Lorelei is frickin annoying she always spams super potions EVERY DAMN TIME WHILE IM STUCK WITH NOTHING, literally, NOTHING. lorelei wiped out half of my team. the other 2 elites were so easy. the only issue was lorelei and her dewgong and cloyster i was beyond angry. MY STUPID A@@ LUCK WONT WORK BECAUSE IT KEEPS SAYING "the attack missed" or "blastoise hurt itself in confusion". i was so close to punching my laptop BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID POKEMON BIAS. each time i tried using hydro pump geuss what it ALWAYS MISSED FOR SOME FREAKIN REASON. and then lance with his annoying ass dragonite. just when i was about to finish lance's dragonite off HE USES A FREAKING HYPER POTION. i was praying he doesnt use another hyper beam i crossed my fingers and geuss what? he used it. he wiped out my vileplume. i had 0 PP left and was forced to use struggle which caused recoil dmg. i managed to make it to the champion but unsuprisingly i died