Couldn’t stop myself from finishing this and posting it lol.
“In our heads, in our heads, they’re fighting. With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns. In our heads in our heads they are crying.” Sang James
“In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie
What's in your head, in your head?
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie-ie, oh” Sang Volo with the man as a rotting corpse image flashed in his mind. He shakily tried to sit up only to collapse and catch himself.
James grabbed some marigold and carefully applied it to the wound before sighing and taking the bandage off to see a nasty bleeding wound. He carefully put his hand on the wound and Volo grabbed James’s arm gently and soon the the wound was gone and healed.
Volo felt James’s finger on his mouth as the man made a shushing noise before saying, “Don’t tell anyone that I healed the wound without any medicine.” He also winked before laying on the ground ready to sleep.
The next morning Rei was pounding on the door as Akari, Kit, Akita, Gloria, Victor, Harper, Lupin, and Korika got a battering ram and began to charge at the door which resulted in Volo getting scared half to death and a pissed off James.
He growled before pushing his way out to see a girl with short blonde hair wearing clown shoes and a man with wild and free hair wearing a haori. The two were arguing about something.
“Get lost? You wish!”
“At least we care if we’re on time! As long as your precious space isn’t harmed you’re totally fine with being tardy!”
The man waved his hand dismissively before storming off into the building while clenching his hands into fists. The girl stuck her tongue out before walking in the building.
“Time in her eyes is spawning past life.” Spoke James with a blank expression loud enough for the two arguing people to hear. “Irida, never say goodbye to Adaman’s part of your life.” He added as he walked up to her.
“How do you know our names?!” Demanded the woman furiously as Adaman just gawked at him. James didn’t respond and just pointed towards Volo.
“Over here, can’t you all see where memories are kept bright tripping over the water like a laughing girl?”
“I remember Mai telling me about you…” whispered Adaman sadly as Irida walked inside while James kept talking. “Um are you finished? I’d like to properly introduce myself.” Asked Adaman rather politely.
“James is my name and yes I am finished. You are Adaman leader of the Diamond Clan. That was Irida of the Pearl Clan you were arguing with.” Responded James without looking.
“Uh how did you know that…?!”
“Visions plague my dreams at night.”
They didn’t respond and only patted James’s back. They walked into the commanders room as Adaman talked his head off to James. In the room waiting was Irida mumbling something about “what’s in his head”.
“Greetings fair lady of the Pearl clan. Pleasure to formally meet you.” Greeted James politely as he fixed his shirt. Kamado glared as Irida shot a glare at James.
“So, I am going to quell noble Kleavor of the woods and Pearl clan?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow. Everyone stared at him in shock and awe. Kamado nodded in agreement but Irida wasn’t having it.
“Why is that wretch of a man doing it?! I’d rather have that zombie of a person doing it!” She spat while pointing at Adaman. Anger burned and flared in the men’s eyes.
Before insults started flying James grabbed Adaman by the arm and dragged him away. The leader didn’t question as they were led outside. “Where are you taking me?” He asked.
“You and Volo are coming with me so I don’t lose the only sanity and kindness left in me.”
Adaman nodded as Volo walked towards them. The Diamond clan member got his hand out of James’s grip and grabbed his hand. “That’s corny.” Grumbled the man as Volo grabbed the other hand.
The three walked as they talked about life. Volo mentioned his nasty scar on his arm and eye as Adaman talked about how he’s not been sleeping well lately due to bad dreams in the night telling him he was going to lose a fight.
“Can you let go of my hands? This looks weird…”
“Absolutely not.”
James sighed loudly as he let them hold his hands. Eventually the two met up with Lian who stared at them with a confused glance. Bloodfur snarled at him with Throat, Blood, and Bone. The man’s Goomy tried and failed to scare them off as Scourge snapped at it.
“You five, behave at a friend not a foe.” Ordered James in a firm tone. The lycanroc obediently sat down beside him ready to attack. “So you wanna be a cowboy eh?” Joked James with a smirk.
“No picking on a 20 year old.” Snapped Lian defensively before challenging James to a battle which was won easily buy Dewott. The warden smiled slightly and started to talk about Kleavor when Irida yelled at him and told the man that he failed his duty as a warden.
“You’re just a good for nothing warden! And you, why the hell are you friendly with some weirdo that fell out of a rift?! Please!” She continued.
“You took a stranger from the rift as a warden!”
“Lady Sneasler chose him not me! If it was up to me I’d leave him out to die after he got better!”
“Stop fighting before I kill you all.”
The fighting stopped as James said that while they collect food for an offering he would ask Laventon to see if he had any ideas. Before Irida could argue Lian agreed to the idea and spoke for her nervously.
They heard screams of terror but were unable to act due to the fact that Volo needed to be home by night and it was already nearly sunset. They ran to jubilife to find Kamado fuming. Apparently something had killed some people that were very important to the village.
The scent of blood filled the air as the four walked to the crime scenes. Adaman curled his nose in disgust as Volo gagged at the sight and the bodies were taken away.
Kamado turned to look at the three who were confused slightly except James who was completely unfazed. The scent of blood was strong but was quickly fading much to Adaman and Volo’s happiness. A smile formed on the survey corps face but quickly became a stern frown as the commander spoke about some crap James didn’t give a damn for.
Soon James had a lit cigarette that he smoked with Adaman and Volo as they waited for Laventon to come up with something. “EURIKA!” He shouted as he bolted in. Suddenly, they had a plan which was to throw mashed up food at Kleavor to sooth him.
They walked to the arena to fin Lian cowering behind Irida who had a scar above their left eye. She sighed as she challenged James to a battle with her Glaceon which she lost to.
James leapt into the arena and gracefully dodged every attack while throwing the balms. Irida stared at him in awe with Lian, Volo, and Adaman. Not a single attack hit them as the noble slowly became quelled. Before they all knew it, light erupted from the body of the noble and then he wasn’t frenzied anymore as he leapt away.
Irida shook James’s hand and said, “I may hate you, but I thank you heavily.” James responded with a smile as he and his friends left. Irida went her separate ways as Adaman wondered who would be crying today.
“Well, well, well…look what we have here.”
They tried to scream but was cut off and soon their world was black. Meanwhile Volo felt weird tingles in his arm and had to stop only to find a rash like spot on the limb.
They sighed as they covered it up with their sleeve and caught up with the group. At jubilife Cyllene was awaiting James. She demanded for him to control Gloria and Victor but James didn’t give a damn and just reported to Kamado.
——Paldea shorts :>——
Nemona was drinking some beer and Arven was smoking a pipe when Penny started crying about her fluffy Eevee backpack being lost. So Giacomo, Jessie, Arven, Nemona, and Butch decided to help them find said backpack.
“Soft and fluffy, it’s lost now it’s found, we were on the hunt and after it.” Cried Penny as Arven found it. But they hadn’t found their friend James, little did they know was that he had become really good friends with a merchant and a clan leader.
Adaman wound up staying with James that night and Volo had officially moved in with the survey corps member happily. He didn’t care that he had a job. They had other merchants, he’d rather be with some people he cared for.
Luckily for him, he could still sell things to his friends and the people at Jubilife. That night, they all had visions along with Irida. But Volo’s dream became a horrifying blood filled nightmare whereas James’s became a dream about the creation trio and Arceus singing as the other legendaries and mythicals chanted.
“Come on and let me live.”
“What the hell?”
“I can’t sing in peace?”
“What are you singing?”
“Jig of Life.”
“Sounds interesting.”
James nodded at that as he sat up. Adaman as sleeping on his left side and Volo was on his left side. “I hope me and Irida can at least become friends one day.” He wished silently as the merchant began to snore softly. A smile crept across James and Adaman’s face as they laid back down and tried to sleep again.