Lillie (because of her UG Ride Pokémon)
18 Votes in Poll
18 Votes in Poll
36 Votes in Poll
In The Episode May's Egg-cellent Adventure, May Isn't the one who saves the day and saves the Pokémon Eggs from Team Rocket!
Instead it's Nicolette saving the eggs and Ash defeating Team Rocket. This just so His Pikachu can learn Volt Tackle. He could have learned it from a different Episode. This was supposed to focus on May, the even had May in the Title. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS!?
I've always wonder what happened to May during her Johto journey? We saw when she came back in diamond and pearl that she had 3 ribbons already, her rivals were just as hard as ever, and on top ot that Eevee, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur evolved.
Do you think she won the grand festival?
35 Votes in Poll
May: Jirachi, get rid of the problem!
Jirachi: Get rid of problem? Okay!
Jirachi: (completely gets rid of MAY)
Like the saying, "Be careful what you wish for"
Hi I'm Tyler. While I can be a jerk at times I'm mostly good-natured and also autistic too. Also I like Pokemon Too.
BTW I've read the guidelines of the wiki. Just to be safe.
36 Votes in Poll
58 Votes in Poll
Well the last round ended and...
Wally won!
The ranks are:
1. Wally
2. May
3. Gary
4. Brock
5. Steven
6. Gladion
7. Professor Oak
8. Misty
9. Marnie
10. Ash
11. Serena
12. Bede
Overall some of the rankings are weird, but hey, Wally won! :D
Well Gary got eliminated, so that means there's just May and Wally left
Here are the rules:
- Vote for your least favorite character of the ones above
- Each person can only vote once
- This will last for 24 hours, then I will announce the winner
- Respect other people's votes
I swear why is May still here
Brock hit the rode (Can't think of anything creative)
Here are the rules:
- Vote for your least favorite character of the ones above
- Each person can only vote once
- After 24 hours the character with the most votes will be eliminated, while the rest move on to the next round
- Respect other people's votes
Still voting for May
The last round ended in a tie, but thankfully people value the smol bean over Steven in a poll
Here are the rules:
- Vote for your least favorite character of the ones above
- Each person can only vote once
- After 24 hours the character with the most votes will be eliminated, while the rest move on to the next round (This one will be 22 hours because of problems)
- Respect other people's votes
Again I'm voting for May
Gladion my beloved 🥺
Ok but really how did he get voted out before both May and Brock
And Wally had the second most votes???
Here are the rules:
- Vote for your least favorite character of the ones above
- Each person can only vote once
- After 24 hours the character with the most votes will be eliminated, while the rest move on to the next round (This one will be 23 hours because I was late(Again))
- Respect other people's votes
Get friggin May out of here
Professor Oak was too boring so he got the most votes
Here are the rules:
- Vote for your least favorite character of the ones above
- Each person can only vote once
- After 24 hours the character with the most votes will be eliminated, while the rest move on to the next round (This one will be 23 hours because I was late)
- Respect other people's votes
Tough choice between May and Brock but I'll go with Brock
The votes were scattered but Misty ended up being voted out
Here are the rules:
- Vote for your least favorite character of the ones above
- Each person can only vote once
- After 24 hours the character with the most votes will be eliminated, while the rest move on to the next round
- Respect other people's votes
The choices are getting harder but I have some I want to knock out so... Professor Oak