dark move that causes the target to go last. It can be good with sableye or murkrow but I’ve never actually seen anyone run it.
Magnetic flux— raises the defense and special def of all allies … with the ability plus or minus. The abilities are pretty useless even in double battles. Minun and Plusle aren’t very viable and toxitricity would prefer to run punk rock. Base form manectric isn’t that good and mega manectric can’t run it. Nor does it boost any good stats like speed or atk, only defenses and only by 1 stage
Sky uppercut— cool sounding name. 85 BP and can hit pokemon using fly etc when they normally would be invulnerable. However this is really situational as most pokemon don’t even run those moves. Most pokemon with access to this also have access to better moves too.
Water, fire and grass pledge. It had such a cool concept and the only way to create insane terrains like rainbow (which looked AMAZING). It is only 80 BP and can only be learned by fully evolved starters of their respective types if I remember correctly. It only works in double battles and no offense but the terrains’ buffs are not that useful and it’s too hard to activate those effects. If there were other moves that can trigger rainbow, swamp or sea of fire, that’ll be a cool concept but it’s pretty useless as starters usually get better moves of their type of higher BP.