Team below
1 A-Raichu
This girl is basically my starter, as I boxed my rowlet for reasons that would take too long to explain. Her name is Sunny.
2 Hawlucha
I was gonna use noivern but noibat evolves way too late, so I used the other gen 6 flying type. His name is Scuffle
3 A-Ninetales
I need a powerful fairy type that is also dual type, and A-ninetales was the best option. Her name will be Flurry
4 Krookodile
Krookodile is just plain cool, and fits in nicely. His name will be Onyx, after the stone and the baryonyx.
5 Armaldo
It's armaldo, what more do I need to say? I have decided on the name Anomaly
6 Salazzle
I needed a fire type and salazzle fit soooo yeah. Her name will be Sulphur
How to rate:
The mon themselves