"Bye, Professor!" said Winnie leaving the lab with Tepig by her side.
Winnie decided to go home to say goodbye to her mom one more time, before she leaves to start her Journey.
*Knock knock* Lily heard someone knocking at the door. "Ah, Winnie! I'm so glad you came home!" she said. "Aww, I see you chose Tepig! What a sweetie! I belive you made a great choice." continued Winnie's mom, with a happiness tear on her cheek. Winnie smiled at her mom and hugged her. "Let's have Breakfast for now." Lily pointed at the table that was full of food. "Wow, mom, how much food! It makes me hungry! Let's eat! Oh, but wait..." Winnie realised something. "Is there something wrong, dear?" asked her mom. "What about Tepig? What is she going to eat?" Winnie was thinking... "Oh, no problem with that! I have some berries prepared right here. They're all for you Tepig!" smiled Winnie's mom. "Tepiiiig!" Tepig was happy too. She roasted her berries with flames and then she started to eat.
After a good meal, Winnie finally had to say goodbye to her mom for a while. "Bye Winnie, bye Tepig!" Lily was crying. Either from happiness or sadness. She didn't know. "Bye mom! I'm gonna miss you a lot!" Winnie wiped off a tear too. Then she left.
Hours and hours passed, but Winnie and Tepig were still walking through the dense forest. Then... they finally encounterd a Pokémon! "Look, Tepig! There's a Lillipup!" Winnie pointed at the Pokémon. "Ok, this is our chance to catch our first member of the Team! Tepig, use your Flamethrower!" said Winnie. Her eyes were glowing. Tepig's attack hit the target! The Lillipup was surprised. It didn't expect an attack. Now it was weak. "Way to go Tepig! Now, Tackle it!" As the Lillipup was weak, it couldn't dodge Tepig. So it got hit. Again. Lillipup almost fainted. "Go, Pokéball!" Winnie threw a Pokéball at Lillipup. It was moving... and moving... and... it stopped! Lillipup was caught! "Oh, yes! Welcome to the Team, Lillipup!" said Winnie calling Lillipup out of it's Pokéball. Everybody was happy. Winnie was ready to continue her Journey. But first... she'll go have lunch.
Chapter 1, part 1:
Btw srry for being so late with part 2. I didn't spend too much time online lately