The vortex the location
Soul:I see a particle leading here
Shimu:Soul, stop you are stepping on a fluffy tail
Cotton:Who are you?
Shimu:Is that an alolan vulpix
Cotton:Yeah but you see i am that but pink!
Rokou:Do u like rags
Rokou:I hope someone on fandom can appreciate rags!
Cotton:well anyways, I think you are looking for something right?
Cotton:I think i know where it is!
Shimu:Well, can you show it to us
Cotton:sure will buddy ol buddies
Rokou:We do not even know you much
Cotton:Want me to make an essay
Cotton locates the thing they are looking for
Cotton:here it is!
Soul:Exactly what I imagined
A gang of machoke:Who dare enter ourwa temple
Machamp:What do you need
Soul:Can you guys help us build our village project
Machamp:No I am not giving it to Jigglypuff
*Soul offended used gust*
Machamp fainted
*They walk away*
Soul:It is a gem, guess I will grab it!
*The Machoke and Machamp built the village and are now citizens*
Machamp:it is so beautiful
*Soul sees someone come from a honey tree*
Komushi:I am komushi the heracross and I am attracted by this area so I will live here
Soul:i guess since our village looks cool Komushi wants to come
Iwa:I would like to join too, I am iwa the rognerolla
Soul:Wow this is starting to be a village!
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