-Great shiny
-Really unique typing that it only shares with one other pokemon (not including gligar) in Landorus and Landorus-Therian
-Bonkers hidden ability in Poison Heal
-Cool concept
-Looks like if Bruce Wayne was a Pokemon and Batman's the coolest hero in DC (change my mine)
-Just a great mon overall (like many gen 4 mons)
Grass: Vinewt, Floralotl, Dentromander
Regional Forms
Ellenic Thundurus: Electric-Psychic (Based on Zeus)
Ellenic Tornadus: Water-Fighting (Based on Poseidon)
Ellenic Landorus: Ghost-Dark (Based on Hades)
Ellenic Enamorus: Fairy (Based on Hera)
Ellenic Solosis, Duosion, and Reuniclus: Poison-Dark
Ellenic Pawniard
Regional Dog
Cerberunt: Ghost. Cerbewrath: Ghost-Fighting
Regional Cat
Regional Bird
Regional Bug
Pseudo Legendary
Pythaura, Auraconda, Auraboros Fairy/Fairy-Dragon (Auraboros)
Other Pokemon
Imphire, Demablaze, Crimsatan: Dark-Fire
Also, reveal of my new character's design (and face reveal in lower image)! My pyjamas. /j My original post was about capturing the Forces of Nature, so I kept that image. I'm not a fan of Thundurus' therian forme though.
The options are:
My fav is Tornadus
31 Votes in Poll
I'm trying to keep track of which of my pokemon are hacked and real so I can eventually have all real legends, myths instead of some being hacked.
Does anyone have a hoopa and or landorous they can trade to me? There the last 2 I need before I have every legendary and mythical from gen 1 to 6. I can trade them back if you want it back afterwards.