K bye
Which dex entry is nonsensical to you due to the Pokemon's stats, moveset, anime lore, etc.
Personally, I think one of Magikarp's entries is this. Just take a look:
"It is virtually worthless in terms of both power and speed."
Meanwhile, Magikarp has a speed stat of 80, making it faster than most other unevolved Pokemon.
46 Votes in Poll
I decided to play a bit of pla in the hopes of finding a shiny in this game. (After playing violet for ages, i wasnt used to these controls and it was quite haphazard since it)
I went to a massive mass outbreak in the cobalt coastlands and was flying over to a psyduck outbreak when i passed a magikarp one.
I heard the sound before i heard the sparkles (plural) and went down, and 2 shiny magikarp had spawned next to each other!
After playing violet for ages, i wasnt used to these controls and it was quite haphazard since both of them almost despawned before i remembered how to throw the pokeball.
Seeing as i went for just one shiny, I definitely got more than i bargained for here! I managed to catch both of the female shinies and traded them to violet. My horrible names for them are ‘twinkle’ and ‘my 3rd shiny‘ (3rd in pla). I will evolve one into gyarados and keep the other as it is
(First of all thanks to all who participated in this poll)
Anywho, now to actually explain the stuff.
You've probably seen this quote everywhere, especially when competitive comes to mind.
However, that got me thinking: can my fav mons in the Galar Pokedex get me all the way to Leon?
-If a Mon faints, it's dead and unusable.
-1 encounter per route. However instead of what appear first, it's what my favorite of the bunch that appears is. Fishing is considered separate.
-"Favorite" definition: I must like at least one stage of a line to be able to catch it. Sure it would be funny to take NFEs to Leon but I'd trust actual challenge ytbers like pchal to do this insanity as opposed to myself.
-5 item limit: I'm only allowed to use 5 items in battle. Revives don't count.
-nicknames must be applied to all mons. They'll be a mix of transformers names, names of Olympic mascots or Yokai watch characters becuz those are what I'm into ATM, the first one would have to do a lot of heavy lifting for the names. If there's any name I need to explain, feel free to ask in the replies.
-For every gym badge I get, I'm granted 1 pass to the wild area and 1 raid to do.
Now that that's our of the way,let's get started.
Also, long and windy post warning: these posts are all going to be stream of consciousness formatted and can get very long. If that's not ok with you, click away now.
Still with me? Good.
(As for why I chose Gloria this time, it's for variety since I'm trying to use the female character option more often. Also I'm back in English for this run)
After using Chinese for so long, I think I'll need time to readjust to seeing this text type again.
Interestingly, I dunno if the dialog is meant to be such, but because I picked Gloria, apparently the bag belongs to the characters mother now. Weird.
I also didn't know fishing rod was built in either.
I mentioned in the finale of my last playthrough series I'd use sobble, so I'm delivering on my word. Sobble is my favorite of the Galarian starters, and while cinderace and rillaboom are more appealing when fully evolved, I've used them on my 1st and 2nd play throughs of the game, so I'm gonna use sobble for this one.
Initially I tried inputting the name iguanus, after the Decepticon pretender with a lizard like appearance.
(I'll start putting pics of namesakes below sections like this when I'm deciding names), but the censor blocked me, so I had to settle with iguanas.
Anywho, from name origins to rivalry origins, time to fight Hop.
Wooloo surprisingly isn't a pushover and takes 2 pounds to take out. Scorbunny, meanwhile, is extinguished in 2 water guns.
(I've never completed a dex in any game)
Now to go through the slumbering weald section.
Iguanas fights off 2 skwovets and a rookidee (who I tried and failed to sneak past)
Smogon and vgc players when they saw zacians attack stat and ability be like:
Anywho, I'm not gonna bother with what happens here, but I headcanon this is what would cause iguanas to learn snipe shot... assuming he gets to evolve all the way.
Phew, that sheeps' safe.
Ok, now I can start clocking encounters.
Unfortunately for me, I end up expending my route 1 encounter by koing a rookidee. Oops. I was tempted to put up a facade and catch a different rookidee, but decided I wouldn't lie like that.
Likely because of this the catching tutorial ended up unskippable.
Luckily route 2 finally provides me with my first team member. Blipbug. This line is my favorite of the early game bugs, mostly orbeetle.
Anywho as for a name...I decided to go deep cut and named it papil, after beet-papil, not a a Transformer but kinda close to one anyway, also because it transforms into a ladybug. Go look it up if you're curious.
That said he currently only knows struggle bug so that could prove a problem. He also unfortunately only helped beat a single Nickit, so he's gonna have to evolve to do more.
Now for hop battle 2: which I'm at a disadvantage at because he has a rookidee and I have it's next meal. Iguanas had reached level 10 at this point, and had to sweep hops team on his own.
Well that was easy but I need more mons besides Iguanas to beat the game... especially since he can't dent Milo.
I confess here I was still thinking about how fishing would work, and decided they'd also count towards seperate encounters. Like most I don't like chewtle. However drednaw is cool to me still.
I catch the chewtle and name him snaptrap, after yet another Transformer (I promise I'll not name the next one after a robot in disguise). He transforms into a turtle with Blastoise style cannons.
Hopefully the wild area can give me something I can name after a non transformer...
My wish was granted thanks to my wild area encounter being an Oddish-wait I accidentally ran into in all honesty, so it doesn't count.
Meanwhile for this max raid encounter I get a Togepi. I think Togekiss is definitely high up on my fav mons so I catch it.
As for this lil bundle of joy...I chose the name Izzy after this mascot, becuz like Togepi it looks unlike anything. That is all.
As for my actual encounter...I went with tyrouge. The hitmons are pretty cool IMO and are among my favorite fighting types due to their cool gimmick.
As for what I name my kung fu kid, well I went with roughraff, because like tyrouge he likes to fight.
As for fishing well...I caught a Magikarp and I think I can safely say I won't be fishing for a while. (Also I evolved Papil into dottler so he can do something).
I'll probably name her fishpicable, after another ykw character. Fishpicables evolution is violent like Gyarados so I guess it works?
Anywho after all that I finally arrive in motostoke.
...I need to replace one of my water types. Not via loss though, this is a nuzlocke after all!
Huh, I never thought of spikemuth that way.
Anywho, now to the first Team Yell battle. Roughraff and Papil should be able to handle their teams...right?
Nope, apparently Izzy was able to beat all of the grunts with ease. She's also packing life dew from the raid she was in and is a bit overelevelled but at least she did something as a togepi. That said she has hustle, meaning her pounds hit hard but have a chance to miss which luckily didn't stop her too much this time.
I chose the number 60 because I memorized poliwags nat Dex number...I think I was just messing around and came up with this.
(Why does he use steel types again?)
Now as for hop battle number 3...
I attempt to pound ko with Izzy but swap to roughraff to actually defeat this sheep.
Uh...he still beat the silly sheep anyway.
For rookidee Izzy just learnt ancient power, so I can try and get a boost.
Iguanas then takes care of scorbunny and that's the end of it.
Oh yes. Obstagoon single handedly made me care for this line. I'd gladly take one.
I named her Roni after another Olympics mascot.
She replaces snaptrap on the team.
That's 1 powerful Togepi, almost brocks happiny levels of OP.
And...a RIP already near the end by a random trainers sizzilipede. Apparently the curry didn't restore my ancient power pp so I lost a mon becuz of skill issue. I was admitedly rushing to wrap this up so I guess Izzy paid the price for it...
She was doing so well too...
Iguanas definitely didn't take the loss well. Don't worry buddy, let's just try and get to the top on her behalf.
That ends today's play session. Let's see if we can go an ep deathless in the future.
Part 1: https://pokemon.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000003818729
Yay I have huge power! Not having it was one of my biggest fears, though thick fat will still help with grusha and glaceado mountain. I just huge power more.
Good riddance wiglett. I got a new best friend. I've used drednaw on my sword playthrough a while back, it's nice to use it
Buizel learnt soak. Somehow I managed to use it to beat the Rookidee used by this Trainer. Unfortunately it won't save me from electrocution by Pawmi...or iono much later.
T wave? I wish I could use this later...but it's nice to have.
I'm never badmouthing Psyduck ever again. Pawmi took out quaxly and buuzel (who only got one mud slap off), and I was gonna let Pawmi sweep me but Psyduck somehow lived a tera t shock to take it out with psybeam.
If you know, you know. Hope I don't have to fight one.
I picked a mystic water and quick claw from delibirds, quaxly got the mystic water (it's my strongest so I need some firepower) and chewtle got the quick claw (I think drednaw is like super slow right?)
That localized name for team star ... Makes them sound excessively egotistical. I fought them twice and in hindsight nothing screamed egotistical.
One step closer to being the game I'm used to.
RIP this yungoos. It's gonna get hyper disrespected by a tera aqua jet from quaxly.
Ok this is a bit of a downgrade... (Context: one of the Chinese characters in "tough" work sounds like star in Chinese)
I had to legit look up Penny's japanese name, it's botan-like botanical I presume. That's a lot of transliteration that got lost in English I guess. This is gonna take a lot of getting used to. (I wonder type of lame name Larry will have lol).
Try saying the name of titan pokemon in Chinese 10x fast. It's very hard.(it's also gonna be hard for me to not think arvens name is piper)
Donphan is armored? I guess the trunk section is but donphan definitely doesn't scream armored as much as, say, ttar or aggron. (Man I wish I could use aggron in this game).
These feel easier to read compared to English, they use less characters. I'm so gonna go after dozo in the late game.
Magikarp looks creepy...from that POV. (Also really need a way to get friendship up with azuroll without using it in battle, since it's not water yet...I'd have to bathe it like 20 times...and pray my other mons don't get jealous)
Queen of fairies? I bet she uses.a team of fairies! (Sarcasm)
Why is paldea so themed around food? Like seriously were conceptualizers in hangry mode? Or munchlaxes made this concept?
I looked up all the paradox mons, they're all off limits becuz none are water type (in violet I'd at least have bundle).
For those wondering, Regarding the final mirror match between koraidons, I'm gonna ignore all my rules becuz that's legit no way around that canon event.
I'm admittedly terrified if how I'm gonna get past ionos mismagius rn, give me some ideas in the replies after the end of the post.
Arven seems a bit more daring here...in English I'm pretty sure he never said nemonas name.
NGL, these have the lamest names of the 3 route bosses, it's just type+base...
Finally, I can semi play as I normally do now (... without the upgrades... considering how I muscle memories koraidon before getting it this is gonna take some getting used to).
She seems nicer in this language instead of implying I want to do gyms. Speaking of gyms I'm gonna go take Katy down first....
Oh wait I can picnic now yay!
Magikarp can finally swim above the ground? Without evolving into Gyarados? Yay!
Messing around with picnic really helped, now I can finally use this thing.
Grinded a bit, maybe picked off a bit more than I could Chee (cough level 18 Mudbray cough),I made everyone level 15, except Magikarp becuz it's too hard for it to. I also caught an Eevee in case I couldn't find a wild one (I know they're in the dozo lake but are they anywhere else?)
Now Magikarp got to 15...and finally learnt tackle. Why?!
This one I tried to troll via mud slap with buizel, but that didn't work to help marill beat it after a tera normal slam miss so quaxly had to finish the job.
Oh and I was switch training Magikarp - becuz Gyarados served me well in a nuzlocke did previously, I need one soon.
Well, it had to happen eventually. (Got level 17 on accident). Quaxwell is my least fav paldean starter form but I'm gonna make myself like it for this playthrough. As Quaxly it took out Katy's first non tera bugs, though Nymble it had marills help, and marill took out the last one after I sacrificed Psyduck and quaxly to fury cutter.
1 down, 7 to go.
D'oh! It's just going into storage unfortunately-nvm I oofed it. Sorry shiny hunters.
1st full Evo of the run let's go! Klawf is so donezo...maybe I should try and get Gyarados while I'm at it
Klawf vs water types is easy,I semi handicapped myself by trying to switch train with Magikarp but Azumarill took out phase 1 and phase 2 was taken care of by Psyduck.
Def not the face of mercy. Also this is probably the only place where a Psyduck can take Ws that isn't on Pimpnite or other Ytbers channels.
At this point I'm gonna beat brassius or Giacomo before Magikarp evolves...
Anywho, I think that's where I'm gonna end. Sorry about the shiny ko, maybe recommend me some water types I can try can get...and hopefully tomorrow I can evolve Magikarp.
I was writing a long post about a fake on project but fandom hates me usuaiqoqoqo
54 Votes in Poll
Am I the only one who uses their hard-worked Master Ball for a Magikarp?
And then name it God, make it level 100 and give it an everstone?
And also am I the only one who catches the main legendaries in stupid Poké Balls - like how I caught Zacian in a Lure Ball?
I bet everyone does this
And shoutouts to the Magikarp, Tangela, and Voltorb in the background
Magikarp’s in a container because it’s like an aquarium
Pls do not use these designs, ty!
Also hello. first post on this wiki
A magikarp/Dratini and venonat/rowlet
60 Votes in Poll
61 Votes in Poll
I hate magikarp, love gyarados.
Magikarp 0/10
Gyarados 10/10