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41 Votes in Poll
I like to also become Ash’s Alola rival along with Kiawe, Gladion, and Hau. If she catches Water Pokémon during her vacation, here are the moves for the following possibilities.
Ability: Hydration
Rain Dance
Ice Shard/Ice Beam
Aurora Beam
Ability: Hustle
Iron Defense/Mirror Coat
Bubble Beam
Power Gem
Ability: Damp/Water Absorb
Mud Shot
Water Gun
Sludge Wave
Ability: Keen Eye/Drizzle
Soak/Hydro Pump
Steel Wing
Ability: Thick Fat/Ice Body
Ice Fang
Body Slam/Waterfall
Rock Tomb
Sheer Cold
Ability: Torrent
Metal Claw
Aerial Ace
Ice Beam
Hydro Cannon
Ability: Swift Swim
Rain Dance
Aqua Jet/Whirlpool
Focus Punch
Ability: Suction Cups/Sniper
Lock-On/Focus Energy
Rock Blast/Liquidation
Flamethrower/Flash Cannon/Aurora Beam
Ability: Storm Drain
Muddy Water
Earth Power/Stone Edge
Blizzard/Hyper Beam
Jellicent (Male)
Ability: Curse Body/Water Absorb
Will-O-Wisp/Acid Armor
Shadow Ball/Sludge Wave
Hydro Pump/Water Sprout
Jellicent (Female)
Ability: Curse Body/Water Absorb
Psychic/Night Shade
Dazzling Gleam
Giga Drain/Energy Ball/Hydro Pump
Ability: Mega Launcher
Aqua Jet/Crabhammer
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse
Water Gun/Smack Down/Ice Beam
Ability: Water Bubble
Aqua Ring
Mirror Coat
Ability: Strong Jaw/Shell Armor
Rock Polish/Jaw Lock
Scale Shot/Stone Edge
Ice Fang/Crunch
Surf/Meteor Beam
Ability: Intimidate
Stone Edge
Dragon Tail
Whirlpool/Hydro Pump
Fire Blast/Hurricane/Hyper Beam
Ability: Water Absorb/Shell Armor
Ice Shard
Avalance/Smart Strike
Perish Song/Sheer Cold
Ability: Torrent
Hydro Pump
Gyro Ball
Rock Slide/Rock Tomb
Skull Bash
Ability: Swift Swim/Sniper
Rain Dance/Dragon Dance
Dragon Pulse
Hydro Pump
Draco Meteor
"It's almost Thanksgiving." I told Chloe.
"Yeah, I think my dad made plans for us all to go to Alola and see Ash's friends for Thanksgiving." She said.
"Can I help cook?" I asked. I'm an AWESOME cook.
"Sorry, Mallow's cooking." She said. Wait, I'M MEETING ASH'S ALOLA GANG! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
"You ok?" She asked. I looked in the mirror and my face was RED with excitment!
"YES!!" I said.
A day later we had gotten ready to go and started our hike to the airport.
"I can't wait to see what- A SHINX!" Goh yelled. He scared me, I accidentally hit the Pokeball out of his hand and it hit the Shinx. I caught it. I stood, dumbfounded with the others.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" I screamed. My first Pokemon. "Come on out Shinx!" I said.
"Aw man." Goh said.
"It's ok Goh, you'll have other chances." said Ash, clearly still dumbfounded at what I did.
"We should go, our plane leaves soon, we don't have time to waste." Chloe said.
A few hours later, we landed in Alola. I couldn't wait!
"Hey Ash!" Said Professor Kukiu. Just FYI I know who basically everyone is here.
"Hey Professor!" Said Ash and Goh.
"Everyone's waiting back at the Pokemon school." The Professor said. We all got in the car and left for the Pokemon school.
"Hello Ash, hello Goh!" The students said. We had just gotten to the Pokemon school. Ash's friend Mallow had the table set for a Thanksgiving dinner. I missed Sylvain. This would be the first year we didn't have Thanksgiving together.
"So who are you?" Lana asked Chloe and me.
"I'm Chloe."
"Jesslyn Sylveon Shinx!" I said proudly.
"That's pretty funny, considering that your partner Pokemon seems to be a Shinx!" Sophecles said.
"I just caught her today, in a rather ridiculous way." I said.
"How so?" Kiawe asked.
"I got scared and accidentally hit the pokeball out of Goh's hand." I said, embarresed. We all laughed.
"Let's eat!" Mallow said.
After we were done eating we had tons of fun! This was a good Thanksgiving! I also got to introduce Shinx to my favorite Thanksgiving food, corn souffle/pudding! It seems we both love it!
POV: Sylvain
"So how was it? Did you like my brother's cooking?" Bonnie asked.
"I did." I said.
"Thanks! This is the first time I've really cooked for anyone." Clemont said.
"The turkey was roasted PERFECTLY!" Green said.
"This is a good meal." Silver said.
"I love it!" Bonnie said.
"Thanks everyone!" Clemont said. This moment made me wish I could be with Jess. I remember the first time she cooked a Thanksgiving meal, she was 10 and our mother had recently passed. Our father made people sick everytime he cooked, and people hated when I cooked. Jess looked so happy to see we liked it. I wonder where she was now.
"Sylvain, do you have any Pokemon?" Bonnie asked.
"No, I don't unfortunately." I said. I didn't plan on catching one anytime soon.
"Baroness, we've gotten word of two rifts." The underboss said.
"Oh, have you identified the passers?" I asked.
"No Baroness." The underboss said.
"Then send all Team Decolice units to find out who and where they are, or you will quickly find yourself on the wrong side of me." I said.
"Yes Baroness." I shooed him off.
Sorry this part was late, I had to do late Christmas shopping with my mom!
79 Votes in Poll
May: Blazekin, Blastoise (female), Beautifly, Decatty, Snorlax, Venusaur, Drifblim, Slurpuff or Alcremie, Petilil
Dawn: Piplup, Bunneary, Mamoswine, Pachirisu, Togekiss, Typlosion, Alolan Ninetales, Ribombee
Iris: Haxorus, Excadrill, Emolga, Dragonite, Garchomp, Goodra, Flygon, Altaria, Duraludon, Lapras
Cilan: Pansage, Crustle, Stunfisk, Fenneon, Roserade
Serena: Delphox, Panchum or Pangaro, Sylveon, Jigglypuff, Corsola, Alcremie
Kiawe: Charizard, Turtnator, Alolan Marowack, Talonflame, Chimchar or Monferno or Infernape, Macargo, Flareon
Lana: Primarina, Vaporeon, Lapras, Clawinzer, Pelipper, Gyarados, Piplup or Prinplup or Empoleon, Walrein, Gastrodon
Lillie: Snowy, Clefairy or Clefable, Alcremie, Cottonee or Whimsicott, Azumarill, Frosmoth, Pikachu, Raichu, Alolan Raichu, Minccino, Galarian Rapidash
51 Votes in Poll