Ash's final episode is not completed, there's something missing in this episode:
Giovanni telling to Matori to study the doomsday project information.
Team Rocket's doomsday project builded.
Team Rocket tries to steal Ash's Pikachu again.
Officer Jenny saving Ash and Pikachu from the Team Rocket.
Team Rocket's Doomsday Pod arriving in Pallet Town.
Gary's Umbreon saving Ash and Delia from the Team Rocket's Doomsday Pod.
Professor Oak sending messages to regions and all of Ash's friends through Pidgey.
Ash reuniting all of his old friends (Misty, Brock, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Bonnie, Clemont, Lana, Kiawe, Lillie, Sophocles, Mallow, Goh and Chloe).
Tracey shows to Gary a photo of the Team Rocket's doomsday project.
Ash and all of his old friends teams up with Gary and the members of Project Mew to fight against Team Rocket.
Members of the Project Mew arrives to Team Rocket's Doomsday Project.
Ash, his old friends and Gary goes into the Team Rocket's doomsday project.
Team Rocket Grunts surrounding Horace and Lyla.
Ash and his Pikachu defeating the Team Rocket Grunts.
Team Rocket Grunts surrounding and taking Danika and Quilon to the temporary command center.
Ash and Pikachu goes to the Team Rocket's Doomsday Machine.
Giovanni capturing Ash and his Pikachu.
Team Rocket locked Pikachu in the cage.
Ash is locked in the cage by Giovanni ("But, in every game, there are winners and there are losers. And as you know, in this game...losers...gave their Pokémon!").
Giovanni using Pikachu's power to rule the world.
Pikachu explodes the cage with his thunderbolt to escape and save Ash from the Team Rocket.
Ash tells to Gary that Doomsday Machine is indestructible to all proof of destruction.
Ash runs to the Kanto's graveyard and sees his dead father's grave.
Gary tells Ash never to give up.
Mewtwo appears and mentions to Ash that power energy stones are the only hope to defeat Team Rocket.
Ash and Pikachu arrives to the Team Rocket's headquarters.
Ash is in Giovanni's office and picks up one of the power energy stones.
Serena wants Ash to come with her.
Ash and Serena gather the Power Energy Stones.
Team Rocket Grunts arrives.
Ash and Serena with Pikachu's volt tackle attack defeating all of Team Rocket Grunts.
Giovanni and Persian goes into the helicopter for try to escape.
Jessie, James, Meowth and Wobbuffet quits and escapes too with rocket jets.
Matori escapes from the Doomsday Project's destruction with a small elevator.
All Pokémon trainers and Team Rocket Grunts escapes from the Doomsday Project.
Gary, Misty, Brock, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Bonnie, Clemont, Lana, Kiawe, Lillie, Sophocles, Mallow, Goh, Chloe, Danika, Quilon, Horace and Lyla escapes from the Doomsday Project and gets into the Project Mew's ship.
Ash and Serena defeated Team Rocket.
Pokémon Trainers celebrates Team Rocket's defeat.
26 years in the future.
Ash and all of his old friends growing up and having their own children.
Why didn't the Japanese producers and writers try harder to bring all of Ash's old friends into the final episode? I always say because the final episode isn't complete without all of Ash's friends. The Japanese producers and writers don't want to continue with Ash getting together with all his friends to fight Team Rocket, they don't want to plan Ash and Giovanni's final battle, they just keep ignoring all the plans