If Lillie is starting to catch Pokémon while on a journey to find Mohn, there’s a strong possibility she’s going to specialize in Ice and Fairy types because of her character and bond of these two Pokémon, Snowy and Magearna. You could see a post I made about the ideal list of Pokémon for Lillie. She could still record her experiences like Sawyer did along with learning different Pokémon from books because of her intelligence. Now if Lillie visits Galar with her family during their travels, I think she should try and meet two of Galar’s Gym Leaders, Opal, a Fairy Type Specialist and Melony, an Ice Type Specialist. She could learn from them on how to over come type disadvantages and learn from their stories. Who knows? She could try and participate in the World Coronation Series with her brother Gladion in they enter the world tournament.