Part 2:
Fine, I'll send only mons of that type next time. (A after a team reshuffle I sent timburr, Pancham and Scraggy off to a fighting type job. Hope they do well).
Hmm now for a leaf stone... though maybe later becuz stone Evos.
No Hop they aren't my fans. I'm not Marnie. (I wish I had such a squad)
This was me just messing around to see how high shuckles sp. Def goes, after 3 fake tears from swirlix gloom ohkos with giga drain.
"sand... distortion realm?" (I'm not sure if I can say that word ..but sand tomb is metal(
Koffing was rather hard to catch, she didn't didn't have neutralizing gas but with quags help I could determine it was levitate, which could come in handy.
Anywho I think a marnie battle was coming up so I swapped my lead from boltund to swirlix (who I can't evolve)
Anywho I made a mistake and brought a fairy to a poison type (croagunk), so I had to swap to quagsire to tank a poison jab. Interestingly quag outsped to land a mud shot twice before taking a revenge (or is it payback) on the first one and taking out the frog in the next one.
There, a much better MU. Swirlix draining kisses away scraggy, and on morpeko I use fake tears as it hunger switches and tank a bite.
Somehow it lived at -2 sp def (a second bite did flinch me) and a super potion nearly thwarts swirlix but luckily morpeko was in dark mode so draining kiss easily takes it out.
Anywho, now it's time for kabu, for this is call up diggersby because clodsire sure can't get through it all alone... probably.
For this challenge I decided to play dirty and take out my "partner" and yawn all 3 mons. (This Vulpix did will o wisp me though)
For sizzilipede I seemingly get struck by fake out by salandit (haha fake out before worlds?) and just yawn the centipede.
For litwick I just yawn...but quag is still burnt so litwicks hex defeats it. Diggersby missed mud shot on my "partner" sizzilipede and gets trapped by fire spin, but quags yawn takes effect. I fail to catch litwick as it gets defeated by bite (RIP).
I just ko the wild sizzilipede with bulldoze (after a fake out), but get burnt. Ouch. I then just decide to attempt to catch it.
But wait.
I have flail... though becuz of the burn that wasn't enough to save diggersby (oof). Koffing finished the centipede off.
Now for kabu himself. I revive quag and diggersby, thinking about using either of them against his team of fire types, and quag is lead against his Ninetales...which doesn't have drought.
Luckily, quags only attacking move is the special mud shot. I wish I had brought timburr to this for a free guts boost. Quag shakes off an ember and fire spin to take out Ninetales with 3 hits.
Next is Arcanine, luckily I didn't swap to the physical oriented diggersby. Also becuz I'm already burned he can't will o wisp me...but he does have bite. Quag gets double flinched so I have to switch.
I went for bull doze as he fishes for burn. Argh. Luckily I'm able to take him out in the next few hits.
As he g maxes (which the localization calls super dynamax, I wish it was sometimes cough max airstream too OP) I cure quags burn at the cost of diggersby, but I dmax boltund instead due to boltunds higher level.
Boltund manages to defeat centiskorch barely...good girl!
Anywho before I wrap up I caught a liepard (sadly no prankster), the rest of the encounters I forgot to acquire (oh well). I'll go take on bea tomorrow...maybe without liepard.