Yes I used the master ball.
It took a long break, but a couple Kanto birds have became the legendary ones! (Fearow exploded cause he used actual fire)
Keep in mind, this was before I hated charizard
Galarian Articuno
I decided to make him lineless
Galarian Zapdos
I give Galar Zapdos a mask thing always
Galarian Moltres
He's insane
32 Votes in Poll
I used to have an Alolan Persian GX but it went missing
The images are sideways for some reason
51 Votes in Poll
I am so depressed right now i finally found a wild galarian moltres with daily incense, and after my first attempt at catching it, it jumped out of my pokeball and ran away. WHYYYYYYYY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME
30 Votes in Poll
17 Votes in Poll
Most in need of names for moltres i think
Ive got tons of them and im looking to name all of them!
If you somehow forgot, gen 1 legends are Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.
Also, i do actually need names for my shiny galarian legendary birds as well, so my fav for that ill keep
Ive also got a couple shiny ones
(these are not hacked btw, all from pokémon go)
Kate: who are u
Giovani: I’m Giovanni
Aiden: feraligatr I chose u
Giovani: lunala
Aiden: feraligatr use hydro pump
Giovani: lunala moongeist beam
Rei: wydeer psystrike
Lunala faints
Giovanni: moltres
Fred: pig pig
Giovanni: aerial ace
Fred: tackle
Moltres faints
Giovanni: ugh
almighty all: go back to ur original universe
Giovanni: fine
Slams 🚪 door
51 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll