Fun fact: I was going to request for more mons because galarian Mr mime is so far away, but decided against it so early. Pls suggest some later though, I'm not sure how long I can go with 3 mons.
Anywho, I decided to evolve Vermilla. Why?
She's probably going to be useless until like raihan (becuz aromatic mist and decorate and overall more support oriented moveset, and I sure don't know how to use singles support mons beyond hazard setting and rapid spin ) but still can be usable. And yes, I went back to motostoke for this. Before fighting Milo I had Vermilla train a bit, and used a tri attack TR on her so she's not entirely passive.
Yeah... apparently. That said after that Vermilla and I took a quick trip to a nearby camp to try some curry out and rest up before the gym... though let's be honest MegaAlph really wanted to fight Milo so
(1 session of wooloo wrangling later... during which MegaAlph picked a few fights with the gym trainers)
Fun fact: Wolfey says the forgot to nerf max airstream the same way max knuckle and max ooze were: BP was a bit lower. Surprisingly Eldegoss doesn't get one shotted by it, which may have irritated a bit, but he still blew everything away.MegaAlph
I'm a bit worried for nessa now however. None of my mons can really smack her water type for Super effective.
Considering Kabu likes to use will o wisp, I hope this can get rid of burns when Vermilla is doing the fighting and the other 2 are in reserve. She's become rather tired by the time w got to the team yell Grunts though, so I let her take a break.
Yeah...sure...*insert translucent eternamax eternatus png here*
At the gym, MegaAlph fought all the gym trainers, so I decided to let his teammates take on Nessa instead of him. Plus drednaw may or may not have a rock move that can ground him.
With the help of a sitrus Berry, Vermilla handles the 2 weaker mons, so I let Bl0XY handle drednaw.
On the first turn, Bl0XY trades max geyser with drednaws max quake, then both sides traded max darkness.
Unfortunately I mega misplay and went for the weaker sucker punch as opposed to a special move, combined with max strikes speed drop (and maybe swift swim), both Bl0XY and MegaAlph to unwillingly go down. That said, the damage dealt allowed Vermilla to revenge ko drednaw. (Speaking of Vermilla...I think I may have another idea on how to deal with Kabus will o wisp)
The 2 are itching for payback, and Bede gets the full brunt of it... mainly Bl0XY though as MegaAlph was weakened from fighting just solosis.
*Looks at moveset* Uhh...yeah. sure
Vermilla must have been extra careful with tri attack this time, she finally got a status condition from it. (She later helped defeat marnies morpeko, due to its electric typing causing problems for the other 2 mons).
Kabus gym put a toll on me as I forgot to refuel on healing items, and Bl0XY is extremely weakend. That have me an idea...
Of course MegaAlph gets burned trying to retaliate ninetales, but gets retaliate off.
I dynamax to circumvent the burn, as well as a subsequent Arcanine intimidate (the latter if which doesn't end well for me). Vermilla manages to hang on against Arcanine long enough for a clutch revive that allowed a full power retaliate to finish Arcanine off...
Centiskorch proved difficult, but 2 plucks from MegaAlph before he went down and a sacrifice from centibite (the sizzlipede I caught in Kabus gym) allowed a restored Bl0XY to defeat it. That was close.
Yeah, I know we will.
Oh before I go, here's information on centibite. Yeah...any suggestions on new mons I can use for now would be appreciated.
Party status
On hand:
Bl0XY (Sobble->Drizzile, male)
MegaAlph (Rookidee->Corvisquire, male)
Vermilla (Milcery->Alcremie, female,newly evolved)
Centibite (Sizzlipede, male,debut)
In storage:
Will get later:
G. Mr mime
@SHARKB!TE (becuz I finally caught your centipede)