Got her today for the holiday season.
Got her today for the holiday season.
Part 4:
You can find the rest from there.
There’s been some issues with uploading this these things, I think the chapters are getting too big. I’m gonna give you all a link to Google Docs, where the entire thing including two more chapters is, in the comments. I’ll be going on my summer break and won’t be writing at all. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to comment with suggestions going forward!
Our heroes finally gather at the Spear Pillar!
What is this mysterious Plate Prophecy?
Read to find out!
——— Sinnoh ———
Dawn yawned and stretched, noting her surroundings. Wow, I must have fell asleep. In the Spear Pillar, of all places? I must’ve been real wiped. Piplup stirred next to her, and she grinned. “Morning, sleepyhead.”
She looked up at the sky. “Good afternoon, more like it. Yikes. No more late nights for me!”
She looked to the sky again as movement caught her eye.
What is that? She wondered, as the objects came nearer. There seemed to be four of them. As they got closer, she could make out some more details. A few of them seemed strangely familiar.
She rushed for the entrance of the Spear Piller as the first of the figures touched down.
“Mewtwo!” She called and rushed up to the Legendary Pokémon, embracing her despite her better judgement.
Have… we met?
She let go and stepped back in alarm. “You’re not Mewtwo!”
I believe you’re looking for me.
She turned as Mewtwo, the real one this time, touched down beside her. She went in for a hug. Doesn’t mean I want any hugs, though.
Dawn stepped back, pouting. “And here I was, happy to see you.”
“Piplup!” Mewtwo turned to Piplup, crouching and patting him on the head.
I’m happy to see you too, Dawn. And you, little Piplup.
“So, what’s with the copycat?” She asked, pointing a thumb at the other Mewtwo.
Technically, she’s the copycat. I’m the original.
We’re both copies, so does “which of us came first” matter?
Yes. In any case, there’s two of us, the Other Mewtwo finished.
“Can you believe those two met just a few hours ago?” Asked a familiar voice behind her. A green-haired man was climbing off a tall black Pokémon.
“N!” Dawn cried, rushing over and hugging him.
“It’s good to see you again! Oh, and you too, Zekrom,” she laughed as she reached up and pet the Pokémon of Ideals. It smiled, as did N.
“It’s good to see you too, Dawn. I didn’t realize you and Mewtwo were acquainted. Oh! Before I forget! I met a certain Zorua awhile back. He was happy to learn you were a pal. He wanted me to send you his regards, and to tell you him and Meema are doing alright.”
Dawn beamed, remembering the scrappy little Zorua and his fierce Meema she had befriended oh so long ago. That was before she had even met N!
“I’m glad to know they’re okay! If you see them again, tell em I’m doing alright as well!”
It seems you get around, Mewtwo remarked.
Dawn chuckled, even as she heard a rustle of wings as the final arriver touched down. The spiky-haired youth thanked his Pokémon mount was he hopped off, returning the large bird to its pokéball.
“Who are you?” She asked him. He grinned.
“The name’s Ash. Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town in Kanto!
“My name is Dawn. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too.”
I believe we’re here for a purpose? The male Mewtwo asked.
“Oh yeah!” Ash said, reaching into his bag. He pulled out a number of objects- 3 to be precise- and held them up. All three shone brightly.
“Zekrom said these are called the Plates of Arceus. They led us here. Do you know anything about that?
Dawn nodded. “I have one as well, in the Spear Pillar over there. Unless I’ve missed my guess, these and the other plates are all being drawn to it. Do yours have words on them?
Ash nodded, showing her the Psychic and Dark plates, each with their own inscription.
“There’s supposed to be 18, right?” He asked her.
“Yep. One for each Pokémon Type. I have the Legend Plate, equivalent to the Normal type. These are the Electric, Dark, and Psychic Plates, obviously. Which means there are 14 more out there. If we wait, perhaps the others will arrive and we’ll all get some more answers.”
One by one, the others arrived.
First, was a girl named May from Hoenn, on the back of a large Legendary Pokémon called Rayquaza, holding the Flying, Ground, and Water Plates. Rayquaza and Zekrom seemed to know one another, and greeted each other warmly.
Second was a group of kids from Kalos, accompanied by the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde. What happened then was… interesting to say the least.
As Rei disembarked from the back of his Talonflame, who was relieved to be free of the burden, he looked around at the somewhat familiar sight of the Temple of Origin.
What was left of it.
He had known that, technically, centuries had passed since he had been here. But seeing what was once such a proud, stable building, it jarred him that the columns had all collapsed, the statues of Ancient Hisui’s Lords and Nobles all completely gone. Yveltal alighted behind him.
You, human, have experienced what few, if any, mortals alive have seen. You once saw this ancient temple in all its glory, and now it is simply ruin. In a few more centuries, it will be dust. This, human, is why me and Xerneas minimize our human contact. Humans and their creations are temporary. WE persist against the ravages of Time. WE will live to see the entire planet become like this Temple, a mere fragment of itself before the pieces finally crumble away and us, with it. It is our burden, and keeping our distance from humans is how we manage to bear that responsibility without going mad. Sometimes I think I’ve gone mad anyway…
Rei could not find the words to encourage the bird. For the first time, Yveltal seemed like something other than the fierce and terrifying Pokémon of Death.
He seemed old. And, knowing what he did, Rei felt he understood, at least somewhat. Until now, he had taken for granted what had really happened to him when Arceus sent him back to Ancient Hisui. And all of a sudden, he missed his old friends that much more. Laventon. Adaman.
“Akari?” He asked aloud, as the girl appeared out of the ruins of the Temple of Origin. Before he could stop himself, he rushed up, embracing the girl.
“Uh… I’m sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else?”
She said. Rei let go, backing away quickly. This girl looked just like her. Spoke like her. And yet, she was not.
“Oh. Oh man, I’m sorry, so, so sorry. It’s just, I knew this girl, but she’s gone now, and you look just like her-“
She smiled. “It’s okay. I’m sorry to hear you lost your friend, though. My name’s Dawn. What’s your name?”
“Rei. It’s Rei.”
As the rest of his friends arrived, Rei introduced Dawn to his friends and their accompanying Legendary Pokémon, and revealed the Grass Plate. To her surprise, he already knew all about the Plates and Arceus, whereas the others thus far had learned from their Legendary Pokémon companions. Upon further conversation, she was astounded to learn that he, too, had met Arceus, as well as Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, and the other Legendary and Mythical Pokémon of Sinnoh. Unlike her, however, he had never been to the Distortion World.
As they were swapping stories, Zacian and Zamazenta were bowing and scraping to the canine Zygarde, much to the confusion of their companions, to whom they explained they revered Zygarde as a hero figure. While this was happening, a girl named Lillie from the Alola region arrived, with the Fire Plate.
The next arrivals were a huge surprise for Dawn.
Cynthia appeared over the rise, bearing the Fighting plate.
Regigigas appeared, too, clutching the Rock plate in its fists.
Kyurem also appeared, flying in over the horizon from the Unova region, with the Ice Plate. When Kyurem and Zekrom saw one another, they would have begun attacking one another of it weren’t for Rayquaza, who had experience in these things. Regigigas also kept watch over the two, and Yveltal threatened to Oblivion Wing anyone who started a fight in the Sacred Temple of Arceus. That kept them quiet.
Last of all to arrive were the Lake Spirits, bearing the Fairy Plate.
“Alright, everyone who has a plate, set it down here in the center!” Dawn called, placing the Legend plate in the middle of the floor in the Spear Pillar. Ash stepped up and placed his plates, as Rei added his. And so on and so forth until what of the floor wasn’t covered in human and Pokémon feet was covered with plate. Dawn and Rei, the experts on Plates, began to count.
“I got 15. What about you, Dawn?”
“Also 15. Which ones are missing?”
The Bug, Poison, and Dragon Plates, chimed in Uxie, Lake Spirit of Knowledge.
Here comes the Dragon Plate, now.
A pair of portals opened, and out stepped Dialga and Palkia, who were greeted warmly by Dawn and Rei and returned the greeting in kind. Palkia held the Dragon Plate.
Dawn was cut off as the floor underneath the Plates shimmered and disappeared. Before the Plates could fall, however, they were caught by Palkia’s powers, and out of the hole in the floor came Giratina, shifting from its Origin form to its legged one. He greeted Dawn and Rei kindly before being slapped by Palkia, to Yveltal’s outrage.
What was that for?! Giratina demanded.
You almost dumped the Plates into the Distortion World! They would have been lost!
Well, you caught them!
Dialga sighed as Yveltal let out a piercing cry.
Whether or not I can Oblivion Wing you, I’m sure Regigigas, Zygarde, and Rayquaza here would love to give you two a thrashing on my behalf!
The three nodded, and Palkia and Giratina backed away from one another.
Now, it’s just two. Palkia, do your thing and find the Bug and Poison plates so we can figure out what in the world is going on!
Palkia grumbled something before seemingly staring off into space, which Dawn and Rei figured was probably accurate. After a few moments, he stuck his hand out and it disappeared, only to reappear moments later with both plates.
“Hey, wait a minute!” Ash cried out. “Isn’t that cheating? Where’s the people that were supposed to bring them?”
They missed their summons. If that is the case, then they are not what Arceus needs. The time is now, Dialga responded.
The Plates gleamed, a veritable rainbow of color, as Palkia assembled them into a circle in the center of the Temple floor. Once assembled, they began to move of their own accord, spinning in a slow circle as a shape- which Dawn and Rei recognized as Arceus’ ring- appeared in the center.
A Voice began speaking, a Voice that they felt as much as heard. And even those who did not know Arceus instinctively knew that they were hearing him.
Heroes summoned at Plate’s command,
Joined together they make their stand.
For Freedom and Justice they will Fight,
Turning back the Darkness with Light.
With their Hearts of Steel and their Strength of Mind,
The Flame of Hope they shall find.
The Water stirs, the Land crumbles,
The Sky rumbles and Nature trembles.
Legends rise and Legends fall,
Heroes must unite, to save all!
Everyone was silent as the voice went silent, and the Plates fell to the ground, one by one. Then, everyone began speaking at once, trying to interpret what they could from it.
Silence! Yveltal cried, and was heeded.
Stop squabbling around like a bunch of chicks! There’s an easy solution.
The bird turned to the Lake Spirits.
I know nothing more than yourself, Great Bird, Uxie told him.
Yveltal turned to Dialga, who did not respond.
You’re the Lord of Time. Surely you know?
I do not.
Yeah, right. I don’t think this is really the time-
Dialga seemed to tower over the Pokémon of Death.
You may be old, but you forget that I am far older! I will not tolerate your ignorant behavior! Zygarde, control your charge!
The Protector of the Ecosystem growled at Dialga.
Regardless, I’ve had enough of his attitude, Dialga said, before turning away from Yveltal.
Whatever you think this “isn’t the time for”, Yveltal, I assure you I am quite serious. I can see nothing. A few days ago, my reach suddenly became far more limited. I have been looking for the cause, but I cannot find it. There are two explanations for this. One, I somehow die entirely, which I have reason to doubt. The second, Arceus himself has restricted me. Why, I do not know. I even have half a mind to think something’s wrong, or else he’d have been here by now. Palkia, have you seen him lately?
Palkia shook his head.
I’ve been looking since we gathered here. He is hidden from me, and hidden well. I daresay you’re right. How far ahead can you see?
We’re reaching the limit even as we speak. In fact-
Both Pokémon of Time and Space whirled around as, suddenly, a large portal opened, and out stepped- Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina?
The two pairs of Pokémon saw each other.
The newcomers charged up their attacks.
The originals did the same.
“Secure the Plates!” Rei yelled. Or was it Dawn?
The Legendary Pokémon stood between their human companions and the new conflict.
The attacks fired.
Zygarde sprang forward, rushing for the Plates.
“Squishy!” Bonnie cried, restrained from following by Clemont and Xerneas.
The attacks collided.
A resounding BOOM echoed, and suddenly the two pairs of ancient Pokémon disappeared, and in their place was a black, steadily growing mass- a black hole. Everyone felt the sudden pull as the Plates were sucked in, Zygarde behind them. “SQUISHY!” Bonnie yelled, shaking loose from Clemont and Xerneas and running forward only to be overwhelmed by the pull, screaming.
“Bonnie!” Clemont shouted.
Zacian darted forward, picking up the girl by the scruff of the neck and digging her paws into the stone, fighting against the pull. Zamazenta darted forward, grabbing onto her tail, and Xerneas did the same, Cynthia, Clemont, N, Ash, Dawn, and Rei helping. While their attention was diverted, Pikachu and Piplup slid forward, almost getting sucked in but saved in the nick of time by one of the Mewtwos, the other using its psychic powers to help pull the humans away from the advancing black hole.
It was a losing battle.
The black hole gained more size and strength by the second. It began to tear the very ruins of the Spear Pillar apart. Yveltal was unable to fly away fast enough, and was sucked in. Rayquaza, the faster flier, attempted to save him but was pulled in also, as were the Lake Spirits. A chunk of rock struck the Mewtwo that had saved Pikachu and Piplup on the head, and all three tumbled in. The black hole grew with each victim it claimed. Bonnie was ripped out of Zacian’s jaws by the increasing pull, and Zacian, Zamazenta, and the others in the chain fell suit. The black hole grew massively, sucking in the survivors as they attempted to flee, along with the entirety of the Spear Pillar.
Having run out of victims, the black hole disappeared. All that remained of the Spear Pillar, and the people on it, was a hole in the top of Mt. Coronet.
Rei tumbled through the Black Hole.
Rei was overwhelmed. Was this what death felt like?
There were so many things. Colors, sounds, smells.
Rei’s vision cleared.
Just for a moment.
He saw a face. Closed, tear streaked eyes looking up at him from the item it seemed to be making.
He felt he knew that face. But he was so overwhelmed, his brain could hardly form a coherent thought.
The face disappeared.
And Rei saw no more.
25 Votes in Poll
Well in sun and moon anime episoe that Lillie tries to evlove snowy into Ninetales but Snowy hates Icestone
66 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
33 Votes in Poll
There are 7 characters.
Agatha has been eliminated.
IMPORTANT: Vote for the character you like LEAST.
The character with the most votes after a few days will be eliminated.
Put your votes in the comments.
The last character left wins.
The 7 characters are:
I vote for Lillie.
There are 8 characters.
Lucian has been eliminated.
IMPORTANT: Vote for the character you like LEAST.
The character with the most votes after a few days will be eliminated.
Put your votes in the comments.
The last character left wins.
The 8 characters are:
I vote for Lillie.
There are 9 characters.
Thorton has been eliminated.
IMPORTANT: Vote for the character you like LEAST.
The character with the most votes after a few days will be eliminated.
Put your votes in the comments.
The last character left wins.
The 9 characters are:
I vote for Lillie.
Made for @JasonL Prodigy Hacker
Coral aquaster
Marrowak (alola)
Uhhhh ver with the line art coming soon depends on when I get tired :>
Edit: 1. Yeah I'm gonna post the line art sometime tomorrow maybe 2. HELP MY CLOSET DOOR WASNT CLOSED SECURELY AND IT JUST O P E N E D AND IT WAS TERRIFYING
...and even after copying and pasting the second eye (the left one) it still look weird!!
And even so, it looks better than the previous attempts
Edit: okay it's going good now 👍 once I finished rendering the sketch so it's more visible, I'll post it as a wip. Same for the line art
Ok so I want to draw this card from project sekai
But instead of saki it's Lillie 👍
Sorry if the resolution appears as low, if you'd like to see it in full w higher resolution, the name of the card is "Rainy Distance" (fully upgraded) and is for the Stella After the Rain event :>
It might stay a sketch?? Idk i have yet to find a scrap of dopamine. Even if i do end up finishing it, it'll be a while bc, yk, fully rendered pieces usually take a while idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Original art by SEGA)
(Yes, i am posting this game after very long time..... So sorry for that!!! 😅)
So it is a Game I will give you a Image and you have to describe it, whatever you think about the character, Pokémon or word in the image just comment it!
You can write a word or can give a brief answer 😊
⭐ No off-topic
⭐ No inappropriate words
⭐ No Spamming
So todays Image is of Lillie!
So describe her!
Have Fun! 😄
Lusamine's parenting skills literally make me mad
She treats her kids like literal dolls because they aren't "beautiful" enough
That's basically calling your child "ugly"
And if they aren't beautiful, she won't love them?!!
She also kept way too many secrets from them
-She was literally killing pokemon
-She told them Mohn was dead, even though she's the owner of the Aether Foundation and probably knew that Ultra Wormholes don't kill people
I'm honestly pretty sure if she countinued being somewhat evil, Gladion wouldn't love her anymore. He already didn't even care
Lillie loves her because she's too innocent to notice what her mother is doing wrong (Hmm, That sounds familiar...)